Saturday, April 20, 2024

10 Strongest Powers & Techniques in Sailor Moon, Ranked

Sailor Moon characters fight evil by moonlight and fall in love by daylight. Sailor Moon and her fellow Sailor Guardians have great responsibilities, especially for young students, but luckily, they have great power at their disposal. The best of the series is the growing cast of characters who have diverse personalities, goals, talents, and skills.

There's more than combat magic in Sailor Moon and different kinds of power that aid in fighting evil and protecting the world. Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask, and Queen Serenity are amazing healers whose combined power can remake planets and rebirth broken people. Characters like Sailor Saturn have powers so formidable that they need to use them with great care.

10 Sailor Mars' Flames Engulf Many Enemies

Mars Flame Sniper

Rei Hino has many gifts, and they're nearly all flame-themed. Her gift for prophecy manifested before her Sailor Guardian awakening and is quite powerful, although there are many other Sailor Moon characters with the gift of foresight. As Sailor Mars, her powers center around flame and warfare, which is fitting given her God of War namesake, Mars.

Sailor Mars' greatest attack, Mars Flame Sniper, evolves in the fourth season. She repels entire enemy groups in the early uses of Mars Flame Sniper. The sacred artifact, the Mars Arrow, unlocks this great and terrible gift, and she evolves into her Super form along with unlocking the new attack.

9 Tuxedo Mask Has Surprising & Subtle Gifts

Love & Healing Miracles

Tuxedo Mask is a unique character in Sailor Moon, and he only has a couple of named abilities. In the manga and Sailor Moon Crystal, he has the attack Tuxedo Mask La Smoking Bomber. He also has a dual attack with his daughter, Sailor Chibi Moon, Pink Sugar Tuxedo Attack. Tuxedo Mask's strongest abilities aren't attack abilities, though.

While not an official Sailor Guardian, he is the Prince and Guardian of Earth. He has such a strong connection to it that destroying Earth would mean his destruction, and vice versa. He can also perform esoteric-level protection and healing miracles for Sailor Moon's sake. His roses are meant only to be his calling card, but he throws so much of his love for Sailor Moon into them that one single rose nullifies Queen Beryl's deadly attack in the Season One finale. He's like an immeasurable power battery for Sailor Moon and helps tether her to life and the Earth.

10 Strongest Powers & Techniques in Sailor Moon, Ranked

8 Sailor Uranus Wields a Sacred Sword

Space Sword Blaster

Not many Sailor Guardians wield sacred swords. Sailor Venus, the leader of the Inner Guardians, wields the Sword of the Silver Crystal, and Sailor Uranus wields a powerful Talisman called the Space Sword. Sailor Uranus' Space Sword is inspired by a true life legend, Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, which represents true valor and virtuousness.

Sailor Uranus' Space Sword Blaster attack is also inspired by devastating solar wind events. It has the power to wipe out everything in its path; and when the Space Sword is combined with the two other Talismans, it's said to summon the apocalypse. Such artifacts and attacks would be absolutely devastating in the hands of a warrior less virtuous than any of the Outer Guardians.

10 Strongest Powers & Techniques in Sailor Moon, Ranked

7 Sailor Pluto Is a Sleeping Giant

Dark Dome Close

Sailor Pluto's greatest attack shines in the manga and Sailor Moon Crystal. She may be quiet and reserved, but she packs a punch when needed. The mantle of responsibility is heavy on Sailor Pluto's shoulders because she guards the Door of Space and Time, and because her strongest gift is one of the greatest Sailor Guardian powers. Sailor Pluto performs Dark Dome Close in the Sailor Moon Crystal finale as a last resort.

Most Sailor Guardians have element-based powers and powers inspired by gods, like Sailor Jupiter's Jupiter Oak Evolution, which is an ode to the god Zeus/Jupiter. Sailor Pluto is on another level because she has a direct connection to the God of Time, Chronos, and can call upon his powers. Dark Dome Close summons the powers of Chronos to suck one of the greatest Sailor Moon villains, Pharaoh 90, into a Space-Time vortex.

6 Sailor Saturn Has Grave Powers of Destruction

Silence Glaive Surprise

The other Sailor Guardians and their allies look upon Sailor Saturn with quaking fear because of her powers. She may be the most childlike Sailor Guardian (aside from the toddler Sailor Chibi Moon), but her powers pack a wallop. Sailor Saturn is so powerful that she's not summoned often, not during the Silver Millennium or in the modern day.

Corrupting Sailor Saturn would be truly cataclysmic for the galaxy, which is why Pharaoh 90 wants to possess her so badly. Sailor Saturn can use Silence Glaive Surprise, an energy-based attack, to annihilate several foes at once. Just the mere threat of the attack can be enough to end an epic fight. Although Sailor Saturn never uses her power for evil, there's a rumor that her attack is strong enough to wreck entire planets at a time.

5 Queen Serenity Wields Immense Power Judiciously

The Legendary Silver Crystal

The most important part about the strongest Sailor Guardian's gifts is how and when they use them. Not many think immediately of Queen Serenity as one of the Sailor Moon powerhouses because she's dead by the time the series begins. However, it's worth looking at how she ruled and protected her kingdom and the galaxy during the Silver Millennium.

Queen Serenity was a calm, wise, and judicious leader. She wielded one of the greatest powers in the universe, the Legendary Silver Crystal, and she's the spark that created one of the other great powerhouses in the universe — Sailor Moon. Queen Serenity's strength and aptitude with the Silver Crystal is so great that, with her dying breath, she saves Princess Serenity, all the Sailor Guardians, and their allies, delivering them to an entirely different planet.

4 Galaxia Snatches Life Power Away with Her Bare Hands

Star Seed Stealing & Dark Lightning

Galaxia is so powerful that she's positively bored when Sailor Saturn confronts her. She was once the legendary Sailor Galaxia, the most powerful Sailor Guardian in the Milky Way Galaxy. She's so powerful that she tried to defeat the universe's greatest evil, Chaos, only to be consumed by it.

Galaxia's mission is to steal people's Star Seeds, a technique she performs all too easily. Star Seeds are in all life forms, from humans to planets. All Galaxia needs to do is wield her Crystal of Destruction. Sailor Galaxia also wields Dark Lightning, a gift amplified by Chaos. When combined with Chaos, Galaxia's no match for the Sailor Guardians.

3 Sailor Chaos Is the Universe's Greatest Enemy

Wielding the Chaos Crystal

Chaos, or Sailor Chaos, is the strongest antagonist Sailor Moon ever faces. Chaos represents everything that is cruel and random in the universe; it's a consuming force made from the Galaxy Cauldron. Essentially, they are a primordial god. They don't have powers and named attacks, like the Sailor Guardians or other previous antagonists.

Sailor Chaos' go-to technique is possession and wielding the Chaos Crystal. Where Queen Serenity and Neo-Queen Serenity use the Legendary Silver Crystal to bring order and protection to their realms, Chaos uses its crystal to bring utter destruction. Through possession, they narrow down their focus and take down other powerful, virtuous entities, like Sailor Galaxia, and use them as their personal generals.

10 Strongest Powers & Techniques in Sailor Moon, Ranked

2 Sailor Moon's Healing Powers Exorcise Evil & Brings People Back to Life

Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss

Sailor Moon has many different evolutions, from her first transformation to her final form in the series, Eternal Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon uses some pretty intense moonlight-based attacks as she grows into her full warrior queen power, like Moon Princess Halation. Her strongest abilities are her healing and resurrection powers, though.

Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss is Sailor Moon's final acquired skill in the series. It's her strongest healing technique, further amplified by two sacred objects: the Eternal Tiare and the Holy Moon Chalice. Sailor Moon's raw healing powers can exorcise the greatest kinds of evil and bring the dead back to life, and it's strongly implied that her powers will only continue to grow as Neo-Queen Serenity.

1 Sailor Cosmos Can Regenerate the Galaxy

Lambda Power

Sailor Cosmos is the future and final manifestation of Sailor Moon's powers. They are technically two different characters — partly because of original anime creators that made her more rudimentary form, Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon, a personified Star Seed of Sailor Galaxia. Sailor Cosmos is the antithesis of Chaos; she is life, itself.

Sailor Cosmos' Lambda Power isn't an incantation-style attack, but more of an intrinsic technique and power. She uses her Lambda Power and the Cosmic Crystal to purify the Galaxy Cauldron, which is the crucible of life energy. When Sailor Moon combines with her Sailor Cosmos self, she's even stronger than Chaos. She can remake the entire universe with her healing and regenerative powers.

10 Strongest Powers & Techniques in Sailor Moon, Ranked