Thursday, October 12, 2023

10 Dragon Ball Characters With The Most Untapped Potential

Dragon Ball has become an evergreen anime property for many reasons, but the series’ strong cast of characters are hard to top. Dragon Ball’s characters are driven by the need to grow stronger and prove that they’re the very best. For certain characters, like Goku and Vegeta, their progress is front and center to Dragon Ball’s storytelling.

At the same time, Dragon Ball has dozens of powerful characters who have slipped through the cracks or haven’t been properly explored. Dragon Ball is quite comfortable with its current cast of heroes, but there are still some fascinating figures whose full potential has yet to be revealed

10 Launch

10 Dragon Ball Characters With The Most Untapped Potential

Launch was a standout character in the original Dragon Ball who’s also one of the few franchise figures that Akira Toriyama has openly admitted to forgetting. Launch is afflicted by a unique condition where she experiences a drastic personality shift whenever she sneezes.

Launch vacillates between a meek and proper persona and a more aggressive and gung-ho side of herself. Launch is largely used for comic relief, but her situation could have become a curious battle breakthrough under different circumstances. Dragon Ball’s failure to develop Launch, as well as her abrupt exit from the series, leaves her with plenty of potential.

9 Frost

10 Dragon Ball Characters With The Most Untapped Potential

Dragon Ball Super begins to experiment with the freedom of a multiverse, especially when it comes to Universe 7’s sister realm, Universe 6. Universe 6’s Frost is presented as their altruistic alternate version of Universe 7’s Frieza. This is a fun change of pace until Dragon Ball reveals that Frost is just as wicked as his Universe 7 counterpart.

There are many places that Frost could be taken, whether he’s weaponized against Frieza or aligns with him. Dragon Ball Super only scratches the surface of Frost as a character and he currently feels like a wasted concept that hasn’t been fully investigated.

8 Garlic Jr.

10 Dragon Ball Characters With The Most Untapped Potential

Garlic Jr. is technically one of the very few Dragon Ball characters to actually acquire immortality through the Dragon Balls. Garlic Jr.’s immortal status means that he can’t be conventionally killed, so his fate becomes confined to an eternity in the Dead Zone purgatory. Garlic Jr. doesn’t get much respect in Dragon Ball, but he has all the makings of an exceptional villain.

Garlic Jr.’s immortality means that he could orchestrate some especially destructive schemes. He also possesses the Black Water Mist, which can turn Earth’s potential into compliant zombies. Under different circumstances, it wouldn’t be difficult for Garlic Jr. to take over the planet.

7 Uub

10 Dragon Ball Characters With The Most Untapped Potential

Uub might be Dragon Ball’s most obvious example of unfulfilled potential and he’s a character who audiences are still eager to see enter the spotlight. Dragon Ball Z concludes with Goku recognizing Uub’s talent at the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament and pledging to train him to be a great defender of Earth.

Dragon Ball Super is set before Dragon Ball Z’s final ten-year time-skip, which means that its hands are fairly tied when it comes to Uub’s incorporation. Dragon Ball GT teases Uub’s power and what’s possible with the character, but audiences are ready to see the canonical version of these events and what Uub can really do after training under Goku.

6 Videl

10 Dragon Ball Characters With The Most Untapped Potential

Videl becomes a crucial Dragon Ball addition during Gohan’s teen years in high school and the two quickly become caught up in one another’s energy. Videl is the daughter of martial artist and public figure, Hercule Satan, but it’s Gohan who teaches her how to manipulate ki and master its basics, like flight.

Videl is such a quick study when it comes to ki abilities, she seems destined for greatness as she fights by Gohan’s side. However, Videl’s combat days ostensibly end after she marries Gohan and becomes a mother to Pan. Videl is still naturally strong and battle savvy, so hopefully Dragon Ball will find an excuse to put her back on the battlefield.

5 Gotenks

10 Dragon Ball Characters With The Most Untapped Potential

Fusion has proven to be a controversial procedure in Dragon Ball where two individuals combine their strength and skills to become a superior warrior. Fusion is primarily used with Goku and Vegeta or Goten and Trunks, the latter of which have become more of a running gag than a legitimate source of help in battle.

Goten and Trunks master Super Saiyan strength earlier than any other character and their fused form, Gotenks, is the only character besides Goku who can become Super Saiyan 3. Nevertheless, Gotenks has been kept out of the picture and his creative attacks have been reduced to comic relief. It’s long overdue for Gotenks to transcend to a new Super Saiyan tier.

4 Pikkon

10 Dragon Ball Characters With The Most Untapped Potential

Pikkon is an anime-only character, albeit one who’s found incredible success through his repeated appearances in Dragon Ball Z’s Other World Tournament, the series’ feature films, and even Dragon Ball GT. Dragon Ball presents Pikkon as the strongest fighter from the galaxy’s west quadrant and a faithful protector of the afterlife.

Audiences were hopeful that Goku would recruit Pikkon to fight in the Tournament of Power so he’d officially become canon. However, Super’s reluctance to turn to Pikkon has left fans frustrated that this rewarding hero’s story has been cut short.

3 Tien

10 Dragon Ball Characters With The Most Untapped Potential

Tien, like most of Dragon Ball’s human fighters, has become a supporting player who audiences no longer expect to save the day. This is a disappointing development considering that Tien was at one point stronger than Goku and on a path to even greater power.

Tien gets another shot at success during the Tournament of Power, but his contributions there are minimal and he doesn’t showcase any groundbreaking techniques or transformations. Tien holds his own with the rest of Universe 7, but his Dragon Ball Super return would have been the perfect time to give him a substantial upgrade that speaks to his endless potential.

2 Universe 6 Saiyans

10 Dragon Ball Characters With The Most Untapped Potential

Dragon Ball Super introduces dozens of new and deadly fighters from across the multiverse. However, the advent of Universe 6’s thriving Saiyan homeworld is just as compelling as any new adversary. Universe 6’s Cabba, Kale, and Caulifla quickly bond with Universe 7’s Saiyans, and it doesn’t take long for them to master the ways of Super Saiyan.

After a very brief lesson, Caulifla almost accesses Super Saiyan 3 strength. These three Saiyans become inspired by the Universe 7 crew, and it’d be a shock if they didn’t immerse themselves in training to further explore their potential. Universe 6’s Saiyans are among Dragon Ball Super’s most popular characters that audiences want to see return.

1 Whis

10 Dragon Ball Characters With The Most Untapped Potential

Dragon Ball Super’s multiverse establishes that each universe has its own God of Destruction and Angel, who are Lord Beerus and Whis in Universe 7. Beerus is the more aggressive of these two, but Dragon Ball consistently suggests that Whis is far more powerful. Only a fraction of Whis’ power has been seen in Dragon Ball even though he’s pulled off impossible feats like rewinding time or transporting people to a pocket dimension in his staff.

It feels like Whis is capable of doing anything and that his Angel abilities still have many places to go. Whis is secure in his supervisory position, but with any luck a new threat will push him out of his comfort zone.
