Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Best & Worst Devil Fruits For Sanji In One Piece

Sanji is one of the strongest members of the Straw Hats, and he manages to keep this title despite not having a Devil Fruit. While he's powerful without one, attaining the extra abilities of a Devil Fruit could greatly benefit the Straw Hat chef against his enemies in One Piece.

This would of course depend on which ability he received. There are some Devil fruit powers that would be perfect for Sanji, but there are also plenty that would be worse than useless for him. Losing another member of the monster trio for underwater fights would be unfortunate, but depending on the power it just might be worth it.

10 BEST: Dice Dice Fruit

The Dice Dice fruit allows the user to turn any part of their body into a blade of steel. While Sanji could definitely incorporate this into his kick attacks, he would find this ability far more useful for cooking. He already saves his hands for cooking instead of fighting, so being able to easily chop and slice food for preparation would be perfect for Sanji. Anything that can make cooking easier for him would be a blessing.

9 WORST: Love Love Fruit

The Love Love fruit lets the user turn anyone attracted to them into stone. Not only would this not be a good fit for Sanji, but he would absolutely hate it. For being so interested in ladies, Sanji doesn't have much luck with them. The closest he came to a true relationship was his forced marriage with Pudding before it got canceled. If he did find a girl that was interested in him, the last thing he would want to do is turn her to stone for it.

8 BEST: Clear Clear Fruit

The Clear Clear fruit allows the user to turn themselves and other objects completely invisible. This is an ability that Sanji actually wishes he had in the anime to use in a perverted way, such as when he was spying in the bathhouse in Wano. While he doesn't gain the use of the Devil fruit, he is still able to go invisible using the ability of his raid suit. Regardless, he would still want this ability as it's fairly limiting to be in his raid suit any time he wants to go invisible.

7 WORST: Stick Stick Fruit

The Stick Stick fruit allows the user to create and control mucus. This power is disgusting and Sanji would despise having it for multiple reasons. Being a chef, he needs to keep his hands and workspace clean when cooking. Accidentally dripping mucus onto food would be terrible.

He also tends to keep himself well-dressed and wants to give off an attractive appearance, both of which dripping mucus would absolutely ruin.

6 BEST: Chilly Chilly Fruit

The Chilly Chilly fruit allows the user to freely create and control ice and cold temperatures. This would be an invaluable skill for a chef. Many recipes require the ingredients to be chilled, and having that ability at his fingertips would be a huge asset to Sanji. It would also give him amazing versatility in combat, as he would be able to use ice as well as the fire from his Diable Jambe.

5 WORST: Spin Spin Fruit

The Spin Spin fruit allows its user to turn their body parts into propellers, giving them the ability to fly. This ability would be a huge limiter on Sanji and also a bit redundant. Since he can already fly in a way by kicking the air rapidly, there's no point in him gaining an additional ability to fly. On top of that, having propellers on his limbs would greatly hinder his speed and fighting abilities. His current method of becoming airborne is already perfect for him.

4 BEST: Spring Spring Fruit

The Spring Spring fruit allows the user to turn their arms or legs into springs for greater velocity and force. If Sanji was able to combine this ability with his already strong kick attacks, he would be a force to be reckoned with.

He's already one of the fastest Straw Hats, and this would only increase that. If any fruit is the perfect power-up for Sanji's skillset, it's this one.

3 WORST: Kanjuro's Unnamed Devil Fruit

Kanjuro's ability allows him to produce ink from his hair or paintbrush and bring what he paints to life. This ability is completely wrong for Sanji in several ways. He's not an artist, so drawing anything of use would be incredibly difficult. This ability is also a slow one based more around utility than combat. Sanji is a speedy character, and trying to rely on this ability would only slow him down and make him a far less efficient fighter.

2 BEST: Heat Heat Fruit

The Heat Heat fruit allows the user to produce heat from their body and infuse it into other objects. Similar to the Chill Chill fruit, this ability would be perfect for Sanji as a cook. He could precisely control how much heat his food will get, so cooking perfect dishes would become even easier for him. This ability would also give him a ranged ability to add to his combat arsenal, making him even more of a threat on the battlefield.

1 WORST: Mark Mark Fruit

The Mark Mark fruit allows the user to mark a target with one of their palms. If they then throw an object, it will seek out the marked target. Sanji refuses to use his hands in combat, believing that they are only for cooking. This means that he wouldn't ever mark someone with this ability. He also fights up close and personal with kicks, and switching to ranged combat would throw away all of his strengths. This ability would simply be a waste on Sanji.

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