Saturday, April 20, 2024

Boruto Favoring Sasuke Over Naruto Has Surprisingly Simple Explanation

While many fans in the Naruto franchise loved the titular character, Sasuke also had his fair share of admirers. Anime and manga enthusiasts connected with him as a villain, and then an anti-hero who wanted to reshape Konoha. No matter what, Sasuke wanted to do the right thing.

In the Boruto series, Sasuke is older, wiser, and redeemed. He has taken on duties as an Uchiha Ranger, seeking to atone for the sins of his clan as well. However, while folks assumed Boruto would have gravitated to his father due to Naruto's legendary status, he instead favored Sasuke. In retrospect, he had very good reason to do so.

Boruto Felt Like An Outsider Like Sasuke

Boruto Favoring Sasuke Over Naruto Has Surprisingly Simple Explanation

Sasuke was a lone wolf, who hated that his brother, Itachi, killed their clan. He didn't know Itachi did this to protect the Hidden Leaf, though, as the Uchihas had plotted a bloody coup. In time, Sasuke adopted a terrorist mentality before he was brought back to the light by Naruto.

Boruto didn't endure this kind of pain or family tragedy, but deep down, he felt like an outsider, too. Sure, he had his family, but an air of neglect swirled around him. Boruto hated that Naruto was over-working himself as the Hokage. Naruto was way too devoted, often missing dinners and even the kids' birthdays. Boruto couldn't connect with that sort of attitude, which is why, in his own home, he didn't feel like part of a family who kept backing Naruto.

Few people could understand the emotions of being abandoned, which is what Boruto went through internally. It wasn't pure, unadulterated hate like what Sasuke felt towards Itachi, and later, Konoha. It was a lack of passion, explaining why Hinata and Naruto grew a lot closer to Himawari (Boruto's little sister). As a result, hearing and learning about Sasuke's past had Boruto thinking they were similar — people who didn't mind making unconventional choices and not conforming.

Knowing Sasuke came out on top had him looking like a hero in Boruto's eyes. Sasuke was the gold standard for resilience, persistence, and perseverance. He was proof one could survive isolation within. Boruto didn't necessarily want to walk that rough, dark path, but he did want to harness that sort of resolve. This is why, outside Konohamaru mentoring Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki, Boruto sought out Sasuke as a teacher ahead of Naruto.

Boruto Was Attached to Sasuke's Battle Style

All the new generation had texts and schooling to illuminate them about what happened with enemies like Kaguya, Madara, and the Akatsuki. Sasuke's evil turn was part of this education, which led to Boruto studying up on his "master." He grew obsessed with Sasuke's moves, such as the Chidori — a lightning cutter he would later work into his arsenal.

Boruto adored Sasuke's Fire Techniques, the genjutsu tactics that put people into trances and dream states, how Sasuke used his Rinnegan and Sharingan, and how Sasuke generated the chakra golem known as the Susanoo. Throw in the eternal dark flames of the Amaterasu, and Sasuke was just too cool for school. Boruto embraced the idea of becoming a one-man army like his "uncle."

Of course, had he not hated Naruto, Boruto would have learned his father had equally intimidating moves such as the Rasengan, shadow clones, and other powerful techniques developed with Kurama, the Nine-Tails Demon Fox. Boruto was too distracted by Sasuke. The Uchiha helped him with his Vanishing Rasengan, which paid off Boruto's faith. With Sasuke actually making time to work with him, while Naruto was obsessed with politics and diplomacy, it's easy to understand why Boruto's fondness and affinity for Sasuke grew.

It helped that Sasuke took an active interest in Boruto's development, even more than his own daughter's at the time. This did leave Sarada jealous, but Sasuke could sense Boruto, with the Hyūga and Uzumaki blood in him, could become even more powerful than Naruto — whether as a normal soldier or a Jinchūriki. Seeing as Sasuke knew the threat the Ōtsutsuki aliens posed in the past, he wanted to help nurture Boruto to be Konoha's next big weapon. Boruto expressed gratitude and kept fanboying, adamant Sasuke was the father he wished he had.

Boruto Loved Sasuke's Compassion and Empathy

Boruto Favoring Sasuke Over Naruto Has Surprisingly Simple Explanation

One would expect Naruto to continue from the Shippuden era and exhibit more compassion and empathy, but he came off cold and soulless the way he ignored Boruto. When Boruto got caught using scientific ninja tools, cheating in the shinobi exam, Naruto booted him out and derided him. Sasuke, conversely, dug beneath the surface and really tried to assess Boruto's insecurities.

Sasuke didn't judge the kid's need for attention. Instead, he remembered why Naruto acted out in his undisciplined days, correlated it to Boruto, and methodically broke down the help Boruto needed. Naruto's son never forgot this, which is why he was glad Sasuke joined him on the lam after Eida's rewrote reality. Sarada asked her father to do this, knowing that while a brainwashed Sasuke wasn't sure if Boruto was a hero, she could trust him to take care of a 'son' he always had a deep connection with.

Boruto Admired Sasuke's Strength and Tenacity

Boruto Favoring Sasuke Over Naruto Has Surprisingly Simple Explanation

Sadly, the Two Blue Vortex era has Sasuke stuck in a God Tree. He is more or less comatose, driving Boruto to break Eida's spell, restore normalcy, and rescue his teacher. Boruto is now rocking Sasuke's gear. He has the cloak, Sasuke's scarred headband from when he went rogue, and Sasuke's sword. Boruto is even using some of Sasuke's Lightning Techniques with his new Uzuhiko Rasengan, affirming they bonded and did a lot together in the three-year time-jump.

That riffs on the admiration and respect of old. Boruto loved Sasuke's look and feel. Even after Boruto patched things, and trained with Naruto, he couldn't let go of his reverence for Sasuke. The Uchiha showed Boruto that what people said didn't matter — it was what they did. That nuanced doctrine helped Boruto fight the likes of Momoshiki, Kinshiki, and Isshiki. And now, this grit, strength, and tenacity he derived from Sasuke is driving him to stop Kawaki, Code, and the new Claw Grime monsters that have developed sentience.

As Boruto goes through this journey, he keeps asking himself what would Sasuke do. He has constantly glowed over the way Sasuke dissected problems, found solutions, and calculated ways forward. This sense of improvisation and innovation left him clinging to Sasuke's principles. Now, he gets to put them all into practice, not just to honor Sasuke, but to save his life. Ultimately, Sasuke wasn't just a father and teacher; he felt like a big brother, too. He listened and cared when Naruto was too busy, which Boruto can't ever repay. As Two Blue Vortex continues, though, he can try, and in the process, live up to the expectations of the man he knows Sasuke wants him to be.
