Tuesday, April 23, 2024

10 Best Original Dragon Ball Villains, Ranked

The original Pre-Z Dragon Ball places its focus on comedy and adventure over action-packed battles to save the world, but that doesn't mean it isn't filled with memorable villains. Goku's early adventures most commonly involved hunts to find the Dragon Balls and martial arts tournaments, with enemies getting in his way and rivals serving as his competition, but he also saved the world from the greatest threats it had ever faced.

Many Pre-Z Dragon Ball villains end up on the Dragon Team, most notably Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, and one of the main characters of the franchise, Piccolo. Not every villain in the series is a powerful menace or a future ally, though, as some lean entirely into the comedic nature of the story. Before Vegeta, Frieza, Cell, and Buu in Dragon Ball Z, these were Goku's greatest enemies.

10 Chiaotzu Provided an Entertaining Fight with Krillin

During the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament Arc, Chiaotzu represents the Crane School, the rival school to Master Roshi's Turtle School, alongside Tien. Trained by Master Shen to be cruel and selfish, Chiaotzu antagonizes Krillin, and, after being defeated by him in the quarter-finals, he cheats on behalf of Tien during his fight with Goku by using his psychic powers to hold Goku in place.

After being called out by Tien to stop helping him, Chaitozu finds redemption as he refuses to obey Master Shen's command to kill both Goku and Tien, because his loyalties are to his friend. Chiatozu's time as a villain is brief, but he's a unique threat in the series. His jiangshi-inspired appearance is creepy, his powers are unlike any other fighter's in Dragon Ball, and his fight against Krillin is both exciting and hilarious.

9 General Blue Was the Strongest Member of the Red Ribbon Army

General Blue was the strongest member of the Red Ribbon Army. A fighter beyond nearly all the participants in the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament, General Blue easily defeated Krillin while on his quest to gather the Dragon Balls for Commander Red, and even gave Goku a run for his money with his telekinises. General Blue's undoing was not his power level, but his personality. General Blue loves all that is beautiful, while also being sadistic and ruthless.

This combination resulted in him even having his own soldiers executed if they so much as picked their noses, as he despised everything ugly and disgusting. A mouse running by just as General Blue was about to kill Goku caused him to freak out, and gave Goku the chance to defeat him. General Blue also holds the distinction of suffering one of the most grotesque deaths in Dragon Ball at the hands of Mercenary Tao's tongue, and of being the villain of the first team-up between Goku and Arale.

8 Master Shen Was Master Roshi's Rival

Master Shen is Master Roshi's rival, and the head of the Crane School. Despite having trained under Master Mutaito with Master Roshi, Master Shen became a selfish man who cares more about tearing down his opponents than building his own strength, and who possesses no honor. This is best seen during the finals of the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament, where Master Shen orders Chiaotzu to cheat on behalf of Tien against Goku and, when Chaiotzu refuses to continue, prepares to kill his student.

The older brother of Mercenary Tao, and the mentor of Tien and Chiaotzu, it's strange that a villain with so many connections hasn't returned since the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament Arc or was ever even fought. With how powerful Master Roshi has become in Dragon Ball Super, Master Shen reaching even greater heights of power and seeking revenge on Goku after all these years would finally give him his moment to shine.

7 Tambourine Changed Dragon Ball by Killing Krillin

From the Pilaf Arc through most of the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament Arc, Dragon Ball is a primarily lighthearted series. This changed at the end of the latter arc, when Goku discovers Krillin's corpse. Goku is enraged like never before and chases down his killer, who he discovers to be the spawn of King Piccolo, Tambourine.

Tambourine is as generically evil as villains get, but his murder of Krillin, and subsequent brutal beatdown of Goku are among the most memorable moments in the franchise. His design is also slick and cool, especially in comparison to his brothers, Cymbal and Drum. Tambourine doesn't stick around long after his introduction, being killed by Goku in their rematch, but his contribution of darkening the tone of the franchise is one that extends into the modern day.

6 Pilaf Was the First Dragon Ball Villain

Emperor Pilaf is the main antagonist of the titular Pilaf Arc, and the first major antagonist in Dragon Ball. A diminutive, not very bright aspiring tyrant, Pilaf sought to take over the world using the power of the Dragon Balls, and used his incompetent henchmen, Shu and Mai, to gather them. Pilaf and his gang are almost entirely harmless as fighters, only getting close to achieving their goals by catching the Dragon Team in a trap after they've already collected the Dragon Balls.

Pilaf is also responsible for releasing King Piccolo from the rice cooker he was sealed away in, meaning without Pilaf, there would be no Piccolo. Above all else, Pilaf and his gang are hilarious. Their banter is wonderful and their failures & defeats involve perfect slapstick. Beyond being the first villain, this is why Pilaf endures as a character into the present day, now working for Bulma and still providing laughs in Dragon Ball Super.

5 Ninja Murasaki is the Funniest Dragon Ball Villain

Ninja Murasaki, also known as Sergeant Major Purple, was a member of the Red Ribbon Army stationed at Muscle Tower. When Goku stormed the tower to rescue Dr. Flappe, Murasaki was tasked with killing him by General White. However, between how out of his depth Murasaki was, and his unconventional means of fighting, Goku's battle with the Red Ribbon officer more closely resembles a slapstick routine than a fight.

Overconfident and cowardly in the face of true opposition, Murasaki fights with a katana, shuriken, smoke bombs, and tatami mats, and is aided by his four identical brothers, who he pretends are copies of himself. Despite his ninja training, Murasaki is an idiot and incompetent with his tools, making for one of the funniest encounters in Dragon Ball as he repeatedly tries and fails to get one over on Goku.

4 Mercenary Tao Was Goku's First True Enemy

Mercenary Tao makes an incredible entrance upon his introduction in the Red Ribbon Army Arc, killing General Blue with his tongue, before throwing a pillar and leaping on it to ride toward Goku's location. The cold and ruthless assassin continues to live up to his reputation as he becomes the first villain in the series to completely overwhelm Goku and to kill one of Goku's friends, Bora. Even after Tao is defeated by Goku is their rematch – blown up by his own grenade – he returns in the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament Arc as a cyborg.

Tao Pai Pai raised the stakes in Dragon Ball, showing that Master Roshi wasn't the only one in the world stronger than Goku, while also being generally awesome. His over the top nature, including having the words "Kill You" on his back, suits the cartoony nature of early Dragon Ball, and adds to his menace. His return in the 23rd World Martial Arts World Tournament Arc also allows Tien's redemption arc to reach a conclusion, as the former villain gets to defeat the evil man he once aspired to be like.

3 King Piccolo Set the Standard for Every Other Dragon Ball Villain

Demon King Piccolo is the main antagonist of the eponymous King Piccolo Arc. Thought to be a powerful demon, King Piccolo menaced Earth decades prior to the start of Dragon Ball, but was sealed away by Master Mutaito in a rice cooker. Upon being released by the Pilaf Gang, an elderly King Piccolo only wants two things: to regain his youth, and to conquer the world. King Piccolo is evil incarnate, and with his sons Tambourine, Cymbal, Drum, and Piano, he achieves both of his goals, kills Krillin, Master Roshi, Chiaotzu, and Shenron, defeats Tien, and nearly kills Goku several times.

King Piccolo may be little more than evil tyrant, but he's an effective evil tyrant, and one who set the template that fan-favorite villains like Frieza and Cell would follow. Just like his successors, he isn't complex at all, but his sheer presence and power are enough to make him iconic. His final act in the series is his most important, as he spawns one of the most important characters in Dragon Ball, Piccolo.

2 Piccolo Jr. Was the Final Villain in the Original Dragon Ball

Piccolo Jr., better known as just "Piccolo", is the main antagonist of the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament Arc and the final villain in the original Dragon Ball. The son of Demon King Piccolo, Piccolo enters the World Martial Arts Tournament to avenge his father by killing Goku on a public stage. Just as gleefully evil as his father, Piccolo has fantastic fights with both Krillin and Kami before facing Goku in the finals, in what's arguably the best fight in the series.

In contrast to the stoic nature he's known for now, Piccolo in Dragon Ball is just as hammy a villain as his father. He also possesses a wider variety of techniques than his father, such as his stretchy arms and ability to grow to a massive size. While Piccolo's redemption arc doesn't begin until Dragon Ball Z, hints are given that he isn't quite the same beast as King Piccolo. He comes out of his fight with Krillin with an unexpected respect for him that lasts through the rest of the franchise, and, after being beaten by Goku and given a Senzu Bean, he leaves peacefully rather than continue to fight.

1 Tien Shinhan Was Goku's First True Rival

Tien Shinhan is the main villain of the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament Arc. The star pupil of the Crane School, Tien is a master martial artist, on par with Goku, who dreams of becoming a great assassin like Mercenary Tao. He's cocky, cares only about his own strength, and shows no respect towards his opponents. The latter is demonstrated during his quarter-finals match with Yamcha where, after defeating him, he savagely breaks his leg. Despite being a villain, Tien carries the emotional weight of the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament Arc.

His semi-finals and finals matches against Master Roshi and Goku respectively are more about his development than theirs. Not only are both of these fights among the best in the franchise – with Tien demonstrating one of the widest arsenals of moves of any Dragon Ball character – they push Tien to question the path he's on, and ultimately turn his back on Master Shen's cold-hearted teachings, instead choosing to follow the philosophies of the Turtle School. During his short time as a villain, Tien defeated Goku in an epic battle, introduced flight to Dragon Ball, debuted the Solar Flare technique, and set the template for Goku's future rivals, Piccolo and Vegeta.

10 Best Original Dragon Ball Villains, Ranked