Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Jujutsu Kaisen’s Best Running Gag Is Itadori’s Jennifer Lawrence Obsession

Many anime series tend to employ running gags, like the bookstore employees in Lucky Star, Edward being sat on by big dogs in Full Metal Alchemist, or Kakashi openly reading adult books in Naruto. Jujutsu Kaisen is no exception to this lighthearted trope, with protagonist Yuji Itadori's love for actress Jennifer Lawrence on full display. And this wasn't just a one-time deal either—it was referenced multiple times in Jujutsu Kaisen, with or without Yuji Itadori being asked.

The first time it was brought up was when Itadori met the Principal of Tokyo Jujutsu Tech, Masamichi Yaga. Although an appreciation for Jennifer Lawrence wasn't funny in and of itself, it was the way Itadori raised the subject without prompting, and how he claimed she was his type while introducing himself to the principal. Jennifer Lawrence was the star of The Hunger Games movies and the psychological thriller mother! Therefore, a solid case could be made that these movies are canon in Jujutsu Kaisen's universe.

Updated on November 8, 2023 by Angelo Delos Trinos: Jujutsu Kaisen's Jennifer Lawrence running joke is one of the anime community's favorite gags. Not only was Itadori's answer unexpected, but there was actually some depth to it. This article was updated to expound on what Itadori's crush said about him and others as well.

Itadori's Jennifer Lawrence Obsession Forged a Friendship

In Season 1, Episode 15, Itadori brought up Jennifer Lawrence yet again during his fight against Aoi Todo. To be specific, Todo asked Itadori what his type of woman was before they traded blows during the Exchange Event's group battle. Itadori responded with "Tall girls with big butts... like Jennifer Lawrence." This confession seemed to trigger something deep in Todo, and his mind escaped to a slice-of-life fantasy in which he and Itadori were best friends.

In the daydream, they were on a school's roof, reading manga before they realized they were late for class. Todo then confessesed his feelings to Takada-Chan—an in-universe pop idol he was a massive fan of. She sadly ripped his letter in half, and said she doesn't feel the same way before casually walking away. The fake memory ended with Itadori and Todo walking home. Todo sulkied, before Itadori placed a supportive hand on his back. As Todo snapped back to reality, tears streamed down his face, because he finally found a kindred soul who he could call his "best friend."

The fact that the powerful Yuji Itadori's crush on Jennifer Lawrence triggered such a reaction cemented this moment as one of Jujutsu Kaisen's best jokes. Some fans would even go as far as saying that it was one of the best new running gags to be introduced in a shonen anime. The reference initially appeared in Jujutsu Kaisen's manga, making its inclusion in the anime all the more significant. It also seemed that Itadori wasn't the only one interested in a Western actor, either. During the after-credits "Juju Stroll" at the end of the same episode, the women were asked their type. While some answers were just generic preferences like "strong," and other vague adjectives, Nishimiya Momo was seen drooling while answering, "Sebastian Stan" and scrolling through her phone. She was presumably flipping through his Instagram or other social media.

Hopefully, Jujutsu Kaisen does more with Nishimiya's obsession with the actor best known for portraying the Marvel Cinematic Universe's (MCU) Winter Soldier in the future. Fans also look forward to seeing more of Itadori's love for Jennifer Lawrence play out, and maybe an unlikely chance encounter between them. It should be noted that, as of this writing, Jennifer Lawrence doesn't seem to be aware that she inspired Jujutsu Kaisen's most well-known running gag. Regardless, as Itadori continues to dream of the actor, the hope now is that his celebrity crush plays a part in future shenanigans.

Todo Respected Yuji Itadori's Answer More Than Megumi Fushiguro's

Itadori wasn't the first character in Jujutsu Kaisen who Todo asked about what their preferences in a potential partner were. Before Itadori, Todo asked the same question to Megumi Fushiguro. He answered that he didn't care about looks, and was more interested in a woman who had an "unshakable character." Todo was so disappointed by Megumi's answer that he was literally bored to tears. He then pummeled Megumi in a one-sided beat down as punishment. Todo's vastly different reactions to two valid answers made many Jujutsu Kaisen fans laugh, but also sparked some rather intense debates. This stemmed from some viewers' belief that Itadori and Todo were too shallow, and that Megumi's answer was the more respectable choice.

Although Jujutsu Kaisen portrayed Todo as something of a hilariously shameless pervert, he had a point when he derided Megumi for being "boring." There's nothing wrong with prioritizing a potential lover's personality over their physical beauty. In fact, doing so is even commendable. That said, a person's personality really is the most inoffensive and predictable answer to Todo's question.

As Todo explained, Megumi's answer said nothing interesting or unique about him as a person. It only confirmed that he was boring. Itadori's crush on Jennifer Lawrence, conversely, may come across as silly and immature, but it was undeniably honest. It also showed how different Megumi and Itadori were. If Megumi was the kind of self-serious person who was often too cautious and reserved for his own good, Itadori was his more confident, impulsive, and outgoing foil. Given how Todo was also brash and very outspoken about his preferences, it's no wonder Itadori's answer made him cry tears of joy.

Jujutsu Kaisen’s Best Running Gag Is Itadori’s Jennifer Lawrence Obsession