Thursday, June 11, 2020

One Piece: 10 Things Most Fans Still Don't Know About Wano

One Piece is headed into a tough year, as constant publication issues for the foreseeable future are gonna keep the story at a steady crawl. This is most unfortunate for fans given that Wano has not only proven to be one of the series' most exciting arcs but just one of the most mysterious worlds in One Piece.
It's aesthetic is directly drawn from Japanese history and lore but still builds on its own story and mythology, connecting with and building upon the series' already established mysteries. Despite a large portion of the story already being shown, fans still have plenty of questions left unanswered about Eiichiro Oda's rendition of the Land of the Rising Sun. Here are a few things that still stump most fans.

10 Lord Orochi's Strength

Moving forward, fans can at least tell that there are some epic fights coming this way. Monkey D. Luffy and Eustass Kid have been preparing to fight Kaido, Zoro gets to try out his new toys, and the Animal Kingdom Pirates practically have a sparring partner for every person. With that being said, fans are still speculating as to who will take on Lord Orochi and if the confrontation will even be that satisfying.
Orochi is one of the arc's main villains, a Hydra human, and the Shogun to an entire country of elite samurai. However, fans have yet to see if Orochi himself is actually a credible threat and if any confrontation with him will be anything more than just comic relief.

9 Ties With World Government

Heading to Wano, fans already knew that it is one of the few countries to reject the World Government's rule, and it certainly can afford to do so given its elite military power and resources. However, despite that abject defiance, there is this one stray scene in the current arc that had Orochi negotiating but still berating members of CP0 who came with some offer to connect the two parties.
One has to wonder why now of all times is the World Government trying to extend a hand to Orochi, what there plan is with spies like X. Drakie, and what Orochi himself has to gain.

8 Reasons For Isolation

Much like Japan long ago, Wano has been undergoing an extended isolationist period, one that has protected its borders but kept its society ignorant of the people and advancements of the outside world. Kozuki Oden himself made it an issue to see the outside for himself and try to open up Wano's borders with his own power.
Given that strong passion and the many gifts that opening up can bring, fans are still left wondering as to why Wano isolated itself in the first place and if any particular event encouraged it.

7 Identity Of The Numbers

Since their debut, Oda has done a great job of making the fans' imagination go wild when it comes to how big and powerful Kaido's Numbers can be. So far, they've either been shown as simple silhouettes or relegated off screen.
Given the reactions of various characters, fans can only assume that they're a big deal, though many continue to speculate that they may be all manner of horrifying monsters. Nothing has been confirmed yet, of course, which only has the Numbers haunt fans even more.

6 Origins Of The Meito

One Piece has done a terrific job of hyping up meito swords as the best of the best. They're a sought after treasure for elite sword fighters and a chief collectable for a sword nerd such as Tashigi.
While there's been plenty of love given to these swords, not much is currently known about their blacksmiths or craftsmen. These must've been talented and influential individuals to have crafted weapons that still strike fear and respect to this day and must have some plot importance moving forward.

5 Origins Of Fox-Fire Style

Kin'emon has been a hit in a variety of ways. He's been a fun companion on the Thousand Sunny, a reliable guide on Wano, and an even more respectable captain of the remaining scabbards. While the series has done a good job of building up his character and explaining certain relationship dynamics and powers such as his Devil Fruit, it did leave one question out there that it has yet to answer.
What is Fox-Fire Style? For strange moves like this, One Piece typically gives some explanation, but Kin'emon seemingly just pulls his fire sword ability out of nowhere, and no one really questioned it. Is this an actual Wano technique, a hidden trick, or does Kin'emon have a special sword?

4 What Kozuki Toki Wanted

When Toki first debuted, she came in out of nowhere asking to go to Wano. The reason why has yet to be revealed. Fans are unsure if she was a past resident just trying to come home or if she had a greater mission in mind.
If she was a resident of Wano, why did her Time-Time Fruit drop her off somewhere far off from Wano? Did she escape long ago or is she from another land? The other shoe is gonna drop at this point, but it's tantalizing to think what a time traveler wants with an entire country.

3 Connection To Zoro

Fans already knew that Zoro would be in his element once he stepped into Wano, and he has yet to disappoint since. What some fans may not realize however is Zoro's deeper origins with the country.
In a recent SBS, Oda actually revealed that Zoro's master is the descendant to some travelers that once left Wano but found a home on his village, answering as to why samurai and particularly his Wado Ichimonji were in the East Blue. Even more perplexing, Oda teased that Zoro's parents may be special and seemingly tied with Wano. Is Zoro a Wano descendant? What greater meaning, if anything, will there be to his arc?

2 Bond Between Samurai And Mink

Several years ago, if someone were to say that One Piece was gonna draw a connection between samurai and talking animals, they would get funny looks. To be fair, some of them may have been interested given Oda's writing, but the general consensus would've been that it was just weird.
Looking at the story today, and fans are in love with the familial and respectful relationship between Mink and Wano resident. However, there's still a lot left to see as to their origins and why samurai and talking animals from a wandering, living country came to know each other.

1 Relationship To Poneglyphs

The greatest mystery of all to come out of Wano was the big reveal that the Poneglyphs actually came from there. In addition to being master fighters, the people of Wano have also used their blade to carve into large pieces of sea prism stone, citing stories and information to be passed down for generations.
Fans are still wondering as to why they made the Poneglyphs in the first place and what the country actually knows about the Void Century and, perhaps, even the One Piece itself.