Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

After Nagato loses Yahiko in Naruto Shippuden, he changes his name to Pain and pursues his goal of inflicting pain and suffering throughout the shinobi world. His name reflects his philosophy, and he believes he's found a foolproof way to establish peace. Pain is an extremely compelling character because though he's a villain, he isn't entirely wrong.

Pain's method of forcing others to acknowledge and understand suffering by causing death and devastation is inhumane, but his theories make sense. Pain gave captivating speeches on society, humanity, suffering, empathy, war, violence, and understanding. As a result, his villainous role didn't stop fans from acknowledging his illuminative ideologies.

Updated on October 9, 2023 by Jennifer Melzer: The Pain Assault arc in Naruto remains one of the most emotional and devastating storylines in Shippuden. As Pain doled out wisdom slathered in darkness and misery, it was difficult to see how Naruto would overcome the obstacles before him. This list of Pain quotes has been updated to meet with CBR's current standards in formatting, as well as to add even more dark quotes from one of Naruto's most brutal villains.

20 "Knowing Pain Controls One's Words And Thoughts."

Season 6, Episode 18: "The Man Who Became God"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

Though their battle already began, Jiraiya is still curious about what had happened to Nagato to turn him into such a cruel person. The young boy he once knew was gone, and he wants to understand why he became so cold. Nagato simply states "nothing" happened to him, "just war."

Though Nagato lost everything during the Third Great Ninja War, he still had Yahiko and Konan — his newfound family. Unfortunately, Yahiko was fooled by Danzo and Hanzo into believing his death would bring peace. Yahiko's death made Nagato believe there wasn't any good left in the world and that only suffering could bring about understanding.

19 "The Most... Innocent Child Will Eventually Grow Up."

Season 6, Episode 18: "The Man Who Became God"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

Pain understands the harsh realities of growing up. He knows firsthand that sometimes, children are forced to grow up and mature way too soon. Pain didn't get to have a childhood; his parents were murdered right in front of him during the war. This horrific tragedy forces him to leave home and fend for himself. He almost didn't make it, with many people turning the starving boy away, refusing to share their food and warmth with an orphan. The amount of suffering he endured forced him to face the reality of his painful existence, shaping him into the man he would later become.

18 "Pain Will Give Rise To Momentary Peace."

Season 8, Episode 14: "Nine-Tails, Captured!"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

Even though many of Pain's actions are reprehensible, his thoughts on suffering are pretty insightful and can be helpful in real life. It's impossible to overcome something without facing it. People naturally run from it, but Pain experienced so much agony he's become immune to it.

As a result, Pain ruthlessly inflicts pain and suffering upon others and callously tells them to embrace it. To instruct people to ignore the destruction and death he causes is insensitive, to say the least, but Pain thinks he is enlightening them.

17 "We Act According To Our Own Sense Of Justice."

Season 8, Episode 14: "Nine-Tails, Captured!"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

When Pain temporarily gains the upper hand in his fight against Naruto, he takes the time to have a discussion. Pain explains to Naruto that his family, his friends, and his village were destroyed by the Hidden Leaf Village years ago. His nation became a battlefield for the Great Nation's war. This revelation causes Naruto to realize that Pain suffered just as much, if not more, than he did.

Pain wants Naruto to understand that they aren't different, and in the end, they want the same things. Pain asserts, "You have your justice, and I have mine." Though fans can't agree with his methods, his thoughts are insightful — there's no clear hero or villain in their world.

16 "Never Let My Guard Down..."

Season 6, Episode 21: "The Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

When Jiraiya found himself face to face with his former students, it had to be rattling. Despite Orochimaru telling him to put the three war orphans out of their misery, Jiraiya stuck around and taught them how to protect and defend themselves. He believed for a long time that Nagato was his prophesied student, so coming face to face with him as an enemy no doubt threw him off guard.

Anyone watching "The Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant" had a knot of dread in their gut. After all, the student rising to kill his own master is not unheard of. Still, for Jiraiya to let down his guard cost him dearly, and knowing the level of his skill and talent, it was a devastating mistake that cost him his life in the end.

15 "If You Kill People, You Shall Be Killed."

Season 8, Episode 11: "Pain to the World"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

Pain understands that, more often than not, people's idea of justice is just a way to make them feel more exceptional than the rest. During peacetime, such individuals will put themselves on a pedestal and take credit for ending the war — even if they committed the most atrocities.

Everyone is consistently seeking their own sense of justice, even the most powerful heroes in Naruto. Pain understands this concept on a fundamental level because he doesn't have anything else to lose. He is no longer blinded by a singular need for revenge; as such, he feels connected to anyone that hurt the way he once did.

14 "Know Pain."

Season 8, Episode 11: "Pain to the World"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

Pain wants humanity to evolve by forcing them to embrace their fear, suffering, and inner darkness. No one can truly understand loss if they don't experience it. While his thought process isn't wrong, his means are more than questionable up until his death.

Pain doesn't mind serving as the catalyst for everyone's hurt since he thinks everyone should experience it in order to grow. Ultimately, Pain conveys the idea that for one to grow past their suffering, one must experience it, sit with it, and learn from it.

13 "It's Enough To Start A War."

Season 4, Episode 10: "Sad News"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

It wouldn't be fair to call Pain a nihilist. He wants to reform society because he sees the potential within it — no matter how twisted his methods may seem. Instead, it makes more sense to call Pain a cynic.

Most of Pain's contempt for humanity stems from the disappointment he feels regarding humanity's never-ending transgressions. He's seen too much war, and because of this, he's convinced that people will always find a reason, any reason, to fight and kill.

12 Do You Hate Me Now?

Season 8, Episode 14, "Nine Tails, Captured!"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

As Pain destroyed Naruto's home, his hopes and dreams for the future, he expected to get a reaction he could relate to. After all, he tormented and killed many of the people Naruto loved. Despite this, Naruto refused to give into the hatred Nagato hoped to inspire in him. Hatred bred from pain shaped Nagato's entire philosophy, and because it reflected everything he'd experienced throughout his life, he expected that everyone who suffered would understand his point of view.

Despite provoking Naruto, it took a great deal to coax him to the point of no return. It was only when he began hurting Hinata, who rose again and again to try and save Naruto, that the Nine Tails chakra began to overwhelm Naruto with rage.

11 "People Hurt Others Without Even Realizing It."

Season 8, Episode 23: "Tale of Naruto Uzumaki"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

Pain often ponders heavy topics, and it's unsurprising that he's not afraid to dissect dark subjects. Pain believes humanity is inherently evil, often claiming humans are only good for hurting each other.

Pain also believes cooperation and peace will never exist between people of different social classes and backgrounds. In the end, humanity is bound to head back to the battlefield once again. According to Pain, as it stands, "there is no peace in the world," and "war is just a crime paid for by the pain of the defeated."

10 "Share Someone's Pain..."

Season 8, Episode 17: "The Fourth Hokage"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

Pain makes it his personal mission to inflict pain and suffering. He deems himself the arbiter of truth and thinks he alone can redeem the world. His misguided attempt to share his flawed enlightenment only brings about the same anguish he endured most of his life.

Instead of waiting for the next war, Pain decides to wreak havoc throughout the Hidden Villages to ensure his version of understanding. Though there is truth to understanding through shared experiences, forcing those experiences is wrong.

9 "Then You Can Know Pain."

Season 8, Episode 15: "Confessions"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

Pain takes a cynical view of love. While most view the ability to love and form meaningful bonds as a strength, Pain feels these things hold humanity back.

Pain recognizes the fact that society has gotten comfortable with toxic, shallow relationships. He claims such connections only create jealousy, resulting in a loss. Pain sees every emotion as a gateway to pain — even love.

8 "Their Pain Is What Helped Me Grow Up."

Season 6, Episode 21: "The Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

Before he became Pain, he was Nagato. Nagato lost everything and everyone he ever loved, except Konan, one of the best female characters in Naruto. To Pain, his attachment to his parents, his village, and Yahiko only resulted in his anguish.

Losing everything Pain held dear hardened his heart, and he no longer feared pain and loss. Death was just a part of life to him. Tragically, Nagato's consistent misfortune causes him to have a twisted kinship with pain. Anger, loss, and suffering are the most familiar emotions to him.

7 "Revenge In The Name Of Justice."

Season 8, Episode 14: "Nine-Tails, Captured!"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

Pain has made some rather astute observations about the nature of vengeance — especially considering that he seeks to avenge humanity as a whole by causing widespread unrest and death. Pain is quite insightful about the nature of society.

In particular, Pain criticizes humanity's hypocrisy in declaring their pursuit to avenge their loved ones and force the "bad guys" to take accountability. Pain declared, "Justice would only breed even more revenge." There will always be someone who feels wronged, and if they enact their revenge, those who suffered, as a result, will also seek vengeance — the cycle is never-ending.

6 "...True Peace."

Season 8 Episode 11: "Pain to the World"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

The crux of Pain's entire endgame is the idea of harboring peace through suffering. He believes people cause each other harm because they don't comprehend the consequences of their actions. If they've never truly felt pain themselves, then they wouldn't understand.

People can claim to be empaths, but it's just an empty word when they don't truly put themselves in another person's shoes. Pain claims such inconsiderate behavior results in constant war.

5 "You And I Are The Same"

Season 8, Episode 14: "Nine-Tails, Captured!"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

One of Pain's greatest downfalls was his ability to see beyond the scope of his own vengeance. He may have called it justice, what he did to the Hidden Leaf Village, but making the current generation pay for the losses in his past is not just. He believes that in order to end the cycle of hate, everyone must come to know the same sensations of pain, but this shortsighted view is not enough.

Even with a tailed beast weapon at the ready, it would still only be a temporary solution, at least until the Otsusuki came along. Had Pain been able to connect the real similarities between Naruto and himself, a lot of devastation might have been avoided, but it's doubtful. Having born witness to the brutal death of those he held most dear time and again distorted his view.

4 "The World Will Know Real Pain."

Season 8, Episode 14: "Nine-Tails, Captured!"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

Pain repeatedly states that he wants the world to know pain. He believes that "the fear instilled by that pain [will] prevent wars." Ironically, Pain wants a world filled with "stability and peace," but his methods are gruesome and unforgiving. He is willing to enact decades of torment and misery because he believes peace will be achieved eventually.

However, Pain also asserts that this peace will be temporary and fighting will ensue once more, but peace will be found yet again. He dreams of an "endless cycle of hatred" that will bring about sporadic moments of true peace. This is exactly what he means in his speech before his fight with Naruto.

3 "Now That I Am A God."

Season 6, Episode 18: "The Man Who Became God"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

Pain believes that through "never-ending pain," he has evolved past human understanding. When Jiraiya asks Pain his thoughts on abandoning the love of friends, Pain states that Jiraiya is "still just a man." He trivializes human emotions and declares himself a god — believing his "words and thoughts [are] absolute."

Pain's able to reject his sensei's pleas because he believes Jiraiya simply doesn't understand what he is saying — his mortality prevents him from comprehending Pain's self-proclaimed godhood. When Pain decides to rebuild the "war-torn world," he convinces himself that it's the work of a god and that there are "things [he] can do which man cannot." Pain deludes himself into thinking he is "the god of peace," and that total devastation is the only way to mature the world.

2 "Can You Have Such Faith In Yourself?"

Season 8, Episode 14, "Nine Tails, Captured!"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

Pain and Naruto couldn't be more different than night and day, despite the similarities of their upbringing. Despite both being orphaned, both being mentored and trained by Jiraiya, they each took a very different approach to the Toad Sage's wisdom. Pain's suffering distorted his view, making it impossible to see hope, while Naruto had nothing but hope for a brighter future.

A lack of control over one's own circumstances can be daunting, and for Nagato to have suffered the way he did, it's no small wonder he lost his way. He saw Naruto as naive and foolish in the beginning, but by the time their final conversation was done, he came to see the barest shred of hope for a world Naruto wanted to shape for the better.

1 "I Shall Believe In You Naruto Uzumaki."

Season 8, Episode 21, "The Tale of Naruto Uzumaki"

Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked

Naruto's hyperactive enthusiasm and positivity may have often come across as annoying to his friends and mentors, but in the end, it was enough to stop one of the greatest threats in his world: Pain. By showing Nagato a different, path in which pain and suffering wasn't the answer, but a sign of necessary change, Naruto was able to change his view and end his reign of agony and horror.

Pain sacrificed himself in order to reverse the damage he'd done, but it's a certainty that had he lived, he wouldn't have regretted his choice to believe in Naruto. Naruto may not have been perfect, but he did exactly what he promised to do in uniting the world's ninja forces and striving toward true peace.
