Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Given that a sizeable chunk of Demon Slayer's cast is composed of demons, it's no surprise that many of its characters are treated with the utmost revulsion by the fandom. These villains have no moral standards whatsoever, although the extent of their depravity ranges from character to character.

Some demons might be neutral toward murdering children, while others take ravenous pleasure in subjecting their helpless victims to mutilation and torture before ending their lives. Nevertheless, the general attitude exhibited by demonkind in Demon Slayer justifies the existence of the Demon Slayer Corps. That being said, there are at least two human characters who are particularly disliked by fans.

Updated on September 25th, 2023 by Louis Kemner: This list of the most hated Demon Slayer characters has been updated to adhere to CBR's current publication standards.

20 Tengen Uzui

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Over time, Demon Slayer fans found reasons to like Tengen Uzui as a character. He was the hero who helped Tanjiro defeat Daki and Gyutaro, after all, and he eventually felt like a stellar replacement for the late Kyojuro Rengoku. He made a pretty bad first impression, however.

Early in the Entertainment District arc, Tengen was an arrogant and loud character who harassed the Butterfly Estate's members, which made him unappealing up front. He didn't seem much better when the mission started, where he was oddly boastful and flashy for a ninja-style demon slayer. He also had a nasty temper.

19 Suma

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Tengen Uzui had three kunoichi wives who supported him in battle, including Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma. All three of them were fairly likable minor characters, but of the three, Suma was the least pleasant to watch. Fans noted that she has a similar personality as Zenitsu, which can't be a good thing.

Like Zenitsu, Suma is prone to crying and shouting loudly anytime she's upset or stressed, which is often. She makes a fool of herself that way, but for once, her outbursts were justified when Tengen Uzui narrowly cheated death after his battle with Gyutaro.

18 Sanemi Shinazugawa

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Sanemi Shinazugawa was introduced as the wind Hashira and the older brother of Genya Shinazugawa. Genya's flashbacks helped add some much-needed depth to Sanemi's character to make him a bit more likable, but even so, Sanemi is far from the fandom's favorite Hashira.

Sanemi was the one who doubted Nezuko's good intentions, and he tempted her with his blood to try and prove a point. That made him highly unpopular, and with a hot temper to boot, Demon Slayer fans really don't like Sanemi, even if he can back up his big talk with his swordplay.

17 The Temple Demon

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

One of the first demons Tanjiro ever saw was an unnamed, rather basic demon who confronted the Kamado siblings at a remote temple one night. That demon had no backstory to speak of, and served as a baseline example of what demons are like in contrast with Nezuko.

Demon Slayer never gave anime fans any reason to like the temple demon, so it was no loss when that creature was pinned to a tree with an ax and died in the morning sunlight. However, that demon did help give Sakonji Urokodaki some context to encourage Tanjiro to train as a demon slayer.

16 The Hand Demon

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

The Hand Demon is the first major antagonist in Demon Slayer. He first appears during the Final Selection arc, where he callously murders innocent participants while enjoying their misery at the same time. The Hand Demon's claim to fame lies in killing dozens of hopeful Demon Slayers, including 13 apprentices belonging to Urokodaki Sakonji's training program.

Not only does this creature massacre people, but he also describes these violent acts with a hint of pleasure in his voice. All things considered, the Hand Demon wasn't such a ruthless fiend during his human life. Unfortunately, his hateful behavior as a demon makes everything else pale in comparison.

15 Akaza

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Akaza mocks those he believes to be feeble and vulnerable, including enemies as powerful as the Flame Hashira. To his chagrin, Kyojuro Rengoku gives him the fight of a lifetime, forcing Akaza to reconsider his arrogance. Then again, the drive to become the strongest of the 12 Kizuki throws him into an ocean of conflict with his superiors.

Still, it is Akaza's guile and duplicity that makes him one of the worst Demon Slayer characters in the eyes of most fans. After losing to Kyojuro Rengoku, Akaza shamelessly flees into the dark safety of a nearby forest, angering Tanjiro to tears. However, Akaza's attempt at redemption before his death allows viewers to reevaluate the merits of his personality.

14 Zenitsu Agatsuma

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

The only reason that Zenitsu Agatsuma doesn't receive more fan hatred than he already does is that he's not a demon and, therefore, doesn't want to maim, murder, and feed on human beings. Excluding this trait, Zenitsu's overall degeneracy is a matter of minor conflict in the story, especially in the context of his interest in Nezuko, Tanjiro's younger sister.

Zenitsu might be an overpowered sleepwalker, but the fact remains that he's a total invertebrate with a penchant for dramatic overreaction. On a positive note, Zenitsu gained the manga fandom's appreciation for his bravery during the concluding arcs. However, anime viewers will have to wait to see his newfound honor in action.

13 Kyogai

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Kyogai's status is stripped away by Muzan, so he spends his life hunting down and devouring "marechi" to increase his Blood Demon Art's fighting prowess. His desperation often borders on pathetic, explaining why some fans feel bad for this villain.

Although Kyogai maintains a rigid social protocol, he doesn't behave as violently as his cohorts, showing his opponents a gentle side that few demons possess. Nevertheless, Kyogai's desire for Muzan's attention leads him to commit horrific acts like murdering innocent children. In the end, he's exactly like the rest of them.

12 The Swamp Demon

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

The Kidnapper's Bog arc is yet another truncated Demon Slayer narrative, although it features a few incandescent fights. Tanjiro faces the Swamp Demon on his first assignment for the Demon Slayer Corps. Like Hantengu, the Swamp Demon can also split his personality into multiple forms.

While each sub-personality is different, all three of them exhibit the same nightmarish desire to abduct, imprison, and devour young teenage girls. In fact, the Swamp Demon openly acknowledges that older women taste worse than their adolescent victims, further showcasing its noxious demeanor. Fans loved watching the Swamp Demon meet his well-deserved end at Tanjiro's hands.

11 Rui

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Rui's introduction leaves audiences with a bad taste in their mouths, but he's not a fraction as barbaric as many other members of the Twelve Kizuki. And yet, his relative lack of bloodlust doesn't make Rui a boy scout. On the contrary, he enjoys watching his prey slowly succumb to his overwhelming strength.

Rui's innate need for a loving family manifests itself in an ironically heartbreaking way as he shows them the same brand of malice that he displays for his human opponents. In fact, the Mother Spider Demon welcomes her death at Tanjiro's hands, further demonstrating Rui's toxic influence.

10 Enmu

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Enmu's enthusiasm for inflicting violence on his victims is particularly infuriating, more so when viewers realize that he tortures his minions into doing his bidding in exchange for improving the quality of their dreams. This villain cares little for his demon pals, even deriving intense enjoyment from his comrades' death.

Enmu openly savors his opponents' tormented expressions when they are about to perish, a clear sign that he sustains himself on their pain and misery. Fans were utterly delighted when this villain was dispatched by Tanjiro.

9 Hantengu

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Hantengu primarily appears during the Swordsmith Village arc, where he travels to the titular location in order to massacre all the weapons experts living there. Although personally selected by Muzan as one of the Upper Moons, Hantengu's core personality reeks of apprehension and spinelessness.

This is why he never participates in a direct fight. Instead, Hantengu spends his time as a shriveled husk, quivering in fear while his other aspects battle on his behalf. Ironically, this abject cowardice is what makes him such a hateable Demon Slayer character.

8 Daki

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Daki was introduced as a stern but beautiful courtesan in the Entertainment District story arc, and even in her human disguise, she was openly cruel and vain. Daki is what's known as a himedere, a wannabe princess who runs from her insecurities by acting superior to everyone.

Daki's childhood could have made her sympathetic, but she and her brother Gyutaro seemed destined to become evil. In the present day, Daki is a ruthless and abusive apex predator who measures her success in human lives claimed, and she never regrets any of it.

7 Gyutaro

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Gyutaro was the true Upper Moon 6 demon, with his younger sister Daki sharing that rank with him. Gyutaro could have been at least slightly sympathetic due to his background as an impoverished, widely disliked boy who suffered greatly, but he was a demon at heart even before he met Muzan.

Gyutaro may have been fiercely protective of Daki, but Demon Slayer fans still despise him. Gyutaro thinks violence is the solution to absolutely everything, and he has a vicious, crude personality to match. He's also liable to cruelly mock his enemies in battle, and he even yelled at Daki during their dying moments.

6 Slasher

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Slasher is an inconsequential character, but his voracious greed for human flesh and brazen sense of brutality exceeds those of several higher-ranked demons. He attacks people even if he's not hungry and would rather mutilate and mangle his victims than let them die in peace.

Slasher also loses interest in his prey very easily, which implies that he prefers to make a perverse game out of his hunting sessions. The Flame Hashira makes short work of Slasher, showing the villain his place and saving countless lives in the process.

5 Kaigaku

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Kaigaku's reckless facade masks his true nature as a narrow-minded coward with zero empathy for anyone who isn't him. He allows several orphans to be brutally violated in order to keep himself safe, an act of self-preservation that verges on the obscene.

Kaigaku has the audacity to criticize others for their perceived failings while conveniently ignoring his own numerous imperfections. This flagrant degree of hypocrisy explains why the Demon Slayer fandom can't stand Kaigaku. He doesn't even know how to die with dignity, shouting impotently as his physical form turns to dust.

4 Gyokko

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Like Upper Moon 4 Hantengu, the octopus-themed Gyokko also shows his hideous face during the Swordsmith Village arc. He loves pleasing Muzan as much as murdering helpless people, as seen when he begs to serve the Demon Lord's savage will. As a demon, Gyokko is naturally self-centered and egotistical, manifesting his vanity in the form of hideous human "sculptures."

In other words, Gyokko believes that an installation composed of dead and dying people is art and that his talents should be appreciated by everyone else. Although Gyokko temporarily incapacitates Muichiro, the Mist Hashira activates his Demon Slayer Mark and decapitates the Upper Moon 5 without expending much effort.

3 Shinjuro Rengoku

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Shinjuro Rengoku, the father of the former Flame Hashira, exhibits neither shame nor decency when fans see him for the first time. His harsh attitude and borderline abusive intentions are on full display when Tanjiro visits the Rengoku household after Kyojuro's untimely demise.

Shinjuro wasn't always such an odious person — at one time, he truly believed in the Demon Slayer Corps' vision and fought to protect humanity. Fans despise this character for one reason only: he coldly disrespects his son's courageous actions, thereby insulting the latter's death. Tanjiro punishes Shinjuro by knocking him unconscious, ultimately forcing him to reconsider his approach.

2 Doma

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

The worst thing about Doma is the seamless distinction between his personas — an imperceptibly fine line that separates his glamorous charm from his unmitigated brutality. He is cunning enough to realize the value of strategic planning while also dismissing human fighters as a serious threat to his martial strength.

Doma enjoys causing pain, even if the target is himself, illustrating that his core personality is broken beyond repair. Doma eventually reveals his role in the murder of Inosuke Hashibara's mother, Kotoha, a declaration that all but seals his fate.

1 Muzan Kibutsuji

The 20 Most Disliked Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Muzan Kibutsuji the demon king is the most hated character in Demon Slayer for good reason. Muzan wasn't written to be subtly sympathetic or halfway justified in his actions -- he is evil to the bone, and makes no apologies for it. Everyone, including his most loyal subordinates, is terrified of him, especially in light of his fickle impulses.

Muzan believes himself to be a transcendent entity, one whose power and majesty eclipse everyone around him. Ironically, it is this incurable arrogance that results in his inevitable downfall. Muzan refuses to acknowledge his shortcomings but is more than happy to pass judgment soaked in egoism and dishonesty.
