Saturday, April 20, 2024

Dragon Ball Super Needs to Let Majin Buu Do Something Besides Sleep

Dragon Ball Super is a bold expansion to Akira Toriyama’s beloved shonen series that takes the action-packed franchise to new heights. Dragon Ball Super has elevated Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and many of Earth’s strongest heroes to unprecedented power levels through the introduction of new transformations and villains that trump everything that’s come before them. Dragon Ball Super functions as a satisfying continuation of Dragon Ball Z’s story. However, there are certain elements and characters who haven’t been given much to do and have regressed to a certain level of complacency.

One of Dragon Ball Super’s most exciting developments was that it would have Majin Buu’s kind form, “Good Buu,” as a main character who’s available to help out Earth’s heroes following Kid Buu’s destruction. That being said, Dragon Ball Super seems to have actively avoided Buu as a character and is unsure of where such a powerful individual fits in. Buu’s greatest contribution to Dragon Ball Super is his ability to fall asleep during extremely important and stressful situations. Majin Buu is an effective character to play for laughs, but Dragon Ball Super owes it to itself to truly explore Buu’s depths and make his existence worthwhile.

Majin Buu Would Be Instrumental In A War Against Other Majin Threats, Like Fin & Ozotto

Dragon Ball has featured endless evil creatures and Majin Buu is certainly at the top of the list when true malevolence is concerned. It’s important to remember that Majin is a magical and demonic species who have been around for millennia. Majin Buu is certainly the most prominent member of this ancient race, but he’s hardly the only one of his kind. Super Dragon Ball Heroes has gradually introduced other Majin entities, such as Fin and Ozotto, who go on to cause endless chaos.

Fin is a Majin Android who is created by Towa and Ozotto’s origins are considerably more mysterious. Both of these Majin entities thrive on chaos and consumption as a way to satisfy their insatiable hunger. Fin and Ozotto, much like Buu, change their appearances based upon whoever they’ve consumed or absorbed, which also rewards them with greater strength and abilities. Fin is particularly resilient and can take on the form of anyone whose DNA he’s personally encountered, even if they’re not still a part of him.

One very satisfying application of Majin Buu would be to have him take on new Majin threats as he fights to redeem his race and not get eliminated or made redundant in the process. It seems like Dragon Ball Super has held back on steady use of Buu because he’s simply too powerful in comparison to other individuals. Other Majin enemies would solve this problem and give Buu a greater sense of purpose than Hercule Satan’s powerful, playful sidekick.

Buu could lead the charge against other Majin threats, but it’s also territory that would be interesting for him to tackle on his own. Fin has the ability to travel through time and there’s a lot of value in a Buu showcase where he revisits past Dragon Ball events when he wasn’t around in order to prevent Fin and Ozotto from consuming his friends and rewriting history.

Buu’s Existence Could Trigger The Return Of Evil Buu

Buu experiences many transformations in Dragon Ball Z before his ultimate form, Kid Buu, comes together. He expels any of Super Buu’s unnecessary baggage, which includes Good Buu, and allows this alternate version of the character to survive. Before Super Buu’s debut, Buu experiences a terrifying schism. He witnesses mankind’s dark and depraved actions after Smitty and Van Zant’s reckless violence results in the death of Bee, Hercule’s dog.

This painful display of destruction triggers a visceral reaction in Buu that leads to the birth of a totally new entity, Evil Buu. Evil Buu causes plenty of pain and suffering. It’s ultimately Evil Buu’s consumption of the other Buu that causes the two to evolve into Super Buu. Dragon Ball makes it clear that Evil Buu’s creation is not a one-time event and that there’s the risk that these horrors could happen again. In fact, Vegeta is vehemently against Good Buu’s survival following Kid Buu’s destruction for precisely this reason.

It’s only because of Hercule’s insistence that he’ll be able to keep Good Buu under control that Vegeta acquiesces to his noble request. Buu and Hercule have found a healthy rhythm on Earth. However, Evil Buu’s return could be a fascinating angle for the series to explore that puts both Good Buu and Mr. Satan under fire. Dragon Ball Super is used to praising Hercule Satan and making sure that he avoids any real conflict and danger. The world could turn against him if his rogue actions with Good Buu were to lead to Evil Buu’s return and global destruction.

A redemption arc for both Good Buu and Hercule where they have to atone for their sins and earn back the public’s trust would help develop both of their characters and push them out of their comfort zones. Hercule’s culpability in this disaster would make for compelling story material. However, Hercule’s death would also be a trigger that’s worthy of Evil Buu’s return. It’d be extremely difficult for Buu to accept the loss of his best friend and learn how to get by without him, but perhaps this is exactly what his character needs in order to grow.

Buu Fuses Together With Uub To Become Majuub

Dragon Ball GT remains a contentious entry in the franchise that’s largely been “de-canonized” after Dragon Ball Super replaced it as the official Dragon Ball Z sequel. Dragon Ball GT is hardly perfect, but it does introduce some compelling character development for many supporting players who have been neglected in Dragon Ball Super. Dragon Ball Super has struggled to give Buu a purpose. However, Dragon Ball GT at least allows Buu to make a noble sacrifice and become a hero who’s an important part of a greater whole.

Uub is significantly stronger in Dragon Ball GT than when he’s first introduced during the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament. That being said, Uub is still woefully overpowered during the heroes’ battle against Baby Vegeta. Buu understands that the heroes need help and so he pledges to reunite with Uub and donate his power to the boy. Uub and Buu fuse together to become Majuub. Majuub’s appearance doesn’t drastically shift from Uub’s standard look, but his greater strength is undeniable.

Majuub also gains many of Buu’s magical abilities, such as the power to turn people into chocolate. Dragon Ball Super has hesitated to pull the trigger on a proper Uub showcase due to how it would mess with the franchise’s established timeline. However, Dragon Ball Super is edging closer to Uub’s introduction and his appearance is inevitable. If Dragon Ball Super still doesn’t know what to do with Buu then the series could at least follow in Dragon Ball GT’s footsteps and bring him together with Uub. Buu becoming a major influx of power for Uub isn’t the most exciting thing to do with its character, but it’s at least more than what’s currently going on with him.

Buu Can Create Miss Buu & Start A Family

Dragon Ball has left an impressive mark on the video game industry and there are even many video game-original characters and storylines that have found their way into canonical material. Dragon Ball Online is a MMORPG that was developed in Japan and South Korea that takes place more than two centuries after the anime series' conclusion. One of the most interesting aspects to come out of Dragon Ball Online is the prominence of the Majin race, which has since become as common as Saiyans, Namekians, and humans.

The propagation of the Majin race is the result of Buu creating a wife for himself, Miss Buu, after he discovers the concept of love from Bob & Margaret, one of Hercule’s adult books. Buu creates Miss Buu and these two individuals use a technique that’s known as the Love-Love Beam in order to create their child, Baby Buu. All this is in service of playable and customizable Majin characters in Dragon Ball Online.

However, it’s not a terrible idea for Dragon Ball Super, either. Buu isn’t really contributing much to the series at this point, but he’d take on a very different role if a wife and child were in the picture. Gradual detours with Buu’s family and Hercule Satan would be a lot of fun and a consistent source of comedy whenever the series needs to take a break from action. A family for Majin Buu would be a good way to help teach the character about responsibility, love, and community. It’d also just be a lot of fun to watch Baby Buu train alongside Pan, Bulla, Mai, and any other young Dragon Ball characters.

A Second Tournament Of Power With Stronger Universes

Dragon Ball Super is rich in martial arts tournaments, but it’s truly unfortunate that the series routinely finds ways to pull Buu out of these proceedings. Buu struggles with the written exam component of the Tournament of Destroyers between Universes 6 and 7. He also falls into a deep sleep that prevents his participation in both the Tournament of Destroyers and the more important Tournament of Power. The only competition that Buu manages to fight in is the preliminary Zeno Expo that precedes the Tournament of Power.

Buu takes on Universe 9’s Basil and puts on an excellent performance. Unfortunately, this doesn’t establish a new precedent where the character is consistently on the frontlines of battle. To Buu’s credit, he does help during the battle against Planet-Eater Moro. However, he’s still rarely present for Dragon Ball Super’s biggest fights, considering the power that he possesses. This could all change if Dragon Ball Super ever decides to host a second Tournament of Power that features Universes 1, 5, 8, and 12.

The Tournament of Power intentionally excludes Universes 1, 5, 8, and 12 because their populations all possess an average Mortal Level that’s above 7 and deemed to be too powerful for the other eight realms. Universe 7, for instance, only has a Mortal Level of 3.18 and Universe 9 is even lower at 1.86. Universe 7 may now qualify for this stronger bracket now that it has warriors like Ultra Instinct Goku, Ultra Ego Vegeta, Gohan Beast, and Orange Piccolo in the mix.

This would be a smart way to feature a second Tournament of Power that’s not just a retread of the previous proceedings with all the same characters. More importantly, this second competition could make proper use of Majin Buu and maybe even give him the opportunity to show off his Fit Buu form. Whether a second Tournament of Power happens or not, there’s still a lot that could be done with Majin Buu that’s considerably more exciting than perpetual slumber.

Dragon Ball Super Needs to Let Majin Buu Do Something Besides Sleep