Tuesday, April 23, 2024

10 Dead Naruto Characters Who Could Beat Boruto's Sentient God Trees

One of the most harrowing aspects of the Boruto manga at present is the introduction of the Sentient God Trees. Jūra is leading these unique beings, who developed from the Ten Tails. They are adaptations of the Claw Grime, but with Ōtsutsuki power in them. Unfortunately, Konoha is running short of capable soldiers to defeat them.

Naruto and Sasuke are both incapacitated, while Boruto is a fugitive. Plus, Kawaki isn't slick enough, which resulted in him being beaten up easily. It left fans wondering who could defeat such over-powered villains. Well, the Naruto era had a few deceased warriors — both good and bad — who could overcome these insurmountable odds.

10 Namikaze Minato Had Speed & Deadly Accuracy

Naruto's Father Was a Pseudo-God

Minato was revered as the Third Hokage of the Hidden Leaf. But while he was a peaceful, kind diplomat, he was a fierce killer. Minato created and mastered the Rasengan. Plus, he developed different space-time techniques and seals that allowed him to speed or teleport around as the "Yellow Flash." The Flying Raijin is the most iconic, which allowed him to appear anywhere he shot his weapons, namely his kunai.

Apart from his prowess with other weapons like the shuriken, he had a unique Sage Mode, and summoned giant toads like kaiju. Minato possessed the ability to summon the Shinigami to steal enemy's souls, too. As a human, he had an Ōtsutsuki-like genius and power-set in battle. This allowed him to store half of Kurama's energy as well. With his ability to manipulate chakra, fight Tailed Beasts and act as a Jinchūriki, taking out the God Trees would be up his alley.

9 Indra Was A Devastating Powerhouse

Hagoromo's Son Had Tremendous Skills

Indra was the Sage of the Six Path's (Hagoromo) son. He is credited as the father of ninjutsu, using his genius to harness nature and chakra to create powerful techniques. Indra eventually created the Uchiha Clan, which speaks for itself. He would definitely be deadlier than the likes of Sasuke in this fight against the God Trees.

As time passed, Indra mastered the Sharingan eyes, Lightning and Fire techniques, and the Susanoo chakra golem. He became a boss in the art of making clones and inflicting the genjutsu dream state on enemies. The Sage grew scared over how bloodthirsty Indra became when he decided to hand his empire off to his other offspring. These flashbacks and the ensuing fights confirmed Indra was Sasuke and Naruto combined. But with an appetite for watching the world burn. That's the kind of soldier who could take on all the God Trees at once if he was a hero, or wanted dominion for himself.

8 Asura Was The First Naruto

Asura Also Harnessed The Power Of Love

Indra tried to launch a coup and take over the Sage's village. He hated that his father's teachings were passed down to his younger brother, Asura. Diehard fans would recall Indra would be reincarnated down the line as Madara and Sasuke, while Asura would be reborn as Hashirama and Naruto. Therefore, it'd be no surprise if Asura battled the God Trees and dismantled them with consummate ease.

Asura could absorb chakra from others, master the Wood Release techniques, and activate Sage Mode with his Six Paths chakra. Asura tapped into the energy of the Earth fully, had healing powers, intense chakra bombs, and his blade and sword. He basically had the power of all Tailed Beasts in him, making him his father's true successor. When you factor in his energy golems and how they could wield the Truth-Seeking Balls (atomic bombs), he would be very equipped to battle the God Trees.

7 Itachi Was a Genius Assassin

The Uchiha Outcast Mastered Godlike Techniques

Itachi might not have had Ōtsutsuki DNA, but he was still considered one of the most elite shinobi ever. Itachi mastered various Fire Techniques with his Sharingan, including the Amaterasu. He even had a destructive Susanoo, multiple genjutsu movies and Lightning Techniques that Indra would be impressed with. Luckily, he didn't follow Sasuke's path or the code Madara tried to hand down and corrupt him.

Itachi was very much a more powerful Sasuke, mentally and physically. This was why the popular Naruto era didn't have Itachi ever fight Madara -- he'd have won and ruined Kaguya's plan. With how quick he processes fights, he would be able to predict and figure out how the God Trees use their moves. These God Trees may be able to teleport around and harness their Rinnegans. But Itachi is someone elite enough to counter that. That is why the resurrected Hokages, Kakashi and Naruto had so much respect for him. He was very much a god among men.

6 Senju Tobirama Loved The Thrill of The Kill

The Second Hokage Was Savage & Merciless

Tobirama was a genius who moved at the speed of light. He was a killer with his blade, fought the Gold and Silver Brothers with their Kurama chakra, and even tussled with Madara's Uchiha minions. Tobirama always came out on top due to his skill at harnessing all elements, especially that of Wind and Water.

He remains one of the best ninjutsu users ever. Throwing in his sensory skills, summoning talents, clone generation, chakra barrier creation, and the ability to conjure genjutsu moves, Tobirama was considered the perfect mix of Minato and Itachi. Except that he loved showing off his expertise at murdering villains. This is why Konoha's enemies feared him more than his older brother, Hashirama. Tobirama laid waste to many, to the point that even Hashirama considered him a better fighter.

5 Senju Hashirama Had Mind-Blowing Godlike Power

The First Hokage Was The God of Shinobi

Hashirama mastered all the elements and was able to tame Tailed Beasts like Kurama due to his Wood Release Style. That would be a major advantage against the God Trees. He also had Ōtsutsuki levels of power in his genetics thanks to Asura. This is why the likes of Kabuto tried to recreate it from his DNA. Madara harnessed this DNA, too, understanding that if he could merge with the First Hokage, he could rule the entire world. Hashirama had many weapons, after all, including a powerful Sage Mode, deadly taijutsu (hand-to-hand combat), and rare summoning techniques.

This allowed him to create giant chakra golems and bring monstrous toads to the field. Hashirama could even heal himself and fight for 24 hours straight, which is why myths painted him as inhuman. No other shinobi tapped into nature or the Earth's energy like he did, ergo why he was the "God of Shinobi." As a human, few were on the Sage of the Six Paths level. Hashirama was, which would spell doom and gloom for the God Trees.

4 Jinchūriki Obito Caused Immense Chaos

Evil Obito Harnessed Intimidating Ōtsutsuki Energy

When Obito tried to kill Naruto's army in the Fourth Shinobi World War, he absorbed the Tailed Beasts chakra. He became the Ten Tails jinchūriki, which puts him right up there with the Sage and his sons. He had all the Uchiha skills, as well as the Rinnegan for healing and power boosts.

He contained Hashirama's DNA as well, thanks to Madara's implant, and used his Kamui to teleport all over the battlefield. Obito mastered the Six Paths Techniques, the Outer Path ability to control life and death, and the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path (aka the Ten Tails husk) that was summoned to rampage through legions. The God Trees wouldn't be able to contend with such power. Add in other tools in Obito's arsenal, such as chakra-restraining chains and the Truth-Seeking Balls, he'd probably end the brawl quickly.

3 Jinchūriki Madara Murdered Thousands

Madara Was A One-Man Army

When Madara betrayed Obito and became the Ten Tails avatar, he inherited all of Obito's powers. Throw in his own abilities, where he was the inverted form of Hashirama, one can see why Naruto was petrified at having to fight this tyrant. Madara literally became the sinister equivalent to the Sage of the Six Paths when he moved into his jinchūriki mode.

As a pseudo-Ōtsutsuki, he would be able to sense the God Trees' DNA, stymie their chakra, and kill them with his advanced Susanoo or genjutsu moves. Think of Madara as a scarier Obito. He would make light work of the God Trees. Had Kaguya not killed him and used him as her vessel, it's unlikely Naruto's team would have won that fight.

2 Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Was a Literal Goddess

Kaguya Couldn't Be Killed

Kaguya was Hagoromo's mother. As the 'Rabbit Princess' from the Ōtsutsuki realm, she was literally a goddess who could bend space and time, and teleport herself and enemies to various dimensions. She had a volcanic realm she loved dropping enemies in. She generated chakra constructs, shot bones of her body, and used the Byakugan to sense and predict how enemies harness chakra.

Along with her genjutsu techniques, including the Infinite Tsukuyomi, she could also put people to sleep and drain their energy in the blink of ane eye. Kaguya boasted all the talents of all the shinobi in the Naruto-Verse. This is why she couldn't be killed -- she had to be sealed away. It's a good thing the God Trees wouldn't ever encounter her, because she would be at a major advantage.

1 The Sage of the Six Paths Eclipsed Kaguya

Hagoromo Was A Walking, Talking God

Hagoromo had most of Kaguya's skills, harnessing his own DNA as her son to become the Sage of the Six Paths. His twin brother, Hamura, only achieved his god-mode on the moon and wasn't involved as much in the Naruto story, apart from sealing Kaguya away. But Hagoromo did all the heavy lifting as he honed his craft, then worked to spread the shinobi philosophy to the world.

Hagoromo became the first jinchūriki after he sealed the Ten Tails inside him in the fight with his mother. His Sage Mode is unparalleled, his Truth-Seeking Balls are one of a kind, plus he mastered the Sharingan and Rinnegan. Hagoromo evolved and stood on Kaguya's level. He was the gold standard in the franchise -- someone that none of the aforementioned shinobi could teach. Legends painted Hagoromo as their "father." What truly made this godlike entity better was he was more humble and intelligent, because he was driven by love. If anyone could make quick work of the God Trees, it'd be the Sage of the Six Paths.

10 Dead Naruto Characters Who Could Beat Boruto's Sentient God Trees