Saturday, October 17, 2020

One Piece: Every Known Heart Pirate Ranked By Likability

The vast world of One Piece is quite a colorful world. Not colorful in the sense of radiating positivity (it’s anything but that), but colorful in the sense of variety and diversity. It’s one of the series’ strongest points that separates it from the average shonen anime. No other series could hope to compete, let alone outperform, One Piece in terms of the world.

It’s the same world that houses One Piece’s great cast of characters, yet another strong point that sold the series to thousands of fans. Not all of these characters are likable (most of them are), but some are more likable than the others. The Heart Pirates, for example, boast high popularity in the One Piece community. They are one of the few crews that stayed consistent throughout the series. This is partly due to their alliance with the Straw Hats, and mostly due to how dynamic they are. This list will be exploring the Heart Pirates and just how likable they are.

8 Uni

First things first, there really isn’t much fans know about the members of Heart Pirates besides a handful few. A good bunch of them weren’t there prior to the time skip, which explains the lack of info.

Uni, too, is apparently one of the freshest members of the crew. Nothing is known about his character and persona, thus his likability can not be gauged accurately.

7 Clione

Clione is also one of the newest members of the Heart Pirates. And just like Uni, fans know next to nothing about him. Furthermore, the number of times he appeared on the screen can be counted with one hand, hence his very little impact.

Wano has been so chaotic that Oda probably had no time to invest in the side characters such as Clione and Uni. In fact, even their captain, Trafalgar Law, didn’t get a satisfying amount of screentime (not like he received any in the first place).

6 Ikkaku

Ikkaku concludes the presence of the Heart Pirate’s new recruits on this list. She is also is a relatively new character who made her debut in Zou. For the same reasons as the former two, Ikkaku cannot be gauged on the likability scale.

Prior to the alliance being formed, Uni, Clione, and Ikkaku voiced their complaints against the alliance between their crew and the Straw Hats, which is understandable. More often than not, pirate alliances always end in betrayals.

5 Jean Bart

Jean Bart joined the Heart Pirate’s voyage back in Sabaody Archipelago. Long before sailing under Law’s jolly roger, Jean captained his own pirate crew. And a pirate crew that operates in the Grand Line isn’t one to be underestimated.

However, after a sequence of events, Jean was captured and enslaved by the worst kind of people for anyone to get enslaved by, the Celestial Dragons. So far, Jean hasn’t shown any side of him that would warrant a dislike from the community. That being said, he didn’t show any side that would make him extremely favorable either.

4 Shachi

Sachi is one of the veteran members of the Heart Pirates. He, alongside Bepo and Penguin, was one of the very first to board Law’s submarine ship. More importantly, Sachi hilarious antics together with Penguin are always amusing to follow.

One of the few traits that Shachi has showcased is his women's obsession. Naturally, it’s not to Sanji’s level, but it’s notable nonetheless. It’s at least enough to be one of the most prominent qualities that define him.

3 Penguin

Penguin joined the crew at the same time Shachi did. The two were both orphaned at a young age and spent their childhoods indulging in delinquency. The first half of their outlaw careers ended when they met Law-- or more specifically when Law beat some sense into them.

Penguin and Shachi share many qualities that make them likable as characters. The two deserve tons of credit with regard to the dynamics of the Heart Pirates. It’s about time Oda starts giving them the attention they fully deserve.

2 Bepo

While not official, Bepo is considered as the vice-captain of the Heart Pirates by the community. His official roles, however, are the crew’s navigator as well as its trusty mascot. Bepo is the full package, serving as an outstanding fighter with a prowess well above average, a capable navigator who safely pulled the squad through the dangerous waters of the New World, and an overall cute polar bear who is just ever-so-cuddly.

There really isn’t one valid reason to dislike Bepo; contrarily, there are plenty of good reasons to fall head-over-heels for him.

1 Trafalgar Law

Last, but definitely not least, is Trafalgar Law; the crew’s captain and their backbone. Unlike Luffy who sells himself as unreliable in most case scenarios, Law is the guy to go to whenever an issue strikes. He got the strength, talent, and wits that make up both a great captain and an amazing character. But his most notable quality has to be his overflowing dominance; Law is just too cool. He has to be one of the coolest characters to scale the waters of One Piece.

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