Tuesday, April 23, 2024

10 Best Spy X Family Anime Missions, Ranked

Spy x Family has an overarching mission. Yet, on the road to completing it are several other missions in the Forgers’ lives. Some are more official than others, but they are no less important. These missions are the best because they are either the most important or the most hilarious.

Whether it’s Loid attempting to save his marriage or Anya trying to participate in Loid’s official work, action and comedy are bound to be at play. Yet, what’s most important of all is that, through all the missions, they’re becoming more and more of a family with each ridiculous plan (whether they want to or not).

10 Yor's Kitchen Shows A Caring Wife

Season 1, Episode 16, "Yor's Kitchen/The Informant's Great Romance Plan"

Yor’s Kitchen is a rare case when Yor is at the forefront of a featured mission. When Loid begins arriving late after work, Yor vows to learn to cook to take on one of his stressors. Unfortunately, she is a terrible chef, even with the strictest of guidance from her coworker, Camilla.

Yor eventually discovers a dish she can make that others enjoy and presents it to Loid. Loid is moved by the gesture, and it brings the couple even closer together. It also helps that the stew Yor makes was passed down to her by her mom, making it a family recipe.

9 Penguin Park Features An Ocean-Themed "Ooting"

Season 1, Episode 12, "Penguin Park"

10 Best Spy X Family Anime Missions, Ranked

After working around the clock, Loid realizes the neighbors are starting to get suspicious about his role as a father. Worried that this could jeopardize Strix, Loid enacts Operation: Penguin Park to show that he truly is a doting family man. However, his plans go awry.

This mission is one of the most touching and funniest of the show. Loid ends up taking on another job while on his family outing, which causes a number of hilarious moments. This is also one of the missions where Yor gets involved. The whole day sweetly ends with Loid looking lovingly upon his fake family, and reaffirming his goal of happy childhoods for generations of children to come.

8 The Campbelldon Introduces Another WISE Agent

Season 1, Episode 22, "The Underground Tennis Tournament: The Campbelldon"; Episode 23, "The Unwavering Path"

10 Best Spy X Family Anime Missions, Ranked

The Campbelldon is the first mission fans see where Loid works with another WISE Agent. Agent Nightfall (Fiona Frost), is an intense professional who is blinded by her obsession for Loid. Because of her crush, this mission is a little chaotic. Not only is there an underground tennis tournament, but Fiona tries to impress Loid at every turn.

This mission is so much fun because fans get to see Loid outside the context of Strix. Plus, watching two WISE pros working together gave fans a whole new dynamic to explore. It’s also a favorite because Yor proves that she’s the better match for Loid than Fiona, which delights Loid and Yor shippers to no end.

7 Stella Is The Next Step In Operation: Strix

Season 1, Episode 11, "Stella"

10 Best Spy X Family Anime Missions, Ranked

Operation: Stella is a bit of a challenge for the Forger family. Try as Loid might, Anya’s strengths don’t lie in academics. This is a problem, since the only way to get closer to his target, Dominic Desmond, is for Anya to become an Imperial Scholar. Thankfully for both of them, there are other ways to get Stella.

Anya is eventually awarded a Stella (the first in her class) after she helps save a boy from drowning. Although it isn’t how Loid planned, seeing Anya inadvertently succeeding in her mission as an Imperial Scholar makes this one of the best missions.

6 The Great Dodgeball Plan Is A Ploy To Get More Stella

Season 1, Episode 10, "The Great Dodgeball Plan"

Hoping for her first Stella, Anya gears up for The Great Dodgeball Plan. After hearing that someone who performs well in sports can get Stellas, Anya sets her mind to winning a Stella in their upcoming dodgeball tournament.

What makes this mission so great is that it has a lot of sweet (and hilarious) moments between Yor and Anya as Yor tries to teach her the basics. It also shows audiences one of the sweetest Damian Desmond moments when he steps in front of Anya to protect her from getting hit. The Great Dodgeball Plan has a lot of humor and a lot of heart, even if things don’t go according to plan.

5 The Date Is Full Of Misunderstandings

Season 2, Episode 26, "Follow Mama and Papa"

10 Best Spy X Family Anime Missions, Ranked

Operation: Follow Mama and Papa is one of the most hilarious missions since it’s full of misunderstandings. After Yor is injured during one of her own missions, Loid decides to take her on a carefully thought-out date to cheer her up. Meanwhile, Anya and Frankie spy on them.

Yor’s injury prevents most of Loid’s plans, and her pain is too visible for Loid to not think something’s wrong. Eventually, they have a touching chat on a bench and share some nearly romantic moments before heading home. It’s an overall endearing mission that shows the potential blossoming relationship between the Forger adults.

4 The Prestigious School Interview Goes Better Than Expected

Season 1, Episode 4, "The Prestigious School Interview"

10 Best Spy X Family Anime Missions, Ranked

The Prestigious School Interview is exceedingly contentious for the Forgers. It’s their first real test as a family, and they have to make a good impression. So much is riding on the mission, and everything they’ve been studying has been leading up to this moment. The Forgers fair surprisingly well. They even deftly tackle situations that not even the school administrators set for them, such as taming a rampaging cow.

The interview goes smoothly enough until a faculty member insults Yor, which Loid does not take kindly to. Although Loid punches one of the interviewers, the others understand Loid’s anger and Anya gets in. The Prestigious School Interview has some of the highest stakes with the greatest payoff after Anya is accepted..

3 Bondman Brings A Character To Life

Season 1, Episode 5, "Will They Pass or Fail?"

10 Best Spy X Family Anime Missions, Ranked

After Anya is accepted into Eden College, Loid tells her she can have anything she wants. Little does he know what he’s getting himself into until she asks him to participate in an elaborate reenactment from her favorite show. With a call to WISE, Loid rents out an amusement park and gets dozens of other spies to act as the villains while he plays the hero.

Meanwhile, Anya is the damsel in distress and Yor plays an evil witch. The entire scenario is hilariously over-the-top. Loid is put through the wringer by all of his coworkers and has a surprisingly difficult brawl with Yor. Operation: Bondman is one of the best because of how creative it is, and also because it shows the lengths Loid is willing to go to for his daughter.

2 Operation: Secure A Wife Is The Start Of The Forgers

Season 1, Episode 2, "Secure a Wife"

10 Best Spy X Family Anime Missions, Ranked

Operation: Secure a Wife is the second most important part of Operation Strix. It is also one of the trickiest. Not just any woman is going to agree to a marriage ruse simply to get a little girl into a private school. Thankfully, though, Loid and Anya meet Yor Briar.

Yor requires a man both as cover from the government and as a date to a work party. Loid and Yor’s relationship is born from convenience, but it is starting to lead to so much more. Operation: Secure a Wife is one of the best because it ultimately brings the Forgers together. The spy finally finds his family, and the important work of Operation Strix can begin.

1 Operation: Strix Begins It All

Season 1, Episode 1, "Operation: Strix"

The best operation in Spy x Family is the one that started it all: Operation Strix. This mission is what caused Loid to adopt Anya and what induced him to marry Yor. Without it, the Forgers would cease to exist as a unit. Operation Strix is also the mission that begets all the other missions.

Because Strix is happening, Anya tries to create her own missions. Likewise, Yor works tirelessly in her new mission as a wife because she wants to make Loid and Anya happy in their relationship. Operation Strix is the most important mission as well, because it will hopefully lead to overall peace between Ostania and Westalis for good.

10 Best Spy X Family Anime Missions, Ranked