Saturday, September 19, 2020

One Piece: 5 Betrayals Fans Actually Liked (& 5 That Were Heartbreaking)

The fantastical world of One Piece is a world infested with pirates and all sorts of outlaws. And because the series is heavily premised on piracy and defying the law, there’s bound to be many instances that serve to highlight said premise. More particularly, an abundance of crimes against the law as well as crimes against morality-- the world is akin to a wasteland.

In such a wasteland, betrayals are but a common occurrence. Since the beginning of the series, there have been more betrayals than one could count. And naturally, a good chunk of these betrayals triggered a primal feeling of disgust within the fans. While others were surprisingly welcome.

10 Fans Liked: Lola Leaves Totto Land

There’s a vague line separating the pursuit of freedom and piracy; a line that the series makes sure everyone takes note of. Moreso, there are plenty of pirates who choose piracy as a means to pursue freedom, e.g: Roger, Luffy.

And unknown to many, Charlotte Lola chose that path as well. She ran away from the arranged marriage that Big Mom valued the most, and by doing so, she incurred the Yonko’s wrath.

9 Heartbreaking: Pudding Betrays The Straw Hats

Immediately after her debut, Pudding not only won the trust of the Straw Hats but she also won the hearts of the fans. Little did anyone know that beyond her sweet gentle smile, lay a scheme as deep as the ocean.

That being said, shortly after betraying the Straw Hats, Pudding completely redeemed herself and became a fan-favorite once again.

8 Fans Liked: Capone Bege Betrays Big Mom

At this point, it’s pretty evident that Big Mom isn’t particularly popular within her circle of acquaintances. She was betrayed multiple times in a short span of time, which speaks a lot about her character. Maybe if she was a little bit nicer, she wouldn’t have suffered one betrayal after the other.

And to make matters worse (for Big Mom), Bege succeeded in turning the very card that was supposed to tie him to the Big Mom Pirates, against the Yonko in question: Chiffon.

7 Heartbreaking: The Betrayal Of Orochi

Orochi is a snake, both literally and figuratively. He slithered his way to the position of the Shogun through sheer deceit and a chain of betrayals. He might quite possibly be the character with the most betrayals up their record in the series.

Having said so, his act of securing the Shogun’s position remains his biggest betrayal to date. He inverted many truths and bit the hands that fed him; even pirates would shy away from Orochi’s scummy deeds.

6 Fans Liked: Rosinante Betrays Doflamingo

In retrospect, Rosinante never was on Doflamingo’s side for him to betray him. From the getgo, he only stuck to his brother in order to perform his Marine duties. That said though, Doflamingo obviously thinks otherwise.

The Ope Ope no Mi which Doflamingo desired so much ended up being fed to Law. And the consequences to Rosinante’s betrayal was death.

5 Heartbreaking: Apoo Betrays Kid

Pirate alliances end up in shambles more often than not. And they only do so due to one side betraying the other-- if not both sides betraying each other. This was the case with the alliance between Apoo and Kid.

This betrayal led to the capture of Kid alongside his crew. And because of it, Kid is now distrustful towards any pirate who isn’t under his banner.

4 Fans Liked: Kuzan Leaves the Marines

Kuzan defecting from the Marines was an event that rocked the world of One Piece. No one would’ve expected a mighty Marine Admiral to cut their ties with the Marines and allegedly form connections with the opposing side.

Fans now speculate a possible future alliance between the Straw Hats and Kuzan. It might be far fetched, but it’s not completely out of the question.

3 Heartbreaking: The Betrayal Of Blackbeard

Blackbeard’s betrayal is generally considered as one of the series’ most iconic betrayals, if not the most. Usually, when pirates betray each other they don’t do so within the crew. Even the worst of pirate crews have bonds that keep the crew from crumbling from the inside-- some even akin to family bonds.

Blackbeard’s disgusting betrayal would be the trigger to a chain of events that would change One Piece as we know it.

2 Heartbreaking: A Certain Kurozumi’s Betrayal

If you are not caught up with the manga and would like to avoid major spoilers, then this is where you turn back-- everything beyond this point is spoiler ridden.

The betrayal of Kanjuro almost led to the downfall of the Red Scabbards and their allies. The fact that he was a spy from the very getgo shocked everyone to the core. Just who would’ve thought that a samurai retainer - the physical manifestation of loyalty, if such a manifestation existed- would end up backstabbing his friends. Not even the wildest of theorists would’ve seen it coming!

1 Fans Liked: Kaido’s Betrayal

When Orochi had his serpent head severed by Kaido, almost everyone thought the same thing-- serves him right! The fickle finger of fate really does dote on irony.

With that being said, the possibility of Orochi dying is almost nil. It would be very careless of a paranoid individual such as Orochi to not account for the aforementioned event. Furthermore, the Hydra is known for its immortal heads-- chopping a hydra’s head with the purpose of killing it is absurd, to say the least.

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