Saturday, October 10, 2020

One Piece: 5 Devil Fruit Powers Carrot Would Love To Have (& 5 She Doesn't Need)

In the world of One Piece, Carrot is a rabbit-themed mink from the Warrior Beast Tribe who has proven herself to be a powerful ally to the Straw Hat Pirates. She's a powerful warrior, with something of an alter-ego, but she is actually rather friendly, affectionate, and even something of an artistic soul. But regardless if someone is her friend or enemy, they probably don't want to eat one of her carrots.

When it comes to power in this series' universe, a new ability might just be a taste of a Devil Fruit away. Still, some of these fruits can be more of a curse than a blessing. There are powers that Carrot could be able to make good use of, but there are others she wouldn't want or really even need.

Let's take a look at some of these powers Carrot could try out and determine which of these could be beneficial for her and which do not suit her. Please note, spoilers will be included.

10 Yomi Yomi no Mi (Love)

The Yomi Yomi no Mi fruit gives the person who eats it a form of immortality. Like a phoenix, they can technically still die, but their soul has the power to return to its body. There is one slight catch: the person's body can still rot, meaning a person could end up, as Brook learned the hard way when he took too long to return to his body and ended up a living skeleton.

Normally, that one caveat would make immortality undesirable for most, but there's a reason it might be worth it for Carrot: staying in her Sulong form for too long can end up killing her. It's possible that the fruit might finally free her from this issue. And given her fear of ghosts, she might jump at the chance of not having to be one in the long run.

9 Hobi Hobi no Mi (Doesn't Need)

The Hobi Hobi no Mi fruit has the person who eats it the power to turn people into toys. While this might seem like a fun idea at first, it usually comes with horrific consequences, like people forgetting the transformed victim.

Given how empathetic Carrot can be towards people, such as being horrified at the idea of Luffy being poisoned, she probably would be appalled to come into such power.

8 Mane Mane no Mi (Love)

The Mane Mane no Mi fruit gives someone the power to imitate others, copying them right down to their very likeness. Carrot should know the importance of having a ready-made disguise on hand since she was once on the opposite end of this.

At one point, she and Chopper had to use a decoy of Carrot, that had been made from a frog, after Brûlée tried to cook her into a soup.

7 Soru Soru no Mi (Doesn't Need)

The Soru Soru no Mi fruit gives someone the power to manipulate souls. This probably isn't something Carrot would want to get herself involved with, since, as mentioned, she has been shown to be afraid of ghosts.

While it would give Carrot an upper hand when dealing with them, the main power of the fruit seems to come from drawing souls out of people, essentially creating ghosts.

6 Toki Toki no Mi (Love)

The Toki Toki no Mi fruit grants the power to travel forward through time, even allowing a person to live within different time periods. Carrot may have her good qualities, but she doesn't seem exactly patient and she really underestimated how vast the sea is (and how long trips on the water can be), so she'd seem to be the kind of person who'd like this time saver. And when she finishes her carrots, she can always teleport herself in time to when she has more food.

The one drawback is that it cannot allow the user to travel to the past, but it might not even be necessary as long as the user is careful. Finally, one of Carrot's biggest assets when it comes to a fight is her speed, and becoming faster than time itself is the next logical step.

5 Mira Mira no Mi (Doesn't Need)

The Mira Mira no Mi gives someone the power of reflection, whether it is in reflecting an opponent's attack or reflection. At face value, this seems like a very useful power, but Carrot knows firsthand that it is not without consequences.

When she was being targeted by Brûlée, who had this power, Carrot was the one who had the idea to use her power against her. Ironically, though, this ability is similar to the one provided by the Mane Mane no Mi fruit. It was this fruit's power that allowed Carrot to have a decoy of herself.

4 Mera Mera no Mi (Love)

The Mera Mera no Mi fruit holds the power to literally play with fire. As a mink, Carrot is already adept at the Electro power, which even allows her to attack enemies, even more than one at a time, with an electric charge.

The power to control and manipulate fire is the next step when someone already has similar power over electric energy. It's also a clever back-up when electric power isn't readily available; something immune to electrocution might not be immune to fire.

3 Bari Bari no Mi (Doesn't Need)

The Bari Bari no Mi fruit gives someone the power to create barriers. Normally, this would be a very useful power to have in combat, but it probably isn't in Carrot's style. She is a natural-born fighter who takes on her enemies directly and probably wouldn't be interested in ways to build up her defense. Some of her attacks literally require her to touch an opponent.

Even when it comes to Carrot's personality, she doesn't like the idea of personal space as it is, since she likes to be affectionate and hold onto people. And there are times when she needs someone to pat her on the head. That said, there is one time when Carrot would probably find this fruit's power to be useful: when people are interested in taking her carrots.

2 Ato Ato no Mi (Love)

The Ato Ato no Mi grants a person the power to transform a person or object into a work of art. Carrot's secret skill is that she's actually quite the talented artist, whether it comes to creating maps or portraits, even if she tends to make people look a little more effeminate than they are in real life. And every artist likes finding new tools to hone their craft.

There is the caveat that Carrot probably wouldn't want to harm a person by using the power on them, but objects seem to be fair game. Even so, the transformation is perfectly reversible, so maybe even she wouldn't mind experimenting with her friends now and again.

1 Hito Hito no Mi (Doesn't Need)

The Hito Hito no Mi grants the ability to transform into a human or at least a humanoid-like being. Famously, Chopper of the Straw Hat Pirates ate such a fruit. Now, while minks call humans "lesser minks," they generally don't hold any grudge against humans and Carrot is rather close to Chopper, but this isn't the fruit for her.

On one hand, minks have many biological advantages over humans, with Carrot risking her speed and agility if she'd try this fruit. There's also the fact that, as a mink, Carrot is already a humanoid-like being; eating the fruit might just make things redundant and only give her the power she already has. Given how dangerous it is to eat more than one Devil Fruit, eating this fruit could be kind of a waste.

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