Saturday, April 20, 2024

REVIEW: Chainsaw Man Chapter 161 “Chainsaw Man Puzzle” Is The Moment Fans – and Denji – Have Been Waiting For

In Chapter 161 of Tatsuki Fujimoto’s Chainsaw Man, "Chainsaw Man Puzzle," Denji's wish has finally come to fruition – but it's not quite the way he would have hoped. Denji's greatest desire throughout Part 2 has always been to have his true identity as Chainsaw Man revealed, and for better or worse, he got his way in Chapter 161. Fans have been waiting for Asa to finally find out Denji was Chainsaw Man since the two first met, making this chapter something of a milestone for the series.

It's an important reveal for everyone involved, yet Fujimoto's refusal to show any respect towards Denji's big moment is partially what fans love about the series. Chainsaw Man's main theme has always been that the moment someone gets something they’ve truly wanted, it's never as amazing as they believed it would be. Denji's big reveal as Chainsaw Man to Asa in Chapter 161 is the truest expression of that philosophy.

Denji's Identity Reveal is Everything Fans Should've Expected

REVIEW: Chainsaw Man Chapter 161 “Chainsaw Man Puzzle” Is The Moment Fans – and Denji – Have Been Waiting For

The last fans saw of Chainsaw Man's titular hero, he was being dismembered by Public Safety in Chapter 156. Denji wanted nothing more than to go out and rescue Nayuta, but as Pochita pointed out, he was in no position to go anywhere. Denji's legs were being placed into separate bags, and Chapter 161 confirms it wasn't just his legs being bagged up – his entire body has been cut to pieces and shut away in boxes. As Asa's group begins to open those boxes and try to put Chainsaw Man back together again, Haruka Iseumi stumbles upon Chainsaw Man's head much to everyone's surprise, especially Asa.

Denji's main goal in CSM Part 2 has always been to reveal his identity as Chainsaw Man in order to become famous and get all the attention from women that comes along with it. To that end, Denji did ridiculous things like leave his school ID badge behind after big fights with Devils. On the other hand, Public Safety's main goal was always to prevent Denji from revealing his identity and becoming Chainsaw Man. They went to extremes in order to do so, including blackmail and even threatening Nayuta's life to stop Denji from being the hero he wanted to be.

Denji's reveal as Chainsaw Man is ironic in that it's handled the complete opposite way either Denji or Public Safety could have wanted. Chainsaw Man even being found was an undesirable outcome for Public Safety, but the fact that it occurs within the very confines of Public Safety's most secure prison after they've cut Denj into pieces is the definition of failure. Similarly, Denji wanted his reveal as Chainsaw Man to be nonchalant and cool, so having his dismembered head in a box being shown to Asa is definitely not what he had in mind. It's the kind of hilarious and ridiculous turn of events that Chainsaw Man fans should theoretically expect by now, but one nobody would ever be able to see coming.

No One Does Facial Expressions Like Fujimoto

REVIEW: Chainsaw Man Chapter 161 “Chainsaw Man Puzzle” Is The Moment Fans – and Denji – Have Been Waiting For

Fans aren't the only ones surprised to finally see Denji's identity revealed, and the cast's shock is not missed in the art for Chapter 161. It's a well-known fact among shonen manga fans that Tatsuki Fujimoto's ability to draw facial expressions is the best in the business, and Chapter 161 is a master-class in that regard. Each character shows incredible personality in even the most simplistic of panels.

From existential dread, to sarcasm to shock and awe, Chapter 161 perfectly captures the human experience in its character's expressions in a way that fans can't help but relate to. It's a wonder there aren't more memes of Chainsaw Man characters floating around the internet (and there are already plenty), because the expressions they make truly capture something fundamental about the feelings they're meant to convey. It would be hard not to laugh at the panel of Iseumi in complete horror at seeing Denji's face, not because the context of the scene itself is funny, but rather that there's something uncannily humorous in how real his reaction is.

REVIEW: Chainsaw Man Chapter 161 “Chainsaw Man Puzzle” Is The Moment Fans – and Denji – Have Been Waiting For

Katana's Juvenile Sense of Humor is a Welcome Addition to the Team

Katana Man's joining up with Asa in the previous chapter was a highlight of the current arc, and Chapter 161 continues to prove why that was a good idea. Katana Man has never gotten as much characterization throughout the entire series as he has in the last two chapters alone, and Fujimoto's doing a great job of using him as an outlet for comedic relief. He has an excellent dynamic with the Nail Fiend in particular, whose mature and sarcastic demeanor contrasts Katana's obnoxiousness perfectly.

Nail and Samurai are two characters fans never realized they needed, but who fill a much-needed void in a post-Aki and Power Chainsaw Man. Another group that helps fill that void is Fami, Yoru, and Asa, who tend to bounce off each other well. Notably, this chapter features a lot of Yoru and Asa, but only a few brief glimpses of Fami. While Fami’s absence would ordinarily be questionable, it actually serves to add a subtle sense of tension considering the circumstances in Chapter 161.

Fami's True Intentions Are Likely to Be Revealed Soon

With the group finally reaching Denji and finding him dismembered, all eyes should have been on Fami this chapter, but she was suspiciously quiet throughout much of the commotion. That's likely intentional, as Fujimoto made Fami look increasingly suspicious throughout Chapter 161 as the rest of the group was attempting to piece Denji's body back together. While the others discussed things and mused over the terror of Denji's body being cut and placed into boxes, Fami was not only earily calm, she barely said a word.

Fami's intentions have always been questionable. She has never been above lying to manipulate others into doing her bidding, and the entire team-up with Asa has always been uncertain from the beginning. However, it was mutually beneficial for every part involved at the time, so it made sense that they'd all team up. Now that their shared goal as been achieved, it wouldn't be uncharacteristic of Fami to completely turn her back on the group in favor of her personal goal, however ambiguous and mysterious that goal might be to the other parties involved.

In fact, it's notable that, in the panel showing Nobana finding Chainsaw Man's heart, the only other two people shown in the scene were Iseumi who declared that it was "Cool!" – and Fami, who simply looked on without speaking. From that moment on, neither Fami nor Chainsaw Man's heart were ever shown again in the chapter, with the implications being quite clear. As Quanxi broke through the door along with the (still nameless) Devil Hunter with an eye patch, that commotion potentially gave Fami just the kind of distraction she was looking for.

Why is Quanxi Still Listening to Public Safety?

REVIEW: Chainsaw Man Chapter 161 “Chainsaw Man Puzzle” Is The Moment Fans – and Denji – Have Been Waiting For

Quanxi's return in Chapter 161 was somewhat expected, as she was one of the few Hunters fans reasonably believed could kill everyone in Asa's group like the eye patch Devil Hunter claimed. That said, her standing next to the Eye Patch Hunter and following his commands seems out of place for such a powerful Hunter. It further raises the question of who exactly this Hunter with an eye patch is, that he has the authority to order someone as highly respected as Quanxi around. Quanxi was last shown rescuing Denji and Nayuta from the anti-Chainsaw Man rioters, so her actively protecting his dismembered body is strange to say the least.

If anything, it shows that Quanxi is either truly detached from personal relationships (which would not be out of character for her at all), or she has no choice but to defer to this higher-ranking Public Safety agent. In Chapter 160, "That For Which the Heart Beats", the Public Safety Hunter with an eye patch told Katana and Nail that they would no longer be able to have their desires if they turned against him, a choice which they both made anyway. It may be he also has some kind of contract related to Quanxi and her own desire, which she – unlike Nail and Samurai – is unwilling to let go of.

Chainsaw Man Chapter 161 is Everything Fans Love About the Series

REVIEW: Chainsaw Man Chapter 161 “Chainsaw Man Puzzle” Is The Moment Fans – and Denji – Have Been Waiting For

Chainsaw Man Chapter 161, "Chainsaw Man Puzzle" contains big reveal after big reveal, and they're everything fans would expect from the series. Fujimoto is using side characters like Samurai and Nail to effortlessly do humor, while simultaneously ruining Denji's life in a way only he could.

The dichotomy between the sheer horror of Denji's situation as a dismembered Devil Hybrid in a set of boxes, and the ridiculous silliness of Katana and Yoru's banter means Chapter 161 is everything fans love about Chainsaw Man in one place. Just when Asa finally reaches her goal and Denji's wish is finally granted, it's not quite as heartwarming a scene as anyone expected, and that's what Chainsaw Man has always been about.

REVIEW: Chainsaw Man Chapter 161 “Chainsaw Man Puzzle” Is The Moment Fans – and Denji – Have Been Waiting For