Wednesday, September 27, 2023

10 Times Reiner Proved He Was The Best Character In Attack On Titan

There are many complex and complicated characters in Attack on Titan, But Reiner Braun stands out among the pack. Reiner is a difficult character to discuss, with the mental trauma he suffered due to his actions overwhelming him and causing him to develop two distinct personalities: his warrior persona, loyal to Marley and his soldier persona, loyal to his friends on Paradis.

These two personalities often overlap, so discerning the intent of his actions from their outcomes can be confusing. However, as he grew and matured, Reiner has changed from hero to villain multiple times, yet remained adored by fans for the depth of his character.

10 Saving Jean

10 Times Reiner Proved He Was The Best Character In Attack On Titan

In their first encounter with the Female Titan, Armin encouraged them to leave their hoods on, as he correctly surmised that Annie was searching for Eren and wouldn't risk killing anyone she couldn't identify. As Jean went on the attack, he was nearly killed, but was saved by Reiner.

While Armin tried to trick her into thinking she had already killed Eren by accident, Reiner tore off his hood and attacked, allowing Jean to escape. Although grabbed by Annie and seemingly crushed, he managed to "escape" with Armin. This is the first example of the duality of Reiner's actions. Yes, he did save Jean, but in doing so, he led Annie right to Eren. Understanding the balance between his personalities is key to untangling these events, and regardless, it was an amazing display of his skill.

9 Lying To Connie

10 Times Reiner Proved He Was The Best Character In Attack On Titan

In one of Connie's pivotal moments of character development, Reiner's two personalities clashed. Although Reiner undoubtedly heard the titan speaking, both personalities decided to lie to him. One aimed to help him by lying, keeping him focused on the situation at hand, while the other knew that lying to him would prevent the people of Paradis from learning more about the true nature of the titans.

It would seem that the soldier persona won out. Later, at Castle Utgard, he thanked Ymir for joking with Connie about the talking titan, wanting to keep him from worrying. It's always difficult to tell what Reiner is thinking and where his heart truly is, but here, it would seem that he was genuinely trying to help Connie, for better or for worse.

8 Mentoring Eren

10 Times Reiner Proved He Was The Best Character In Attack On Titan

Right from the start, Reiner was shown to be a valuable friend to Eren. Commandant Shadis described him as "stalwart", someone the cadets looked up to and felt they could rely on, and since one of his first appearances was talking openly with Eren about the horror of the titans, and trying to help him learn to use ODM gear, Shadis clearly hit the nail on the head.

Reiner was shown to be something of a big brother to Eren. He helped teach him and took him seriously when others laughed off his determination. As he knew nothing about Eren being a titan shifter, this is a clear instance of Reiner helping someone purely out of the goodness of his heart. As someone who knew what it was like to live life alone, Reiner showed he could be better.

7 Delivering Ymir's Letter

10 Times Reiner Proved He Was The Best Character In Attack On Titan

Attack on Titan has gone out of its way, despite its reputation as a gory, death-filled show, to show moments of genuine human connection and emotion. After being brutally defeated and nearly killed by the Scouts in Shiganshina, including his former friends, Reiner asked Hange to take a letter he had kept safe on his person.

This turned out to be a letter from the now-eaten Ymir to her best friend, and love interest, Historia Reiss. Given that Reiner was shown even years after the Rumbling to still have feelings for Historia, the fact that he protected this letter, and humbly requested his enemies to help deliver it, shows just how much respect he still had for his friends-turned-enemies.

6 Trying To Save Gabi

10 Times Reiner Proved He Was The Best Character In Attack On Titan

In yet another morally gray moment, Reiner is shown to not be the devoted Marleyan Warrior he often pretends to be. When he overhears Falco bitterly deriding the "honor" of becoming a Warrior as nothing more than a delayed death sentence, he at first appears to discipline and threaten Falco.

The tables turn, however, when he tells the terrified Falco that, if he truly feels this way, then it must be him, and not Gabi, who inherits the Armored Titan. Reiner reveals that he sympathizes with Falco and that they both care for Gabi. While he cares for Falco too, they both understand the nature of their situation and what protecting Gabi would cost.

5 Trying To Save Annie

10 Times Reiner Proved He Was The Best Character In Attack On Titan

From the beginning, it was clear that Annie, Bertholdt, and Reiner were somehow connected. Although not the most prominent trio, especially in the early seasons, they were usually grouped together during fights or in the series openings. When they were all revealed to be titans the reason for this became obvious.

After the Scouts captured Annie, and Reiner, Bertholdt, and Zeke were reunited, they couldn't agree on their next steps. They decided to settle it with a fight, where Reiner's Armored Titan was soundly defeated by Zeke's Beast. After the loss of Marcel, it was clear that Reiner wasn't willing to give up any other members of his team, a level of devotion present in both his personalities.

4 Forgiving His Mother

10 Times Reiner Proved He Was The Best Character In Attack On Titan

As the illegitimate son of an Eldian mother and Marleyan father, his mother forced him into the Warrior program by telling him if he succeeded, they could all be a family again. When he finally met his father after becoming a Warrior, he realized that his status as an honorary Marleyan meant nothing to the man who still viewed him as a monster.

But after all the pain he endured because of his mother's desires, he still realized just how important family was, and that for a chance at a better life, what his mother did, while awful, was her only choice. After the end of the Rumbling, Reiner embraced his mother and was overjoyed when she stated she didn't care he wasn't a titan anymore, just glad she had her son back.

3 Shouldering The Burdens Of Others

10 Times Reiner Proved He Was The Best Character In Attack On Titan

This has always been Reiner's stand-out trait, even from the very beginning, so picking a single example of it might seem difficult, however, there is one that stands above the rest. As the Warriors and Scouts plan to steal the flying boat to stop Eren, they realized it was guarded by Yeagerists, including the friends and comrades of the Scouts.

Understanding that the Scouts didn't want to kill their friends, Reiner volunteered to have the Warriors fight alone. He knew that this would likely be a death sentence, but having had to kill friends before, he didn't want them to experience that same level of pain and guilt. This is a perfect example of his strength of will, so often forgotten in the aftermath of his betrayal of the Scouts.

2 Stopping The Rumbling

10 Times Reiner Proved He Was The Best Character In Attack On Titan

The Rumbling was probably more personal to Reiner than to anyone else in the Warriors or Scouts. It was his home, being attacked by his former friend turned greatest rival because he hadn't been able to stop him in the first place.

But there was more to it as well because it gave Reiner the chance to be an unequivocally "good guy" again and to atone for his destruction of the Wall by saving countless lives. He was determined and burning with fury when he transformed atop the massive Founding Titan, and was willing to sacrifice himself in Odiha. Reiner was hell-bent on stopping the Rumbling, whether he lived through it or not.

1 Knowing He Was Wrong

10 Times Reiner Proved He Was The Best Character In Attack On Titan

In one of the most harrowing moments in an already dark and harrowing series, Reiner begged Eren to kill him, as he had been unable to do it himself or live with his guilt. In the years since he left for Paradis, Reiner struggled with the fact that the propaganda he had believed his whole life were lies, and that the people of Paradis were not demons, but just people.

Trying to reconcile this with his mission led to a crushing weight of guilt bearing down on him, and after returning to Marley, he continually tried to take his own life. Villains who justify their own actions with charisma and logic are fun, but a villain brought low by realizing just how far astray they have gone is a rarity, and Attack on Titan pulls it off with flying colors.
