Monday, September 28, 2020

One Piece: 5 Ways Big Mom Is Better Than Kaido (& 5 In Which Kaido Is Better)

Big Mom and Kaido are two of the Four Emperors of the Sea in the world of One Piece currently. Although rivals right now, the two belonged to the same pirate crew long ago, called Rocks Pirates, captained by the legendary Rocks D. Xebec.

After the God Valley Incident, they went their own ways and started their very own pirate crews. Both Kaido and Big Mom have made a great name for themselves as Yonko. Here are 5 ways Big Mom is better than Kaido and 5 in which the latter reigns supreme.

10 Big Mom: Never Lost

Big Mom is one of the most fearsome pirates in the One Piece world and that reputation of hers is backed by the fact that she's never lost a fight that she's been in that the fans know of. Every time Big Mom gets serious, she is a menace to deal with.

Kaido, while just as fearsome, is a pirate who is known to have lost 7 times in his life. He might be an incredibly powerful character but his record certainly doesn't look good compared to Big Mom.

9 Kaido: Strongest Creature

Kaido is known to be the strongest creature in the world of One Piece. His reputation paints him as someone who will always win a fight if it's one-on-one.

While that certainly isn't true, Kaido is definitely acknowledged by everyone to be the strongest living being on land, air, and sea. Even his rivals, such as Big Mom herself, have admitted to him being a massive threat that no normal force in the world can take down.

8 Big Mom: Possibly Defeated Kaido

As mentioned above, Kaido is a pirate who has lost 7 battles in his life as a pirate. Furthermore, he's been captured by the Navy or the other members of the Four Emperors at least 18 times and sentenced to death around 40 times. It is quite clear that Kaido has fought the other Yonko on several occasions, including Big Mom.

Big Mom, being one of the strongest of all his rivals, is a character who could have defeated Kaido one of the seven times in the past.

7 Kaido: Indestructible

Having lost so many battles and getting captured 18 times, Kaido has been subjected to over a 1000 tortures, as the story puts it. He's also been sentenced to death 40 times, however, every time his rivals tried to kill him, they failed.

Not even one member of the Navy or the Four Emperors was able to kill him, and that includes Kaido himself. He is known to have sunk 9 different prison ships, which just goes to show how mighty he truly is.

6 Big Mom: Greatest Intelligence Network

Big Mom is one of the fiercest pirates in the One Piece world when it comes to fighting, however, there is much more to her crew than just that. When it comes to information gathering, Big Mom's crew is a cut above all her rivals.

She knew exactly where and how the Straw Hat Pirates trained during the time-skip, and later on, she also knew how to enter Wano Country. Kaido's crew themselves admitted to the fact that Big Mom had them beat when it came to intel.

5 Kaido: Highest Active Bounty

Kaido is a pirate known to be the strongest in the entire world and his pirate crew is far more dangerous than any other of the Yonko crews since they wreak havoc everywhere they go, with Zou being a prime example of that.

His strength, combined with his notoriety, has earned him the highest known active bounty in the world currently, and the figure stands at 4,611,100,000 Berries.

4 Big Mom: A Loyal Crew

Both Big Mom and Kaido are pirates who have worked together on the Rocks crew long ago. While this crew was incredibly strong, it is heavily implied that this crew was marked with betrayals, which ultimately led to its downfall.

To avoid that, Big Mom created a crew of just her kids, which includes 46 sons and 39 daughters. Although she does rule with fear, her crew is very loyal to her, unlike Kaido's, which is filled with mutineers.

3 Kaido: Menacing At All Times

Kaido is the most fearsome pirate alive in the One Piece world. It is said that he's a pirate who is always considered to be a menace, no matter what his mood. The only thing that Kaido respects is power and that's why his crew is a meritocracy as well.

Big Mom is much more laid-back compared to him, even if she's his equal in terms of power. For those who love fearsome enemies, there is no better villain than Kaido.

2 Big Mom: Layered Character

Big Mom is one of the best-written characters in One Piece and has quite a lot of layers to her. From her childlike personality to her hazy memory and her hunger pangs, Big Mom is quite interesting to watch because nobody can predict what she's up to.

Her power is off the charts but she has a personality that often swings between that of a child, and one where she wants nothing but power. This is something that Oda will likely address in the future of the story.

1 Kaido: Extremely Cruel

When it comes to truly being a pirate, Kaido is the best one fans can get in the One Piece world.  Being the captain of the Beasts Pirates, he is a pirate whose cruelty knows no bounds. Just one of his henchmen, Jack, completely destroyed Zou and left the race on Mink near extinction.

Kaido himself has enslaved the entire population of Wano and he is as bad as a pirate can get. Big Mom, although cruel and power-hungry, is much more understanding.

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