Sunday, October 1, 2023

10 Details About Oshi no Ko That Only Manga Readers Know

Oshi No Ko's first season has wrapped up, foreshadowing the highly anticipated Tokyo Blade arc that fans can't wait to see come to life in Season Two. The first season covers up to the end of Chapter 40, meaning there are over eighty chapters currently out as of mid-July 2023 that have yet to be adapted. Author Aka Akasaka has already stated that Oshi No Ko's end is in sight and heading into its final arc, so the manga is really heating up as all manner of loose ends start to come together.

This means that there are tons of little details about Oshi No Ko's story that only manga readers currently know. From Aqua's intense delve into emotional acting to Ruby and Aqua's divisive identity reveal, fans can't wait for these manga-only scenes to be animated in the coming season and beyond.

10 Aqua Briefly Stops Living for Revenge

10 Details About Oshi no Ko That Only Manga Readers Know

Ever since the death of his beloved idol and mother Ai, the only thing keeping Aqua going is his desire for revenge. Even during the moments where he looks to enjoy acting, Aqua can't allow himself to have fun, because he only views acting as a tool to enact revenge on Ai's killer.

However, there's a brief portion of time in the manga where Aqua believes his father is already dead. This means he can't live for revenge, and manga readers see Aqua grappling with the idea of trying to live for something more positive. This doesn't last long, though, as Aqua realizes his real father must still be out there.

9 Ruby Also Enters the Cycle of Revenge

10 Details About Oshi no Ko That Only Manga Readers Know

Oshi No Ko's first season primarily focuses on Aqua and his revenge plot, but later on in the manga, Ruby gets caught up in her own revenge plot. While out with Akane, a crow snatches Ruby's keychain before leading the duo to a hidden cave, where they find Gorou's corpse.

Ruby is shattered upon realizing that the two most important people to her, Ai and Gorou, were wrongfully taken from her. The dark stars are shown in Ruby's eyes for the first time, as she resolves to kill whoever took them from her.

8 Everything About the Twins' Lineage Is Revealed

10 Details About Oshi no Ko That Only Manga Readers Know

Before Ai even gives birth, she states that her twins' true identities have to remain secret. A famous idol like Ai having kids would be a huge, career-ending scandal, but a scandal surrounding Kana pops up later in the manga that causes Aqua to leverage his own scandal to get attention off her.

After the truth about Aqua and Ruby is revealed, Aqua sets into motion a plan to create a film that details Ai Hoshino's life. All of this not only helps to take the negative spotlight off Kana and give her much-needed breathing room, it's also an attempt to draw out the twins' true father.

7 Ruby Struggles With Being Overworked

10 Details About Oshi no Ko That Only Manga Readers Know

Much like her mother, Ruby possesses a dazzling charm that draws attention to her. This, combined with the career advice she starts getting later on in the manga, help to skyrocket Ruby's popularity. She gets more opportunities and recognition, but all of this newfound fame comes at a cost.

Ruby struggles to handle the weight of her workload and begins to burn out. Those close to her, like Kana and Aqua, realize that she's pushing herself far past her limits without getting rest, but she pushes aside their concerns and continues to work even harder despite the negative consequences.

6 The Hoshino Twins' Identity Reveal

10 Details About Oshi no Ko That Only Manga Readers Know

Ever since the start of Oshi No Ko, Aqua and Ruby have been aware the other is reincarnated, but unaware of their true identities. In the recent 122nd chapter, these identities are finally revealed to each other. Aqua's had suspicions, but pushed them away every time as it felt like an overly convenient fantasy.

Ruby, on the other hand, had no idea that her twin brother was really the sensei she loved and admired. This reveal in the manga is heavy and emotional, and it's still not clear what's going to become of their relationship dynamic now that this information is out in the open.

5 Akane's True Deductive Abilities

10 Details About Oshi no Ko That Only Manga Readers Know

Oshi No Ko's first season gives a glimpse into Akane's deductive abilities through her thorough research of Ai. Akane even pieces together that Ai may have had biological children, but this train of thought hasn't gone anywhere in the anime. Later in the manga, though, Akane takes this one step further.

Akane's thoughts race after Aqua has a panic attack in front of her and, piecing together what she knows of Aqua's past, deduces that he's Ai's son. She realizes this means he'd be all alone, bearing this secret without anyone to confide in, and causes Akane to devote herself to being by Aqua's side.

4 How Aqua Taps Into Emotional Acting

10 Details About Oshi no Ko That Only Manga Readers Know

During Oshi No Ko's Tokyo Blade arc, Aqua learns the art of emotional acting. This is an incredibly painful process that requires him to tap into the memories and feelings of Ai's murder, drawing them out to use on stage. Because Aqua's never properly processed his feelings on the matter, this induces multiple panic attacks during rehearsal.

Anytime Aqua begins to have fun while acting, the memory of being unable to save Ai haunts him, and he's immediately crushed by guilt. This leads Aqua to believe that, to him, acting must involve pain and suffering. It's heartwrenching, but because of this, his performance during Tokyo Blade's actual show is unforgettable.

3 The Mystery of the Crow Girl

10 Details About Oshi no Ko That Only Manga Readers Know

One character who hasn't been introduced in Oshi No Ko's anime yet is Crow Girl, a mysterious character who raises more questions than she answers anytime she appears. The Crow Girl is seemingly supernatural, takes on the appearance of a child, and has only revealed herself to Aqua and Ruby.

The Crow Girl tells Aqua he's lucky to be with Ruby and Ai in this life. The next time she visits him, Crow Girl reveals that Ai wasn't reincarnated after death, and urges Aqua to think about why he was reincarnated to begin with. She also appears in front of Ruby after Gorou's corpse is finally discovered, furthering Oshi No Ko's overall mystery each time.

2 The Identity of Ruby and Aqua's Father

10 Details About Oshi no Ko That Only Manga Readers Know

One of Oshi No Ko's biggest early mysteries is the identity of Aqua and Ruby's birth father. In the manga, it's actually Akane who discovers that their father's a man named Hikaru Kamiki, with Aqua learning this information second-handedly because of a bug he'd placed on Akane.

Not only is Hikaru the birth father of Aqua and Ruby, he's also the father of an award-winning actor in the same troupe as Akane. This actor's mother was also murdered due to Hikaru's involvement, but he can't be tried for these cases because he was a minor at the time. This is why Aqua decides to take him down using the Fifteen Year Lie plan.

1 Akane Decides to Stop Aqua

10 Details About Oshi no Ko That Only Manga Readers Know

Akane's originally fully on-board with Aqua's revenge plan, going as far as to take matters into her own hands without telling him. From Akane's perspective, Aqua's been through enough, and she decides to stop Aqua's father herself, so he can live a peaceful life. Akane is devastated to learn that Aqua had bugged her and fully planned to continue his revenge plot.

During the Fifteen Year Lie arc, Akane meets with Aqua with a newfound resolve, but this time it's not to support Aqua. Instead, Akane decides to stop Aqua and his revenge plot at all costs, for the sake of allowing him to live a relatively normal and happy life before he crosses the point of no return.
