Saturday, September 30, 2023

Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Remixes One of Konoha's Oldest Rivalries — and It's Heated

In the Boruto manga, one of the most shocking moments transpired just before the recent months-long hiatus. There, Eida used her Omnipotence ability to rewrite reality, making it seem like Kawaki was Naruto's son and the unofficial prince of Konoha. In addition, Kawaki had Eida manipulate everyone's memories, so they thought Boruto was the outsider and enemy that killed the Hokage.

Finally, the three-year time jump has revealed the current state of affairs in the Hidden Leaf come Boruto: Two Blue Vortex. And sadly, the outlook's very bleak for Boruto. His former peers are hunting him assiduously, while only Sarada and Sumire know the truth about the tampering. As the first chapter ensues, though, there are more problems brewing beneath the surface in the place Boruto formerly called home. It's actually linked to Sarada, stymieing her attempts to help him, all while remixing a nasty feud of old.

Boruto Reginites Shikamaru's Feud with the Uchiha

Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Remixes One of Konoha's Oldest Rivalries — and It's Heated

This new period finds Sarada a lot more rebellious, arguing with Shikamaru, who's taken over as Hokage. She's adamant Konoha has gotten it wrong, and they're chasing someone without reason. Shikamaru wants concrete details that Boruto's innocent, making it clear only the guilty flee. His new advisor, Konohamaru, backs him, leaving Sarada even more incensed. Admittedly, while she's angry and disrespectful, it's understandable.

Sarada's merely asking for lenience, peacetime, and an amnesty that could see her friend return. In addition, she wants Sasuke back, as he fled to mentor Boruto. He took Sarada's word, and became a rogue teacher, knowing he'd be labeled a fugitive once more. Shikamaru, though, uses this to remind her she needs to watch her mouth and be careful who she backs. He even threatens her progress and ambitions as Hokage. Clearly, he doesn't see her as diplomatic. In fact, this behavior—to him, anyway—is somewhat seditious.

His stern disposition calls back to when he wanted Sasuke dead in the Naruto era. When Sasuke joined the Akatsuki and broke bad with his own military unit, Taka, Shikamaru kept telling Naruto they had to kill him. Shikamaru believed Sasuke was like the Uchiha before their era—focused selfishly on blood, power, and corruption. Sarada points out, however, Naruto brought Sasuke back for redemption. She wants to do the same for Boruto. But she can tell Shikamaru's fears are back, not just with how Sasuke broke ranks and turned on them. But for how she's being treasonous and disobedient in his eyes. It leaves Shikamaru eyeing her as a hidden threat, most likely being proactive and planning for her because he knows an unchecked Uchiha is always going to be a problem.

Boruto Gives Shikamaru Just Reason to Be Concerned

Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Remixes One of Konoha's Oldest Rivalries — and It's Heated

Now, Shikamaru's behavior isn't condoned, but compassion and empathy must be shown toward him as well. He's lost Naruto and is now thrust into a position he never wanted. On top of that, there's no telling what else Eida messed with in people's minds, or what the Omnipotence seeded out. Even Eida admitted there's some sort of telepathic effect that she can't understand. So, it may be when she carried out Kawaki's wishes, she amplified or revived the Uchiha hate in Shikamaru.

Either way, Shikamaru has to operate for the greater good. Boruto and Sasuke are two of the most powerful shinobi around, and if he doesn't cull them, there's no telling if they'll attack other villages. Of course, readers know that won't happen, but to Shikamaru, they're unpredictable terrorists. To kill Naruto, they have to be considered the most dangerous enemies, which informs why Shikamaru is this cold.

It nods to Itachi as well, who killed his own clan and became a villain, knowing people would chastise him without understanding sacrifices must be made. Shikamaru is now this kind of leader—someone Sarada can't understand as she hasn't walked in his shoes. Still, she's not deterred by his insults. Sarada wants to be the kind of Hokage Naruto was, believing in the best in people. Unfortunately, Shikamaru isn't that person who relies on heart, soul, and emotions. He's all about empirical evidence and logic, which is why he has to ignore Sarada and remove the tangible dangers around him. He knows Boruto and Sasuke won't return easily, so despite her pleas, Shikamaru has to execute his aggressive orders with Kawaki pushing for the duo to be murdered.

Boruto Gives Sarada a Massive New Role

Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Remixes One of Konoha's Oldest Rivalries — and It's Heated

Admittedly, Sarada's more emboldened than ever to be a Hokage, her lifelong ambition. But things might have changed when this chapter ends with Boruto arriving to fight with her against Code's forces. Code has brought the Claw Grime monsters into the Hidden Leaf, eager to kill or take Boruto's friends hostage. But Sarada's ready to battle with Boruto, flipping the script on the savior trope. She has to save and protect Boruto now. It subverts expectations, with Boruto often rescuing her in the past.

It homages something her mom, Sakura, wanted to do back in the day with a teen Sasuke. Sakura never got to do that when Sasuke turned evil. But it's inverted here as an altruistic, selfless Sarada gets to heal the runaway hero in Boruto. As a bonus, she's hoping to bring her dad back home. It speaks to family, not just duty, which may result in Sarada leaving to join them. Giving up her Hokage dreams won't be easy, but the people she loves come first.

It'd allow her to recommence her training with Sasuke, and explore the nuanced bond with Boruto. They seem to have feelings for each other, but life has gotten in the way. It remains to be seen how she'll react after being away from Boruto for so long, but signs are there she thinks they're soulmates. Ultimately, whether she remains in Konoha or absconds with Boruto, what's for sure is Sarada's in for the greatest trial of her life. And this tribulation is one that will redefine her future and the Hidden Leaf in the most significant way possible.
