Saturday, October 7, 2023

10 Best Sailor Moon Couples, Ranked

Part of what makes Sailor Moon so iconic and enduring in the hearts of fans is its epic romance arc. Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion have a kind of Romeo and Juliet story, and after their deaths and the downfall of the Moon Kingdom, they're reborn on Earth. They're destined to always find each other.

Though Sailor Moon has the central romance, the show wouldn't be what it is without its well-developed side characters. These characters often have romances of their own, to greater and lesser degrees. Even the pairings that don't have as many scenes together, they're still beautifully crafted and compelling.

10 Sailor Mars & Jadeite

10 Best Sailor Moon Couples, Ranked

Sailor Mars was in love with Jadeite in her past life. The manga hints at this strongly, and Sailor Moon Crystal makes it a bit more plain that all the Senshi were each in love with one of Prince Endymion's Four Heavenly Kings, and that Jadeite loves Rei still. Though they don't really share any romantic scenes on the page or on screen, many fans are captivated by the pairing.

The Sailor Moon musicals also explore the idea of a relationship between the two characters in their current lives as high school students. In the musical, Rei and Jadeite have a kind of enemies-to-lovers arc. Both characters are stubborn and powerful, which always makes for a great romance born of dueling personalities.

9 Sailor V & Adonis

10 Best Sailor Moon Couples, Ranked

In the manga and Sailor Moon Crystal anime, Sailor Venus was paired with Kunzite. It makes sense as they are both the two most powerful warriors in their group—Kunzite of the Heavenly Kings and Sailor Venus of the Inner Senshi. The prequel manga Codename: Sailor V shows another, perhaps even better, love interest for Sailor V.

Sailor V is a lover girl whose name is derived from Venus, the Roman goddess of love. It's fitting that she'd be best paired with Adonis, Aphrodite's mortal lover in Greek mythology. Not only is Adonis incredibly charming in the manga, but he's also a foot soldier of planet Venus, and thus shares a common history with the Senshi.

8 Luna & Artemis

10 Best Sailor Moon Couples, Ranked

Luna and Artemis are the cutest pairing. Of course, the two moon cats would be destined to pair off. They're not just helpful animal sidekicks, though; they both were once human.

Their romance is understated, more implied than anything. But the pink kitten Diana confirms to them and the audience that they end up cat-married in the future. Though Luna develops a short-lived crush on a human in the second original anime movie, Hearts on Ice, she's destined to be with her match, Artemis.

7 Rei & Yuichiro

10 Best Sailor Moon Couples, Ranked

Yuichiro knows Rei as a hardworking and cantankerous shrine maiden. He comes off as a bit of a privileged airhead in the beginning, but his deeds make it plain that he's humble, hardworking, and brave. He shares those traits with Rei, but in other ways, he's her perfect opposite.

And though Rei isn't interested in guys or dating whatsoever, the golden retriever Yuichiro charms her in the original anime. Yuichiro always has Rei's back. He's a human with no celestial destiny, but he has no problem putting himself between Rei and a demon to protect her.

6 Nephrite & Sailor Jupiter

10 Best Sailor Moon Couples, Ranked

Nephrite and Sailor Jupiter are another couple with amazing potential, though they don't get much screen time. They loved each other in their past life, and symbolically, they make a lot of sense. Sailor Jupiter is an intelligent but lovelorn girl.

Jupiter is incredibly unlucky in love despite wanting it so much. Perhaps her heart knows on some level that she loved and lost, and that she needs Nephrite's memories to be unlocked to find her perfect match. Sailor Jupiter is very protective of her friends, but her heart is battered. It's poetic that Nephrite was once the Knight of Intelligence and Comfort. He was destined to be Sailor Jupiter's comfort.

5 Fiore & Mamoru

10 Best Sailor Moon Couples, Ranked

Fiore and Mamoru are a sad case of what could have been. If Mamoru and Usagi weren't meant to be together, he and Fiore would have made a wonderful couple. Though Mamoru loved Princess Serenity in their past life, his first love as a reborn human in modern-day Earth was Fiore.

Fiore's love for Mamoru is his true north. He doesn't have anyone else but Mamoru and his memories of their friendship and puppy love. But like Mamoru, Fiore is selfless, and when he sees that Mamoru is happy with Usagi, he gives them his blessing. In another timeline, Mamoru and Fiore would have had a wonderful Happily Ever After.

4 Kunzite & Zoisite

10 Best Sailor Moon Couples, Ranked

Kunzite and Zoisite are a product of the original anime; they don't appear as a couple in the manga or the reboot, Sailor Moon Crystal. Just because they're not a part of the original romance plan doesn't mean they're not perfect together. Their relationship humanizes them in the anime.

Zoisite and Kunzite bring out the best in each other. They have true compassion for each other and work as a team. Zoisite is cute as he goes to Kunzite for comfort, and Kunzite shows his protective and sentimental side with him.

3 Usagi & Seiya

10 Best Sailor Moon Couples, Ranked

In another world, Seiya and Usagi would have been endgame. Seiya's love for Usagi is both sweet and flirtatious. Usagi is going through a difficult, sad time when she meets Seiya and Seiya feels true compassion for her and wants to help her be happy again.

Usagi's interest in Seiya is truly convincing, too. Often when a second love interest comes along, it's obvious that they're not going to end up together—like when Rei briefly dated Mamoru. But Usagi blushes around Seiya, goes to them for comfort, and has fun dancing with them. Even the other Senshi pick up on their feelings for each other and tease Usagi about it.

2 Sailor Uranus & Sailor Neptune

10 Best Sailor Moon Couples, Ranked

Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune have one of the healthiest and most enduring romances in all anime. They are right on par with the central Sailor Moon pairing. They are unique individuals, but they support and appreciate each other for their inherent gifts and personality quirks.

They often seem to have a perfect understanding of each other without having to say much at all. They also step into parental roles beautifully when Sailor Saturn is reborn as a tiny baby and needs to be cared for. Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune raise a beautiful family together.

1 Usagi & Mamoru

10 Best Sailor Moon Couples, Ranked

Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask have been through so much in each of their lives. But no matter how many times death separates them, they find each other. Not even being brainwashed over and over can keep Mamoru from cleaving to the warrior he loves.

Sailor Moon's feelings for Tuxedo Mask start out as a girlish crush, but as they date and spend years together, they forge a true, mature bond. The glimpses into their future together show that their union brings about peace and happiness. They even have two beautiful daughters together, which is rare; Neo-Queen Serenity is the first Moon Queen to have more than one child.
