Saturday, April 27, 2024

10 Dragon Ball Z Episodes That Prove Gohan Should Have Been the Main Character

Gohan was always supposed to be the main character of Dragon Ball Z, but he never quite got that honor. That's just the unfortunate result of being the son to one of anime's most iconic characters. Nevertheless, Gohan had plenty of moments of pure genius that showed why he deserved to be the MC just as much as Goku, and a few episodes of DBZ in particular show why that’s the case.

With the Dragon Ball Z anime turning 35 years old — even older than Gohan himself at the end of the series (he's somewhere around 27) — it's the perfect time to look back on the episodes of DBZ that showcase Gohan in all his glory. While he has only recently gotten the respect, he deserves in Dragon Ball Super's Super Hero arc, finally surpassing his father and Vegeta again with his Gohan Beast form, Gohan has been shocking his opponents, and audiences, with his raw power for over 35 years in DBZ.

10 Gohan's Training Set the Foundation for him and Piccolo's Friendship

Dragon Ball Z: Episode 7 - "Day 1"

Gohan begins his training with Piccolo in preparation for the arrival of the saiyans. It's a moment that calls back Goku's childhood journeys in early Dragon Ball. However, unlike Goku, who was raised in the wilderness and learned to fend for himself from a young age, Gohan was a sheltered child who struggled with the intense conditions Piccolo forced upon him.

In the end, Gohan's training paid off in a big way, as he gained the courage and confidence to stand up to the saiyans when they finally did arrive at Earth. He still had a lot to learn, but there's no denying he showed a lot of growth by the end of his training. In episode 7 of the DBZ anime, Gohan was still finding his footing and struggling to become the warrior the Earth needed him to be.

9 The Fight With Raditz Gave the First Hint of Gohan's Potential

Dragon Ball Z: Episode 5 - "Gohan's Rage"

Episode 5 of DBZ, "Gohan's Rage", takes place right in the middle of the epic battle between Piccolo, Goku and Raditz. Goku and Piccolo give their all, Raditz's raw strength is too much for both of them. After witnessing his father being beaten down, Gohan finds himself unable to control his anger any longer. In one of the most well-known scenes in the entire DBZ anime, Gohan headbutts Raditz in a fit of rage, rendering the saiyan conquerer incapacitated for a moment.

This gives Goku and Piccolo just enough time to recollect themselves, however briefly. In a sense, it was Gohan who really won the fight against Raditz, because he was the one wild card that turned the tide of the battle in the heroes' favor. Had Gohan not been there, Goku, Piccolo, and the rest of the world would have almost certainly been completely decimated by the saiyans.

8 Gohan's Beating By Recoome Only Made Him Stronger in the Long Run

Dragon Ball Z: Episode 65 - "Let the Battle Begin"

In the fight against the Ginyu Force, Vegeta and Krillin are left out of commission by Recoome, leaving only Gohan left to fight the remaining three Ginyu Force members by himself. Exhibiting unnatural bravery for a boy his age, Gohan steps up to Recoome in order to avenge Krillin. At first, Recoome merely toys with Gohan, but Gohan is the wrong person to underestimate.

While Gohan didn't look like much at first, Jeice and Burter notice how Gohan's power level tends to increase exponentially under the right circumstances. Gohan puts up an admirable fight, but Recoome still ends up leaving him battered and beaten to the point where he is entirely unresponsive. It's one of the most gruesome beatdowns in anime history, but it does show an incredible amount of growth for Gohan in developing the courage to stand against an insurmountable foe, whereas he used to cower away from a fight before his training with Piccolo.

7 Gohan's Moment of Respite Before the Cell Games Was Special For Him as a Character

Dragon Ball Z: Episode 171 - "Memories of Gohan"

10 Dragon Ball Z Episodes That Prove Gohan Should Have Been the Main Character

After emerging from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber as a Super Saiyan, Gohan takes the remaining days before the Cell Games to rest and spend time with his family. It's Gohan's birthday, and his loved ones are all there to celebrate with him. During that time, Gohan, Goku and Chi-Chi reflect on moments from Gohan's past.

For his birthday wish, while he blows out the candles, Gohan wishes for the strength to defeat Cell so that his family can live in peace. It's a tragic thing when considering that Gohan is still so young, because Gohan really gave up much of his youth to fight terrifying monsters who threatened the Earth. While Gohan may not have been as exciting for fans to watch as Goku at first, causing Goku to remain the hero, episodes like "Memories of Gohan" show why Gohan is such an endearing character who has grown on fans as a beloved favorite.

6 Piccolo's Sacrifice to Protect Gohan Was Vital For Gohan's Growth

Dragon Ball Z: Episode 27 - "Nimbus Speed"

Gohan, Krillin and Piccolo face off against Nappa in order to hold him off while Goku makes his way to the battlefield. In a surprising moment, Gohan delivers Nappa a swift kick to the face, catching everybody off guard. This angers Nappa to no end, causing him to fire his most powerful energy beam in Gohan's direction.

At the last moment, Piccolo steps in front of Nappa's attack, sacrificing himself to save Gohan's life. It's a truly tragic scene as Piccolo reflects on how Gohan made him into a better person. Gohan's relationship with Piccolo is a big part of what makes Piccolo and Gohan such great characters, so if Gohan were to be the MC, Piccolo would almost certainly have to take on a major role as well.

5 Gohan Shows the Cell Jrs No Mercy

Dragon Ball Z: Episode 185 - "Awakening"

As the Cell Jrs wreak havoc upon Gohan's closest friends, all he can do is watch in horror. Thanks to Android 16's famous last words, Gohan snaps, and transforms into the powerful Super Saiyan 2. This was all according to Cell's plan to unlock Gohan's innate potential, but he definitely got far more than he bargained for.

As Gohan emerges from the smoke, he is clearly an awakened fighter. When Gohan tells Cell "no games", it's clear that the fight is already over. The Cell Games were all about treating the fate of the Earth as nothing more than an object of amusement for Cell, but Gohan would no longer accept that. Gohan then proceeds to swiftly defeat all the Cell Jrs, each with one blow, showing Cell that he had messed with the wrong half-saiyan warrior.

4 Gohan Was the Main Character of the Garlic Jr Saga

Dragon Ball Z: Episode 115 - "The World Awakens"

The Garlic Jr Saga was one of the few times in DBZ where Gohan truly got his chance to be the MC. Part of what makes it such a skippable part of the series for most fans is that its non-canon to the manga, and the absence of Goku and Vegeta makes Garlic Jr feel much less threatening in comparison to the other major villains. However, for Gohan fans, this is required viewing, and that's especially true for the climax of the fight in Episodes 115 and 116.

In one epic scene, Gohan even does a combination of Goku's penetrating punch attack that he used on King Piccolo, and the iconic headbutt that Gohan attacked Raditz with in the earliest days of the series. Unfortunately, given that Garlic Jr made a wish on the dragon balls to become immortal, he was never going to be killed that easily.

3 Gohan's Onslaught on Frieza Was One of His Best Moments

Dragon Ball Z: Episode 79 - "Gohan Attacks"

After Krillin is skewered by Second Form Frieza's horns, Gohan looks on in horror as Krillin falls to his doom. In an attempt to save his friend, Gohan tries to step in, but Frieza revels in making Krillin suffer. The hopelessness of not being able to help Krillin drives Gohan to the edge, causing him to tap into his hidden potential in a fit of pure anger. In a shocking development, Gohan delivers several blows to Frieza which no one, not even Frieza himself, could’ve seen coming.

This is one of Gohan's most well-known moments in the series, and for good reason. Not even Vegeta stood a chance against Second Form Frieza, so the fact Gohan was able to nearly beat Frieza himself proved how much natural talent he always had. While he was still a child and thus not quite mature enough to carry the weight of humanity's fate on his shoulders as Goku was, it was one of the first indications that Gohan could potentially take over the mantle as the hero one day.

2 Few Scenes Are as Iconic as Gohan's Father-Son Kamehameha

Dragon Ball Z: Episode 191 - "Save the World"

The Cell Games is full of memorable scenes, but few are as iconic as Gohan's Father-Son Kamehameha in Episode 191 of DBZ. In a last ditch attempt to save the world, Gohan unleashes his infamous one-handed Kamehameha on Cell, but he’s at a disadvantage due to the damage he took when saving Vegeta's life.

With Cell beginning to overpower him, Gohan remembers all the lessons his dad taught him, and after Goku reaches out to him with Kai's telepathy, it gives him the boost of confidence he needs to push forward. With the remainder of his energy, Gohan fires the iconic Father-Son Kamehameha, leading to Cell’s downfall. This was a defining moment for Gohan, as it truly played out like Goku passing the torch over to his son, even if Goku would come back once again to defeat Majin Buu only a few arcs later.

1 Gohan Officially Became the Hero During the Buu Saga — If Only For a Moment

Dragon Ball Z: Episode 263 - "A Whole New Gohan"

After achieving his Ultimate Gohan form due to the potential unlock he received from Elder Kai's ritual, Gohan was like an entirely different person when he stood up to Majin Buu a second time. Even Piccolo barely recognized him because he exuded an air of confidence that seemed uncharacteristic of the boy he once knew. In many ways, Gohan was truly the main character of episode 263, with him showing parallels to how Goku swooped in and saved the day numerous times before.

In fact, the entire reason Gohan underwent the training with the Z Sword was because Goku wanted to leave the fate of the earth in his son's hands. Majin Buu was a truly deplorable villain who had eaten Gohan's mother, his girlfriend and nearly everyone he held dear, giving the fight a far more personal tinge. When Goku tells Supreme Kai that "the Earth's heroes can't just drop in from the heavens", it holds special weight, as he is putting the fate of the world in Gohan's hands and acknowledging his son's role as the new hero of Dragon Ball.

10 Dragon Ball Z Episodes That Prove Gohan Should Have Been the Main Character