Saturday, April 20, 2024

10 Times Boruto Broke Our Hearts

There's been a great era of peace in the Boruto franchise, stemming from the Naruto days where the titular character fought to unite the villages to form a coalition. They managed to stop Kaguya and her minion, which resulted in the younger generation – like Naruto himself – stepping up to become the series' leaders.

However, the Ōtsutsuki aliens have returned to wreak havoc in Boruto. Not to mention, petty crime and terrorism have ensured that Boruto and his crew would have to follow in the footsteps of the Hokage to protect the sanctity of the new world. Unfortunately, those developments led to macabre backstories, new wars, and some very heartbreaking moments. In many ways, Boruto is even sadder than the original Naruto and Shippuden.

10 Kawaki's Childhood Was Filled With Abuse

Kawaki was the vessel that Jigen wanted to genetically alter in Kara, so he could be reborn in him as Isshiki Ōtsutsuki. Fortunately, theBoruto anime added tons of filler and depthto show Kawaki's history: namely, his father being an abusive drunk. Seeing him starving and selling off the boy to Isshiki was quite harrowing.

The franchise doubled down by having Isshiki abuse the boy as well to strengthen him. It was very sad witnessing Delta and Code enjoying his misery, and Amado not caring as long as he got a better test subject. This was why Kawaki was glad to escape and be adopted by Naruto and Konoha. While tragic, this development explained in a fairly nuanced manner why he harbored so much resentment that would be weaponized down the line.

9 Naruto Chiding Boruto For Cheating Was Crushing

Boruto's early arcs had the boy lashing out at home, thinking Naruto was neglectful. Boruto played pranks, came off immature, and riled up his father all because he wanted attention. Unfortunately, Boruto used scientific ninja tools to cheat during the Chūnin Exam. Naruto caught him, scolded him publicly and then booted him out.

The punishment wasn't the issue; it was the method of delivery. Naruto came off uncouth, lacking compassion and empathy for a kid who just wanted love. Knowing how Naruto always wished he had his parents, Minato and Kushina, around, seeing him discipline Boruto so harshly was tough for old-school fans to stomach.

8 Ōnoki Died a Painful Death

Ōnoki was a former Tsuchikage from Iwagakure. He fought with Naruto in the Kaguya battle, but come the Boruto era, he lost his grandson and all sense of hope. Ōnoki tried to create a sinister army in secret, which led to him making a clone called Kū. Sadly, Kū broke bad and wanted to raze the world like the Akatsuki.

He even kidnapped Mitsuki to perfect the rest of the legion, resulting in Boruto and Ōnoki trying to stop him. While the villain was killed, Ōnoki died, too. He came off like Boruto's grandfather, reminding the boy to never give into the darkness like he did. It was a tragic end for a war hero, made even more controversial by Naruto covering the death up as a natural illness, all to protect the man's legacy and reputation. The moment impressed deeply on Boruto, leaving him with emotional scars.

7 Ryōgi Never Got His Agency & Control Back

10 Times Boruto Broke Our Hearts

Not every searing moment relies on Boruto or Naruto. Shikadai – in another anime-exclusive arc – got a very eye-opening lesson with Ryōgi, a shinobi from the Land of Snow. Ryōgi's parents were killed by Gekkō, only for his 'uncle' to brainwash him and make him an assassin in their Byakuya Gang. In time, they ran into conflict with Shikadai and Boruto.

Shikadai eventually broke the Cursed Seal, enabling Ryōgi to remember the past, but Naruto threw the entire gang in jail. This was another cold, cruel moment, leaving Shikadai feeling for Ryōgi – someone he not only considered a lost soul, but a friend. Shikadai promised to keep in touch and, somehow, find a way for Ryōgi's redemption. Unfortunately, Ryōgi was as lost, despaired, and broken as ever, as accepting this new era changed nothing for vulnerable kids. It reminded Shikadai they were all pawns and child soldiers, nodding to Naruto'syoung Haku being gaslit by Zabuza.

6 Boruto/Momoshiki Removed Sasuke's Rinnegan

10 Times Boruto Broke Our Hearts

When Momoshiki possessed Boruto after the big Isshiki fight, he used the boy's body and stabbed Sasuke in the eye with a kunai. This act removed the Rinnegan forever, leaving Sasuke in a torrid state. Momoshiki lapped it up, laughing off how Boruto was hurting inside for his mentor.

This Rinnegan helped protect the planet, enabling Sasuke to teleport all over. At this point, Boruto knew he handicapped the Uchiha Ranger in the worst way possible. This allowed Momoshiki to inflict more damage, just to punish Sasuke and add more trauma to Boruto's mind. It was one of the franchise's most unforgiving forms of torment and frightened Boruto terribly as he could do nothing.

5 Kawaki Imprisoning Naruto & Hinata Was Dark

10 Times Boruto Broke Our Hearts

In time, Kawaki wanted to ensure Momoshiki wouldn't ever be able to possess Boruto again. It led to him informing Naruto and Hinata at the dinner table he was going to kill their son – which Hinata slapped him for. Apologetically, he tossed them away into a secret dimension using his Karma mark.

This ambush wasn't easy. Kawaki had an Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader energy to him, accepting that if he didn't embrace his dark side, he couldn't save the future and protect his family. Kawaki shattered on the inside, knowing he had to betray his new parents and the Hidden Leaf. It gnawed at Naruto and his wife that despite how much they defended Kawaki, he put a knife in their backs. Seeing them left in stasis is an image Naruto fans cannot shake.

4 Kawaki Murdering Boruto Was Devastating

Before Kawaki sealed the Uzumaki parents away, he used his powers to impale Boruto after a fight with Code. Boruto got taken over by Momoshiki, but when he took back control, he acknowledged he was a threat. He allowed Kawaki to kill him. His son's death left Naruto screaming, living his worst nightmare.

He couldn't believe his second son could do this. Rarely have fans seen Naruto in this pained, frantic state. Luckily, Momoshiki's spirit brought the kid back to life, which had Kawaki beginning his new plot to hide Naruto and Hinata. No matter what, fans will never forget seeing the Hokage as a ball of emotions, feeling fear, mistrust, and angst like never before over his two boys as he cradled Boruto's corpse. This left a frail, human Naruto in a constant state of flux.

3 Sarada Begging Sasuke to Help Boruto Welled Up Eyes

Eventually, Kawaki had Eida rewrite reality to make Konoha think Boruto killed his parents, and that Naruto's son was the enemy. Sarada, though, wasn't affected, so she begged Sasuke to go and protect Boruto on the run. The agony she endured activated her Mangekyō Sharingan, which let Sasuke know she believed Boruto was innocent.

Now, these eyes are activated mostly through death. So, for Sasuke to see Sarada suffering like this was very tough. On top of that, fans were left in pangs knowing Sasuke was a rogue once more. He literally threw his whole atonement away, all because of the love of his daughter. That created a bittersweet sentiment, mixed with endearment and personal torture for a Sasuke who had to leave everything he worked so hard for behind.

2 Sasuke's 'Death' Left Jaws On the Ground

Sasuke and Boruto fleeing led to the Two Blue Vortex era. Shockingly, Sasuke wasn't around – Boruto was working with Kashin Koji. Surprisingly, the plot revealed Sasuke fought off a series of God Trees to protect his charge, which led to Sasuke being devoured. He is currently stuck in a God Tree – one of the franchise's most jarring visuals.

No one expected such a powerful shinobi to be overwhelmed like this. It's not confirmed if Sasuke is dead, comatose, tortured, or dreaming of a false paradise like the genjutsu known as the Infinite Tsukuyomi. What is for certain is that Boruto constantly visiting this lush grave to chat with his master is a morose fate no one ever saw coming. Reading his words to his second father really stirs up more heartache.

1 Naruto Saying Goodbye to Kurama Was Gut-Wrenching

The Isshiki fight saw Naruto activate his Baryon mode, aka the full power of Kurama. While they stopped the villain, Kurama admitted his chakra was dissipating. Seeing Naruto bidding goodbye to the Nine Tails in their sacred mystical space was brutal, especially for those who grew up watching them bond before and after the Shippuden era.

Their farewell really showed how much they loved each other. The Demon Fox became the parent Naruto never knew he had, while Naruto gave Kurama a reason to believe humanity was always worth defending. This goodbye is something loyalists will never recover from, as it made Naruto but a man once more. It harkens to so many controversial Naruto moments and deaths, evoking the hurt over losing heroes like Jiraiya and Minato.

10 Times Boruto Broke Our Hearts