Tuesday, April 23, 2024

10 Funniest Sailor Moon Scenes, Ranked

Sailor Moon is beautifully animated with glittering and inspiring transformation scenes. The series by Naoko Takeuchi is also known for its romance between Usagi and Mamoru, and how their love story spans across worlds and lifetimes. Another key part of Sailor Moon is the friendship between the Sailor Senshi and their allies.

With a group of such strong-minded and diverse personalities, there's bound to be a good amount of silliness. Usagi is clumsy, sweet, and easily flustered, so she often gets into funny scrapes. Minako, Sailor Venus, isn't much better, and she's as stubborn as she is hilarious. Even some of the more serious Sailor Moon characters have their laugh-out-loud moments.

10 Usagi Realizes Who Tuxedo Mask Is

Usagi and Mamoru discover each other's true identities toward the end of Season One, when the Dark Kingdom amps up its evil plan. First, Usagi transforms in front of Mamoru, revealing that she's Sailor Moon. Then, when she thinks she's cornered by Queen Beryl and her minions, Mamoru shows up and charismatically pulls one of his signature roses from his lapel.

The scene is very tense, and the stakes are high, and it shouldn't be as funny as it is. Usagi can't help but have a hilarious reaction to Mamoru's reveal, though. In the first English dub, Usagi's tone is completely nonplussed as she slowly turns her head and deadpans, "He is Tuxedo Mask. I can't believe it."

9 Usagi Gets Tipsy at a Party

When Usagi attends a fancy party with the Sailor Senshi, she gets herself into trouble. She worries over embarrassing herself, only to accidentally drink too much alcohol. American studios censored the scene in the '90s, and they changed it so that Usagi drank too much "fruit juice."

It's hard to decide which is funnier, Usagi's tipsiness, or the flimsy censorship switch. Usagi slurs her words and hangs on Mamoru, trying her hardest to be charming. She talks about the theory of relativity and switches to speaking a different language since she's so relaxed (French in the Cloverway dub, English in the Japanese audio). Then Usagi accidentally punches poor Mamoru's lights out.

8 Usagi & Minako Fawn Over Haruka

When Usagi and Minako first meet the race car driver, Haruka, they're head over heels for her. Haruka is gorgeous, debonair, and wears very tailored clothes; the girls automatically assume she's a handsome boy and their next crush to rival Tuxedo Mask. When they discover that Haruka's with Michiru, Minako and Usagi are beside themselves with grief.

It took less than one meeting for Usagi and Minako to go from total fangirls to breaking their own hearts. They're both lover girls, and they even get Rei and Makoto all excited about hunky Haruka. Sappy violin music plays in the background as the two Senshi blush and faint on the ground in front of Haruka. Haruka is flirtatious and kind; she tries to let the silly girls down easy.

7 Tuxedo Mask Gets Mad That Nephrite Pretends to Be Him

Nephrite's newest scheme to gather massive amounts of energy for the Dark Kingdom is to disguise himself as Tuxedo Mask. He tries to lure and trap Sailor Moon by mailing her fake letters from "Tuxedo Mask." Sailor Moon's horrified to realize that she's not the only person who receives a love letter from her crush. The real Tuxedo Mask doesn't appreciate the bad press, of course.

Feathers ruffled, Tuxedo Mask crashes the scene and saves Sailor Moon from Nephrite's charging teal lion. Tuxedo Mask takes a dashing power stance and says that he won't stand for Nephrite cheapening his name. Sailor Moon is, of course, extremely relieved that Tuxedo Mask is still a worthy gentleman.

6 The Senshi Attack a Vampire with Their Garlic Breath

The Sailor Senshi must get creative when a vampire, of all things, haunts Tokyo. They're used to battling youma, demons, and possessed humans, but vampires have a whole other set of folkloric strengths and weaknesses. They discuss what they know about vampires, like kids exchanging tall tales over a campfire.

Sailor Venus pretends to be a fanged fiend, and Rei mimes driving a stake through her heart. Usagi's the one to come up with a workable solution, and as usual, she's thinking with her stomach. She suggests they all eat Korean barbeque and knock the vampire out with their garlic breath...as long as Mamoru pays for lunch, of course. And that's how the Senshi create one of their funniest, and rarely used, attacks yet: Sailor Special Garlic Attack.

5 Rei Goes on an Awkward Date with Mamoru

Even though Mamoru and Usagi always bicker in Season One, Usagi's horrified when Rei arranges a date with Mamoru. The date is already a doomed, goofy idea because it's very one-sided. Mamoru is polite but romantically uninterested, and Rei is a little on the pushy side. Mamoru is a bad communicator and Rei is equally terrible at picking up on (or in denial about) his social signals.

It couldn't be more obvious that Rei and Mamoru are like oil and water. It's very unlike her character to throw herself at Mamoru (literally), as she's normally more of a serious and self-respecting person. They're not meant to be an item, even if they do have a friendly respect for each other.

4 Artemis Makes a List of Things He Did to Annoy Minako

Minako always looks to the moon cat Artemis as her trusty mentor. A rumor about Artemis' behavior makes Minako so disillusioned that all she can do is seethe in front of her bedroom window. When Artemis finds her, he's at a loss, trying to figure out what he could have done to upset her.

Comically, he lists off many, many annoying things he's done to her lately, like eating her sweets, breaking her favorite mug, and going to the bathroom on her sweater. It only serves to incense Minako even further. Turns out that Usagi saw that Artemis is a father and apparently abandoned his child. Minako screams at Artemis, calling him a deadbeat dad and telling him to "man up" and take care of his child. It's all a misunderstanding, of course, as the kitten is his daughter from the future, and not a child he abandoned.

3 Minako Tries to Nurse a Sick Rei Hino

Wherever Sailor Venus goes, mayhem is sure to follow. She may be one of the more experienced Sailor Senshi who's rather confident in her skills and powers, but sometimes she can be a little too overconfident. Minako's just as likely to get into some silly nonsense as Usagi is.

When Minako's the only one resistant to a flu Esmeraude unleashes, she's determined to be a great nurse for her friends. Poor Rei endures the worst of Mina's clumsy bedside nursing. All with a nervous smile on her face. Then she blows up poor Rei's boombox, and Rei nearly explodes with it out of fury.

2 A Moony-Eyed Sailor Moon Clings to Tuxedo Mask's Back in an Elevator Shaft

Sailor Moon can always rely on Tuxedo Mask to show up at just the right time during a battle, or when a villain tries to trap her. When Nephrite traps Sailor Moon in an elevator with Tuxedo Mask, she's more concerned with the romance of the close proximity than the danger of the elevator trap. Poor Tuxedo Mask is on high alert, trying to get them out of the dire situation while Sailor Moon's puckering her lips.

The danger only compounds when Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask plummet down the elevator shaft. Tuxedo Mask catches Sailor Moon before she can free-fall and carries her on his back. Sailor Moon may be a small girl, but she's not very muscly, so poor Tuxedo Mask plainly struggles to hold on to her while she's busy mooning over him and screaming, in turn.

1 Seiya Takes a Flustered Usagi Dancing

Usagi is dating Mamoru when she finds herself on a "date" with Seiya Kou, Sailor Star Fighter. Usagi doesn't really know what to do with herself because she's both confused and charmed by Seiya's attitude. Usagi nearly has a full meltdown when Seiya closes the door, and they're alone in a room together.

Usagi misinterprets every single thing that Seiya does and says. Though, to be fair, it's quite clear that Seiya's flirting with her, at least a little bit. Usagi nearly melts into a puddle when it looks as if Seiya's about to lean in for a kiss... only for the scene to cut to a lively club setting where Usagi and Seiya have a lot of fun dancing together.

10 Funniest Sailor Moon Scenes, Ranked