Saturday, October 7, 2023

10 Best Sailor Moon Heroes & Their Birthdays, Height, & Zodiac Signs

Naoko Takeuchi takes great care with developing her characters in Sailor Moon. Usagi may start out fighting alongside the four Inner Senshi, but it's not long before the world opens up and many other Senshi and allies join her. Each one of the large cast has a detailed backstory and personality.

Takeuchi loves astrology and astronomy, and which is etched into the Sailor Moon series. Each character has their own distinct personality and motivations, and that's reflected in their zodiac signs and the folklore of their home planets. While they all wear a different versions of the same sailor suit, they all have different, nuanced character designs.

10 Sailor Mercury

10 Best Sailor Moon Heroes & Their Birthdays, Height, & Zodiac Signs

Sailor Mercury is the first Inner Senshi to reveal herself to Sailor Moon. She's the brainy one of the group who focuses on acing her classes and broadening her mind. She can always be trusted to be cool and analytical in any situation.

Ami, Sailor Mercury, is 5'2", and she was born on September 10th, making her a Virgo. She fits the profile of a Virgo perfectly. She always observes rules, seeks understanding on an intellectual and emotional level, and she's generally the one who helps arrange events. Virgos are also ruled by the planet Mercury.

9 Sailor Venus

10 Best Sailor Moon Heroes & Their Birthdays, Height, & Zodiac Signs

Sailor Venus is the last Inner Senshi to join the group. She looks a lot like Princess Serenity, and she's already established as a Senshi superhero on her own before she meets up with the rest of the Senshi. That plays a huge role in why Luna and the rest of the Senshi suspect that she's Princess Serenity reborn. She's not, though, she's just a natural-born leader, and she's meant to be the leader of the Inner Senshi.

Sailor Venus is 5'2" and was born on October 22nd, making her a Libra. Librans always consider the pros and cons of every situation, which makes them great candidates for leading projects and movements. Librans are, of course, ruled by planet Venus and fittingly tend to fall hard and fast when it comes to matters of the heart.

8 Tuxedo Mask

10 Best Sailor Moon Heroes & Their Birthdays, Height, & Zodiac Signs

Tuxedo Mask cuts a dashing figure in his top hat and tails. He reads as tall, dark, and handsome, but he's actually far from six-foot. He doesn't need height to have grace and swagger, though. Tuxedo Mask leads with wit and charm, and he has the handsome looks that send people swooning after him.

Mamoru Chiba, Tuxedo Mask, is 5'9" and he was born August 3rd, making him a Leo. Leos are wonderful because they make everyone else feel like a Leo – they encourage others and help them see their own worth. Tuxedo Mask does exactly that when he encourages Sailor Moon's confidence. Tuxedo Mask was once the prince of Earth, but Leos are ruled by the Sun, not the Earth. It's still fitting, though, because the Sun pairs perfectly with the Moon.

7 Sailor Chibi Moon

10 Best Sailor Moon Heroes & Their Birthdays, Height, & Zodiac Signs

Sailor Chibi Moon is a young child, so her height obviously changes as her story progresses, but she tends to stand around 3'6". The Black Moon Arc does give a glimpse of Sailor Chibi Moon's future self (though Wicked Lady is her older self if she'd turned evil). Wicked Lady is 5'6" – taller than her mother by far, and nearly as tall as her father.

Rini, Sailor Chibi Moon, was born on the same exact day as her mother, June 30th, making her a Cancer. She may have her father's height, but she has her mother's star chart. Perhaps that's why they butt heads so often when Usagi is younger.

6 Sailor Neptune

10 Best Sailor Moon Heroes & Their Birthdays, Height, & Zodiac Signs

Sailor Neptune is the Senshi that shares the Sailor Moon creator's zodiac sign, though Takeuchi said that Sailor Neptune is the Senshi most unlike herself. Sailor Neptune is self-contained and contemplative. She doesn't speak much, preferring to make music and art over more extroverted activities.

Michiru, Sailor Neptune, is 5'5", making her a bit taller than most of the Senshi. She's a Pisces, born on March 6th. Pisces is a water sign, which is fitting as she comes from the planet named after the Roman god of the sea. Understandably, her attacks have a lot of aquatic imagery. Pisces are ruled by planet Neptune.

5 Sailor Uranus

10 Best Sailor Moon Heroes & Their Birthdays, Height, & Zodiac Signs

Sailor Uranus has amazing skills, like precognition, sword fighting, and car racing. She's an incredibly capable and charming Senshi. She's also the second-tallest Senshi – following Sailor Pluto – at 5'10", and she's known for dressing androgynously, with an impeccable fashion sense.

Sailor Uranus' charm is palpable, and she flirts expertly with Sailor Moon. Her heart belongs to Michiru, though; they're both best friends and soulmates, which is often the case with an Aquarian partner. Sailor Uranus, was born on January 27th. Aquarians are idealistic and rebellious, which is Haruka to a tee. They're also ruled by planet Uranus.

4 Sailor Mars

10 Best Sailor Moon Heroes & Their Birthdays, Height, & Zodiac Signs

Sailor Mars is also one of the shorter Senshi, but her nerve and no-nonsense manner can take up the whole room. Sailor Mars is driven, and she doesn't care for distractions, like romance. She cares more about her life goals and her studies. She makes the perfect shrine maiden and has an otherworldly connection with her ravens, Phobos and Deimos.

Rei, Sailor Mars, is 5'3" and she's an Aries, born on April 17th. Aries are ruled by planet Mars, of course. Planet Mars was named after the Roman god of war, and his Greek counterpart is Aries. Mars is also called the Red Planet, and thus Sailor Mars' attacks have a lot of war and fire imagery.

3 Sailor Star Fighter

10 Best Sailor Moon Heroes & Their Birthdays, Height, & Zodiac Signs

Sailor Star Fighter is a bit of an enigma, at first, but Usagi grows close to them quickly. Sailor Star Fighter is genuinely in love with Sailor Moon. In another timeline, they would have made a great couple.

It's interesting to note that Tuxedo Mask and Seiya, Sailor Star Fighter, share the same exact zodiac sign. Sailor Star Fighter is a Leo, ruled by the Sun, and is born on July 30th. They even use a rose in battle sometimes, like Tuxedo Mask. Fittingly, Sailor Star Fighter's zodiac is ruled not by a planet, but a star, technically speaking. Sailor Star Fighter is 5'5".

2 Sailor Jupiter

10 Best Sailor Moon Heroes & Their Birthdays, Height, & Zodiac Signs

Sailor Jupiter is a multi-faceted character. She loves to cook, take care of others, and she's very accomplished with martial arts. Like the Roman god she shares a name with, she tends to fall in love a lot. Though, to be fair, she's far kinder and ethical with her relationships than the Roman god ever was.

Sailor Jupiter, Makoto, is 5'6". Though she wears heeled boots with her Senshi uniform, and she can kick so high that it feels like she's even taller. She was born on December 5th, making her a Sagittarius. Sagittariuses are ruled by planet Jupiter, which is a stormy planet, hence why it was named after the god of Thunder. Sailor Jupiter has a lot of stormy imagery in her attacks.

1 Sailor Moon

10 Best Sailor Moon Heroes & Their Birthdays, Height, & Zodiac Signs

Sailor Moon doesn't care for schoolwork, but she will always work hard to make sure that her friends and the planet are safe from evil. For better or worse, Sailor Moon is ruled by her emotions. Even in her previous life, she governed herself by her heart and fell in love with a prince of Earth who she was never supposed to meet.

Sailor Moon's, character design makes her seem willowy and tall, but she's really only 4'11". She was born on June 30th, making her a Cancer. Cancereans are ruled by the Moon, and they're nicknamed Moon Children. Cancereans are famous for feeling their emotions very deeply.
