Saturday, September 30, 2023

Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Could Be a Key Ninja's Time to Finally Shine

In the Boruto: Two Blue Vortex time-jump, things in Konoha have changed drastically. Kawaki is ruling as the unofficial prince, with Shikamaru as the new Hokage. Together, they're leading a team to hunt Boruto down after Eida's reality rewrite, which has all the denizens thinking Kawaki is Naruto's son, and Boruto killed Naruto and Hinata.

Sarada and Sumire are scurrying around town trying to convince folks they're not insane three years later. They want to prove Boruto's innocence. However, as much as they're impervious to Eida's powers, this new existence has messed with everyone else's minds. Interestingly, as the duo go about plotting, the new Boruto era could give Konohamaru his time to really step up in the spotlight.

Konohamaru's New Role Could Create a Hokage Future

Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Could Be a Key Ninja's Time to Finally Shine

Sarada's found chiding Shikamaru, reigniting the rivalry Shikamaru had with the Uchiha clan. She lets him know Sasuke's no villain either, as he's off protecting Boruto. At the meeting, Konohamaru is there as Shikamaru's adviser, which puts him in position to be Hokage later on. It's what happened to Shikamaru when Naruto went missing, after all. Sadly, Konohamaru is entranced as well, fully backing Shikamaru's manhunt.

He's quite stubborn with Sarada, which must be painful as he was her mentor. But Eida's spell and overall charm have him blind to the truth. This allegiance has now shifted him from being a free-thinker of the old era to a pleb harping on Shikamaru's every word. It's something that would disappoint Naruto – who Konohamaru idolized since he was a kid.

What makes things worse is there's literal evidence that there's something wrong with the world, but Konohamaru keeps ignoring the details. Still, he's usually intelligent – taking after his grandfather the Third Hokage. Thus, if he wises up and connects the clues with Sarada's pleas, Konohamaru could realize what's going on and try to convince Shikamaru to recant Kawaki's status quo. Most likely, rather than operate solo, he'll team up with the girls, becoming the kind of rogue Naruto had to be back in the day. It'd be quite spiritual, nodding to when Naruto broke many rules to rescue when he was rogue ninja before the Hidden Leaf shinobi killed the latter.

Konohamaru Can Break the Sarutobi Curse

Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Could Be a Key Ninja's Time to Finally Shine

Konohamaru wouldn't want to become Hokage by succession. He'd want to earn it the way Hiruzen did, as well as Naruto. These are the kind of inspirational heroes he aspires to be. It'd perfectly seal the Sarutobi name, and bring his story full-circle from his days of admiring Naruto's work. More so, it'd be quite the achievement if he makes steps to save Naruto and Hinata.

Thankfully, the time skip confirms they're alive in Kawaki's secret dimension. This can allow Konohamaru to mix in a bit of Sasuke too, helping Sarada and Sumire go after the truth. With his Rasengan in tow, the Shadow Clone Jutsu, and other techniques that do make him Naruto-like, Konohamaru can officially shine as Naruto's understudy – Konohamaru has perfected his trade, harnessed the power within, and is intent on saving Konoha.

Hiruzen gave his life doing so against Orochimaru, while Konohamaru's uncle, Asuma, did the same when he fought Hidan of the Akatsuki. Clearly, servitude, selflessness, and sacrifice are in the clan's bloodline, so this is a chance for a Sarutobi to be a part of a big arc without dying as well. It'd help Konohamaru move from this underdog with insane potential to the warrior of legend he promised Naruto he'd be. He loves Naruto like a brother, so it would be destiny if he could transform into Naruto 2.0 by saving the Hokage and his wife. Plus, he'd get to help Sarada and Sumire evolve along the way.

Konohamaru Needs To Be Done Justice On a Creative Level

Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Could Be a Key Ninja's Time to Finally Shine

Admittedly, the Boruto manga and anime have severely underplayed Konohamaru. He gets some shine in the spinoffs and manga, but the franchise doesn't feel like it's linked organically to his past. He initially began as comic relief, stalking and trying to fight Naruto when he was a child. But in time, Konohamaru would grow and show Naruto he was meant to be Hokage. The thing is, Konohamaru just hasn't had that iconic arc or fight the way Naruto did with Pain and the Akatsuki, or against Obito, Madara, and Kaguya.

Even later on when Naruto grew older, the the series kept Konohamaru from starring against the Ōtsutsuki invaders: Toneri, Momoshiki, Kinshiki and Isshiki. Excluding Konohamaru from the new dynasty just didn't feel right. But should he move on to helping Sarada, working with Boruto, and partnering with Sasuke, this would give the impression Konohamaru's legacy is being respected in the most nuanced way.

He deserves to be more than a joke, or a supporting afterthought. His intrinsic bond with Naruto needs to be honored and there's no better moment to make up for lost time. Naruto has saved Konohamaru so many times in the past. The least Konohamaru can do is become that anchor and foundational support for Boruto and Sarada to do the same. It'd make Naruto proud and cement Konohamaru as a shinobi ready to embark on the dream he had when he was a surly tyke watching a teen Naruto fight gods and monsters en masse. Ultimately, it'd be a love letter to the history of Naruto, and act as testament to the Sarutobi tribe's will of fire – the very mantra Konoha is built on, and after whom Konohamaru is named.
