Monday, September 28, 2020

One Piece: Top 10 Villains Of The Dressrosa Saga

One Piece's Dressrosa Saga not only laid the groundwork for the Yonko grand Saga, but it also represented a substantial piece inseparable from the story. Plenty of new interesting characters were featured, a handful of mysteries were unveiled, and loads upon loads of plot content was added. All in all, the saga was more than decent when compared to most of its counterparts.

As one of the biggest One Piece stories, Dressrosa naturally has a designated band of bad guys. And if there was one aspect which One Piece spoiled fans with, then it has to be the series' quality of villains. The genius of these villains doesn’t solely lie on how well-written they are, there are also several other aspects that dictate that fact; for example, their introduction, build-up sequence, and the final execution. All these aspects mashed up with Oda’s adept writing produce some of anime’s most iconic villains.

10 Yeti Cool Brothers

The Straw Hats suffering occasional defeats isn’t new to One Piece. That said, there’s only a handful of times where said defeats were brought upon by a side or an otherwise minor villain.

The Yeti Cool Brother pulled this off at Punk Hazard and nearly reaped the lives of Zoro, Sanji, and Franky. Have it not been for their egos, these minor villains would have spelled the end for a few of the Straw Hats.

9 Jesus Burgess

Jesus Burgess is a core and notorious member of the Blackbeard Pirates. In comparison to the rest of the crew, he is the one with the most screentime. Not due to him being a regular, but due to the Blackbeard crew’s general elusiveness in the series.

Jesus’ performance in Dressrosa garnered him quite a bit of attention, so much so that it heightened the audience's expectations for the rest of the crew.

8 Senior Pink

Easily one of the most iconic villains of the Dressrosa arc, Senior Pink earned the favor of the fans with sheer awesomeness, and awesomeness alone.

Senior Pink's strength was subpar at best and his design was nothing inconspicuous compared to the One Piece norm, but his catchy persona separated him from the rest of the side villains. This villain also received a surprisingly sympathetic backstory, one that added a lot of depth to the character without demanding a great deal of screentime. Because of that, fans still hold hope for Senior Pink's return.

7 Pica

As gigantic and menacing Pica was, his overall role was more or less negatable. That being said though, he still served his purpose of gauging Zoro’s strength rather beautifully. He wasn’t weak enough to be one-shotted, yet not strong enough to pose a serious challenge for the swordsman.

All in all, Pica did a better job making Zoro look cool rather than hindering him. His voice also sparked some of the funniest moments in the saga.

6 Sugar

Though her personal strength is nothing impressive, Sugar’s overall performance was jaw-dropping, to say the least. To think that she was the main culprit behind Dressrosa’s miserable state is just hair-raising.

Sugar also happens to have one of the series’ most interesting Devil Fruits, the Hobby-Hobby Fruit. A Devil Fruit that could end it all in but a touch, given the right context of course. With this power, Sugar can transform victims into toys and erase them from the memories of everyone else. It is a haunting ability.

5 Vergo

It’s unknown where Vergo stood in the Donquixote Family’s strength hierarchy, but it had to be somewhere close to the top. His Armament Haki was notable enough to receive praise from the Heavenly Demon himself, Doflamingo.

Furthermore, Vergo seemed more capable than the vast majority of the Donquixote officers, which provides even more reason to believe in his strength. His fall was unbefitting a man of his caliber.

4 Caesar Clown

Caesar Clown made his debut as the perfect mad scientist. His Devil Fruit was attention-grabbing and he even had a catchy evil laugh. But with all said and done, Caesar somehow managed to degrade with each episode he was featured in.

All Caesar's grandeur and final boss vibes faded into oblivion; his only remaining legacy is that of a comic relief who provides a cheap laugh or two at the expense of his ever-deflating 'glory.' It could be said that he was a poor victim of One Piece’s narrative.

3 Trebol

Looks can be very deceiving, and that’s the exact case with Trebol. His manner of conduct and demeanor stand in stark contrast with his past accomplishments. He was the one who brought about the birth of Joker, the uncontended king of One Piece’s underworld, yet, he appears nothing like it.

However, one thing that hasn’t changed about Trebol is the repulsiveness he constantly radiates. There’s really nothing to like about this man.

2 Diamante

All three of Doflamingo’s lieutenants were exceptional villains. Trebol disgusted the masses, Pica handled the defense, and Diamante provided the offense. The latter also commanded the Donquixote Family’s elite fighting force.

One of Diamante’s nefarious deeds was assassinating the first princess of Dressrosa, Scarlett. An act which garnered him more hate than love from the One Piece community. But of course, Kyros managed to defeat him and avenge his fallen wife.

1 Donquixote Doflamingo

Last, but definitely not least, is Donquixote Doflamingo. The grand villain of the Dressrosa saga and quite possibly the most notorious bad guy to ever grace One Piece. Strength-wise, Doflamingo might be weaker than the likes of Big Mom and Kaido, but character-wise, he solidly outperforms the two Yonko.

In fact, Big Mom and her childish side appear rather cute when compared to the pure malice that is Doflamingo. With an incredible backstory and a vile disposition, Doflamingo made the Dressrosa saga something truly special.

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