Sunday, October 1, 2023

Oshi No Ko Chapter 124 Makes Miyako Saito Best Mom Again -- And Just In Time

In recent Oshi no Ko chapters, the ambitious Ruby Hoshino still holds her position as the series' strongest and most consequential character. She is determined to escape her past life as the helpless Sarina Tendouji and become a star, but it's not easy. Ruby is now trying to juggle multiple projects, both on her own and with her fellow B Komachi members, and she needs a foster mom to support her the whole time.

Fortunately for Ruby, Miyako Saito is much more than the Hoshino twins' guardian for simple legal reasons. Miyako is now stepping up as an excellent foster mother, taking it upon herself to be Ruby's personal manager and protector. Even when Miyako feels burnt out or suffers from self-doubt as a foster mom, she won't give up. This benefits not just Ruby's personal arc, but Miyako's own, and just in time for Oshi no Ko to conclude its story.

Miyako Saito Has Become Oshi No Ko's Best Mom

Oshi No Ko Chapter 124 Makes Miyako Saito Best Mom Again -- And Just In Time

Early in Oshi no Ko's story, after Ai Hoshino's tragic death, Miyako and Ichigo Saito stepped up as Aqua and Ruby's foster parents – giving them much needed stability. Soon, Miyako found her rhythm as a foster parent and manager at Strawberry Productions, becoming a pillar of professional and sometimes personal support for Ruby Hoshino as the latter's career took off. Miyako was always there to support the young Ruby, and she made it look easy, juggling her two responsibilities with or without Ichigo's help. For a time after that, Miyako partially faded into the background while Oshi no Ko pursued other plotlines, but by Oshi no Ko Chapter 124, Miyako has returned, and is in excellent form – even if she doesn't feel that way.

Chapter 124 of the manga depicts a frazzled Miyako straining herself to juggle all of Ruby's appointments and responsibilities as a high school student, an aspiring pop idol, and most recently, as an actress in the movie about Ai Hoshino's life. All this is taking a heavy toll on Ruby too, who actually has to do all these things, but Miyako is determined to ease the burden on Ruby's shoulders as much as possible. Miyako both acts and talks like a caring mother who goes above and beyond for her foster daughter, determined to bear these burdens so Ruby doesn't have to. Miyako knows that she's straining herself to the breaking point, but she won't let herself quit, because Ruby is counting on her. In Miyako's mind, this personal sacrifice is worth it.

All that makes Miyako a wonderful foster mother, though Miyako must still take care to not tax herself too heavily. Miyako must still fine-tune this balance for her and Ruby's sake, which might include dropping a project, but otherwise, Miyako deserves a lot of credit for this, most of all from herself. Her selfless and tireless care for Ruby is to be commended, and even after Miyako's negative self-talk, she's still going. Ruby's happiness is her own happiness.

Miyako's Character Arc Is Reaching Its Climax

Oshi No Ko Chapter 124 Makes Miyako Saito Best Mom Again -- And Just In Time

Oshi no Ko's manga is now in its final arc, and the overall story will wrap up soon, meaning Miyako Saito's own character arc will soon conclude. Sooner than later, manga readers will find out whether all this hard work was worth it for the frazzled, burdened Miyako Saito, and so far, the signs are promising. Miyako and the Hoshino twins have come a long way to give it their all so they can find true happiness and realize their dreams. The big payoff is coming soon, and Oshi no Ko's manga will soon reveal whether Ruby will achieve her dream of pop idol stardom or whether she will crash and burn. Fortunately for Ruby, Miyako Saito is right there to help Ruby cross that finish line as Oshi no Ko's manga ends, which will give Miyako's arc a proper ending, too.

From the beginning, Miyako's character arc has been closely tied to other people, mainly the Hoshino twins. Their happiness and success are Miyako's own, and she knows it. Miyako may complain sometimes, but nothing makes her happier than supporting her foster son and daughter and helping them achieve great things. If Ruby's arc is about to reach its endgame, then so will Miyako's, and everyone will find out if Miyako's tireless efforts as Ruby's manager-mom were worth it. In a dramatic and shocking series like Oshi no Ko, there's always the possibility of things taking a sudden turn for the worse for Ruby and Miyako, but given how dark the series has been, all these characters are due for a happy ending, and Miyako is right on track to get such an ending. Sooner than later, Miyako will believe it was all worth it as Ruby's foster mom and manager, whether Ruby's final arc pays off or not.

Miyako Saito Can Help Oshi No Ko End Well

Oshi No Ko Chapter 124 Makes Miyako Saito Best Mom Again -- And Just In Time

Even if Miyako feels burnt out and has some self-doubts, she is doing well as Ruby's manager-mom in Oshi no Ko's final arc, and there's not much room left for something to go horribly wrong for either of them. Most likely, Miyako's personal arc will end well, especially since she already has so much to be proud of, regardless of what happens next. This means that either in a completely positive way or in a bittersweet way, Miyako can end her arc with satisfaction, and that may help brighten Oshi no Ko's overall ending at the same time.

Overall, Oshi no Ko is a dark drama series that mixes in other genres such as high school romance, partial isekai, while heartbreak and tragedy have been the rule the entire time. Everyone in Oshi no Ko needs a break and deserves a chance to end this story on a brighter note, which can help readers feel relieved, too. Miyako Saito, for her part, is on track to help brighten Oshi no Ko's ending as a satisfied and exemplary manager-mom. She practically guarantees that even if Oshi no Ko ends in catastrophe, fans can still hang onto Miyako's arc as an example of someone who became better and happier over the course of this story. And if Oshi no Ko does end on a positive note, then Miyako's great character arc as a proud foster manager-mom will contribute to the overall mood, helping her, as a supporting character, feel more relevant and memorable. After all Miyakko Saito has done for the Hoshino twins, it's the least Oshi no Ko can do after all Miyako has done.
