Saturday, April 20, 2024

10 Best Jujutsu Kaisen Characters, Ranked

Gege Akutami’s hit dark shonen manga Jujutsu Kaisen is consistently praised for countless virtues. A modern classic of the genre, JJK is a perfect mix of classic shonen tropes and emerging novelties, like a larger focus on dark themes and more dynamic, fast-paced storytelling. Yuji Itadori’s tale of strife in the dangerous and unforgiving world of curses and sorcerers became the new face of the shonen genre thanks to its incredible supernatural setting, outstandingly engaging fights, and, above all else, the memorable, diverse characters JJK introduces.

Akutami’s ability to instantaneously engross the fans in both the heroes and the villains he creates is nothing short of exceptional. And while Jujutsu Kaisen has been commonly criticized for often not doing its characters justice by either killing them off prematurely or failing to develop their arcs in full, the best of the series’ cast remain some of the top-tier characters in the entire genre.

10 Kinji Hakari Brings Refreshing Excitement into the Series

While most associate Jujutsu Kaisen with dark, gruesome storylines and equally troubled characters, the series has its fair share of heroes who are simply fun to watch. Jujutsu High’s notorious delinquent, Kinji Hakari, is one such character, and audiences absolutely adore his unhinged, passionate personality. Introduced late in the series, during the beginning of the Culling Game arc, Hakari initially comes off as arrogant and dangerously unpredictable. Yet, once Yuji earns Hakari’s respect with his burning fever, the older sorcerer becomes a loyal and powerful ally to the heroes.

Another aspect of Hakari’s character many fans adore is his abilities, namely the sorcerer’s Idle Death Gamble Domain Expansion. Of all JJK characters, Hakari has one of the most ridiculously formidable techniques, which, through a complicated combination of conditions based on luck and Hakari’s passion for gambling, grants him temporary immortality. Hakari’s fights are never disappointing, and he successfully inflicts the readers with his devotion to give his all in a battle. Charmingly earnest and wildly entertaining, Hakari is the kind of hero one can’t simply dislike.

9 Kento Nanami Left a Lasting Impression on Fans

Yuji’s respected mentor figure and one of the top sorcerers protecting Jujutsu High’s younger generation, Kento Nanami is a character whose impact on the series was undeniably enormous. While Nanami comes off as aloof and downhearted, showing little obvious kindness to others and often making straightforwardly negative remarks, his heart is one of the biggest in the entire cast. Nanami takes his job incredibly seriously and is determined to protect the weak with his sorcerer skills to the bitter end.

Nanami's bond with Yuji is especially telling in showcasing how great of a character he is, as it’s the older sorcerer’s kindness and commitment to protecting the protagonist from adult burdens that helps Yuji grow and overcome his guilt. Unfortunately, Nanami met an untimely death during the Shibuya Incident, taken out by Mahito’s Idle Transfiguration right in front of Yuji’s eyes. Yet, unlike some other characters who have perished in Jujutsu Kaisen, such as Nobara or Junpei, Nanami’s arc felt complete by the time of its tragic conclusion, which made it one of the series’ most emotionally impactful deaths.

8 Aoi Todo Fought Alongside Yuji with Unmatched Vigor

Despite his limited presence in the series, Aoi Todo stands out from other students of Kyoto Jujutsu High School due to just how memorable of a character he is. Passionate and eccentric, Todo knows how to make an impression, blindsiding both fans and the Tokyo students immediately with his intrusive questions about Megumi’s taste in women. Yet, once Todo finds his “brother” in Yuji, new sides of his personality begin to shine, such as his outstanding battle intelligence and an unexpectedly philosophical worldview, which few expect from such a brawny, battle-crazed hero.

Todo’s friendship with Yuji is a delightful insight into his character, as it develops the 1st grade sorcerer as an outstandingly loyal, devoted individual, capable of making great sacrifices to see his friends succeed. In their fight against Mahito, Todo even cuts off his own hand, making him unable to use his innate technique, Boogie Woogie, for the sake of supporting Yuji’s victory. Regrettably, nothing about Aoi Todo’s fate has been heard ever since the Shibuya Incident. Nevertheless, fans hold onto the hope of seeing his arc concluded before Jujutsu Kaisen ends.

7 Hiromi Higuruma Became a Fan-Favorite Unexpectedly Quickly

Initially introduced as a minor antagonist in the Culling Game arc, Hiromi Higuruma had a very unexpected character transformation, turning from a memorable yet insignificant one-off villain into one of the series’ most interesting main cast additions. Unlike most characters in Jujutsu Kaisen, Higuruma doesn’t have a history of being a sorcerer, unlocking his powers due to Kenjaku at the start of the Culling Game. Yet, he becomes the event’s top participant through his outstanding skills, genius-level intellect, and the immense power of his shikigami, Judgeman.

However, Higuruma’s abilities play only a small part in making him a fascinating character. Originally being a non-sorcerer, Higuruma has an arc that differs greatly from the storylines of most other heroes in JJK. An attorney disillusioned with the Japanese justice system, Higuruma had a difficult career due to his idealistic views, which ended with him snapping and killing the prosecutor and the judge in the case he lost. He only finds the strength to turn his life around upon fighting with Yuji, joining him and the other sorcerers on the side of good afterward.

6 Yuta Okkotsu is As Important As a Second Protagonist

The hero of the prequel movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0 and one of the most prominent characters in the current phase of the manga, Yuta Okkotsu was initially perceived coldly by the fanbase due to his lackluster personality and questionable relevance to the main plot. Yet, even by the end of his film, Yuta has already managed to convince many that he might be one of the series’ best characters. A special grade sorcerer with two outstanding powers — his innate technique, Copy, and the cursed spirit of Rika, his deceased childhood friend — Yuta begins as a timid and self-conscious kid who struggles to accept his jujutsu powers.

Over his time at Jujutsu High, as well as during his participation in the Night Parade of 100 Demons, Yuta learns to put his trust in others and use his exceptional abilities for good. The Yuta fans meet at the end of the Shibuya Incident is much more confident in himself, showing a ruthless side in battle that was previously hidden. Nevertheless, the passion with which he fought in the Culling Game and during the showdown with Sukuna proves that, at his core, Yuta remains a kind individual who selflessly pushes forward to protect others.

5 Suguru Geto is a Fascinatingly Complex Villain

A rather mysterious character at the start of the series, Suguru Geto develops into an instant fan-favorite once his backstory is revealed in the Hidden Inventory arc. Satoru Gojo’s best friend and a fellow special grade, Geto used to be the more morally righteous and dignified of the two, often guiding Gojo in ethically uncertain situations. Yet, following the death of Riko Amanai, Geto began to harbor more and more resentment towards humans. Over time, the gap between him and Gojo continued to grow, and eventually, Geto’s hatred boiled over with him betraying the ideals of the jujutsu society.

Geto wanted to build a world with only jujutsu sorcerers in it, seeing no place for regular humans he degradingly called monkeys in his ideal society. Yet, Geto was defeated by Yuta Okkotsu and killed by his former best friend, Gojo in the events of Jujutsu Kaisen 0. Geto’s character arc is one of the most tragically complex in the entire series, which allowed him to stay relevant and beloved by fans even after Kenjaku possessed his body and the original Suguru Geto was long gone.

4 Sukuna is the Series' Most Formidable Antagonist

From the moment Yuji has eaten one of the King of Curses’ fingers in episode 1, becoming the new vessel of history’s most terrifying monster, Sukuna has been acting as an ever-present threat to Yuji and the jujutsu world at large. A demon from the past barely sealed away by the sorcerers of the Golden Age of Jujutsu, Sukuna is not the type of villain to have a tragic backstory or a justifiable goal. Instead, he is a malicious, immoral hedonist who simply wants to enjoy himself while plummeting the world into chaos, and that’s exactly what makes him an exceptional antagonist.

Sympathizing with Sukuna is nigh impossible, especially after all the suffering he has inflicted on Yuji. However, watching him demonstrate his strength and prove his status as history’s strongest, even against such a brilliant opponent as Gojo Satoru, is exhilarating. Even if Sukuna has done some unforgivable things — turning Shibuya into a desolate wasteland, taking over Megumi’s body, and killing Gojo alongside many others in Shinjuku — it’s difficult not to enjoy Sukuna and his cruel, inconsiderate confidence.

3 Maki Zenin is One of Shonen Anime’s Best Heroines

Born into the powerful Zenin family with no cursed energy and, as a result, no ability to use jujutsu, Maki Zenin was shunned and disregarded from a very young age. Yet, instead of letting the prejudice of society discourage her, Maki used her anger to fuel her ambitions, working tirelessly to become a sorcerer who doesn’t need cursed energy to best everyone else. Headstrong and blunt, Maki can be admired for her determination and strength of character from the very start.

Maki firmly positions herself as one of the series’ best characters after the death of her twin sister, Mai, forces her to snap and finally reach her full potential, slaughtering the entire Zenin clan at her sister’s final request. After awakening, Maki grows tremendously, both as a fighter and as a person, her ruthlessness in battle advancing the heroes throughout the Culling Game. However, for all that Maki had to endure, she never grew truly cold-hearted, consistently showcasing kindness and consideration for her friends. In a genre unfortunately infamous for its lack of well-developed female characters, Maki stands out as one of the best.

2 Yuji Itadori Carries the Series as Its Protagonist

At first glance, little sets Yuji Itadori from shonen’s archetypal protagonists. He is kind-hearted, virtuous, and determined to defend his ideals, even if it means putting himself in harm’s way. Initially unfamiliar with the world of jujutsu, Yuji swiftly adapts to being Sukuna’s vessel and becomes one of the series’ strongest, most resilient fighters despite not having an innate technique. Yet, what makes Yuji stand out from the sea of other good-natured shonen heroes is the more subtle complexities of his character growth, developed through the hardships he had to endure as a jujutsu sorcerer.

Yuji has a strong aversion to killing anyone he perceives as having a will of their own. As such, when crushed by guilt for the large-scale destruction caused by Sukuna in Shibuya, Yuji unlocks a more ruthless side of himself — one that is willing to hunt down and destroy whoever poses a threat to those he holds dear. Forced to be a hero in a world much darker than your typical shonen setting, Yuji manages to hold onto his ideals while adapting in realistic ways to take on truly monstrous threats.

1 Satoru Gojo is Justified in Considering Himself the Best

By far the most popular character in the entire franchise, the strongest sorcerer of the modern era, Satoru Gojo, rightfully earned the fanbase’s love. Considered unbeatable due to being born with two outstandingly overpowered techniques (Six Eyes and Limitless) Gojo initially comes off as cocky and obnoxiously self-assured, yet he swiftly proves himself worthy of his reputation in practice. Gojo’s character is an inventive reimagining of the overpowered hero archetype, as much of his development revolves around themes of contemplating what it means to be the strongest and how it affects his perception of himself and his ability to connect to others.

Despite his careless and playful demeanor, Gojo is not superficial, caring deeply for the future of the jujutsu world and seeking to reform it through education. Regrettably, many implied plot threads tied to Gojo’s character development were cut short by his death in the clash with Sukuna, which is why countless fans still believe that Gojo will return before the series ends.

10 Best Jujutsu Kaisen Characters, Ranked