Monday, September 28, 2020

One Piece: Top 10 Villains Of The Yonko Saga

So far, the Yonko Saga managed to generate more hype than all of its predecessors, and it has only just reached its climax. In terms of new content, sequence-build up, and perfect execution, the aforementioned saga also stands head and shoulders above its counterpartsーit has gotten that much attention from Oda.

The content aspect of the Yonko Saga can be broken down into multiple pieces of which includes characters. And because it’s One Piece, the quality of the characters almost never fails to deliver. Very few could be considered subpar with the rest being more than satisfying. The villains, in particular, did not disappoint as usual. While there might be a couple of antagonists below the usual One Piece standards, that is to be expected when there are many of them to cover.

10 Pudding

Even though Pudding’s role as a villain was short-lived, she pulled it off spectacularly nevertheless. A good bunch of villains with strengths way above her failed to even come close to her in terms of merit.

Granted that it was also Pudding who assisted the Straw Hats in their escape on more than one occasion. Due to that, the One Piece community has more love than hate for her.

9 Cracker

Cracker was one of the earliest hindrances Luffy and the gang had to overcome in the Whole Cake Island. He did provide a good challenge for Luffy, but he was eventually overcome.

The thing about Cracker is that he left the spotlights as fast as he entered them. Following his defeat, he quickly faded into oblivion making himself comfortable in the back of our minds.

8 Judge

A good villain will always stimulate more than a single emotion from the audience. Hate for their outrageous deeds, love for their build, and so much more in between. Judge, however, does not necessarily follow the same pattern.

Character-wise, he could be considered quite decent. But having said so, he was set up by the One Piece narrative to be a subject of hate. The man has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

7 Jack

As one of Kaido’s All-Stars, Jack naturally deserves a rightful mention. On multiple occasions, Jack got himself involved in situations that ended up miserable for him. His showcase of imperfection unwittingly painted him in more realistic colors.

To expose one’s weaknesses is to expand one’s character depth. A character with little to no imperfections is hard to relate to after all.

6 King

While Jack is allowed to be imperfect, the same can not be said for King. He is Kaido’s right-hand man, so he naturally needs to be capable. And so far, he sure did prove himself capableーat least to some extent.

There still remains an air of mystery shrouding King, one that intrigues both fans and fellow characters alike. His disposition is easily one of the most balanced within the Beast Pirates.

5 Queen

More often than not, a character can not survive with mystery alone. Most certainly, a character like Shanks can use mystery to his advantage and remain relevant for the longest time, but that’s just Shanks. King has not been in the game for long enough to pull off such a stunt.

With that in mind, let’s transition to the next point: Queen far outperforming King in terms of character. Many aspects that build-up a good character are prevalent in Queen rather than King.

4 Orochi

Frankly, Oda always makes it hard for the fans to dislike the characters he creates. Even Judge, a mostly disliked character, has made out of the hate zone due to his actions at the end of the Whole Cake Island arc.

With that being said, Oda is giving fans absolutely no choice but to dislike Orochi. He is straight out repulsive with zero redeeming qualities. Even the likes of Trebol can not hold a candle to this snake man when it comes to that regard.

3 Big Mom

Big Mom is a character who brute-forced her way into relevancy, or that’s what the casual fan would think. Think about it for a second; if all the Yonko were near-perfect in all aspects with no flaws whatsoever, just how boring would that be?

The genius of Oda manifests itself in the case of Big Mom and most of the other faulty characters. Big Mom certainly is a good villain worthy of her status.

2 Katakuri

Perfection is not a new concept to anime. It has existed since the dawn of anime, so much that it’s now considered a trope. Perfect charactersーor rather, characters who act and react in a perfect manner always appeal to the fans.

But with all said and done, perfect characters are either a hit or miss. It’s crafting the said perfect character rather perfectly that deserves praise. And Katakuri is exactly that, an overpowered perfect character executed magnificently. He easily is one of the most prominent villains in One Piece.

1 Kaido

A Hundred Beasts Kaido is the World’s Strongest Creature. Similar to Big Mom, but on a much smaller scale, Kaido is a character with many apparent flaws, but these act more like strong points.

Hopefully, the full depth of Kaido will be explored before the end of Wano. There’s so much about him that makes him more intriguing than Big Mom.

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