Saturday, April 13, 2024

Sailor Moon: Every Sailor Senshi's Canon Age, Height, & Birthday

Fans of Sailor Moon are well aware that the show has a large host of great characters. Whether fans love the Inner Senshi, fall in love with the Outer Scouts, or just live for the cute mother-daughter moments between Usagi and Chibiusa, almost every viewer has a favorite character. Fans of the show can't help but want to learn more and more about these heroic girls, especially since information can be so spread out.

While there are tons of companion material, hunting down stats about the Scouts can be a bit of a hassle. Just who is the tallest Scout, and when are they all born? Some viewers may even be wondering if Sailor Saturn even has an official birthday. This list will provide some of the basic information about the major Senshi in Sailor Moon.

Updated on April 4, 2024, by Ajay Aravind: The Sailor Moon franchise has been going strong since 1991, having earned over $2.5 billion over the last thirty-odd years. The latest installments were released in the form of movies, namely the Eternal and Cosmos quadrilogy. That said, fans would love to know more about their favorite Senshi. As such, we've updated this list with some more information.

10 Sailor Moon Is The Secret Identity Of Princess Serenity

Sailor Moon is the leader of the girls and the secret identity of Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom. The bubbly Scout started her career off at the age of 14, but by the conclusion of the series, she turned 16. As the protagonist of the series, Usagi is quite bubbly and amicable — she also consistently demonstrates her desire to protect her friends, even if it means making sacrifices.

Usagi also strongly believes that nobody is evil and that everyone deserves a second chance, although this character trait occasionally backfires on her. That said, she refuses to harm human beings even when they turn into monsters, instead preferring to restore them to normal. Usagi eventually becomes more mature and understanding. Despite her clumsy appearance, she creates Crystal Tokyo and is ultimately crowned as its queen.

9 Sailor Chibi Moon Is Actually One Of The Oldest Scouts

Sailor Moon: Every Sailor Senshi's Canon Age, Height, & Birthday

Sailor Chibi-Moon is one of the oldest Scouts and the daughter of Usagi and Mamoru. Despite her spoiled attitude, she turns out to be an important part of the team that ends up helping the Scouts take down several enemies. Sailor Chibi-Moon does look to be around ten years old, but she has been alive for at least 900 years, give or take a few. Interestingly, Chibiusa shares her birthday with her mother.

Sailor Chibi-Moon has a sharp temper, explaining why she disparages Usagi at times. That said, she's clearly quite popular at school and even gets the class president title in the manga version of the story. Chibiusa prefers doing things by herself, but only because she considers asking for help a stain on her character. Thankfully, this changes as the series progresses, although not so much in the anime.

8 Sailor Mars Worked As A Priestess At A Local Shrine

Sailor Mars was the third Scout to be awakened and worked as a priestess at a local shrine in Tokyo. Thanks to her spiritual powers, she is able to warn the other Scouts of oncoming danger, helping the Scouts to be a step ahead of the enemy. Rei is also known for her eternal interest in boys, but would rather embark on a media-based career before getting married.

One of her more interesting features is her love language, which can often be misread as teasing. Despite her intermittent arguments with Usagi, there's no doubt that Sailor Mars really loves her friend and leader. In fact, Rei arguably has a tighter bond with Usagi than her teammates. This could also be due to her attending a different school, which makes it difficult for her to interact with the other Senshi on a regular basis.

7 Sailor Mercury Is Arguably The Brains Behind The Scouts

Sailor Moon: Every Sailor Senshi's Canon Age, Height, & Birthday

Sailor Mercury is a young genius and ends the series at the age of 16. Mercury is the brains behind the Scouts and is able to use her computer to break down enemies, which helps her peers locate and exploit the weak points in their foes. Ami is also the most studious and responsible member of the Inner Scouts, and she regularly scolds them about doing their schoolwork properly. At the same time, she enjoys pop culture and romance novels in secret.

Sailor Mercury used to be quite timid and reticent until she met the Sailor Scouts. Unfortunately, this made her classmates think of her as egotistical and condescending, especially since she regularly secured the highest marks in the national exams. As the child of a single divorced parent, Ami respects her mother's medical career and wants to follow in her footsteps.

6 Sailor Jupiter Has A Knack For Both Cooking And Martial Arts

Sailor Moon: Every Sailor Senshi's Canon Age, Height, & Birthday

Sailor Jupiter debuts as the fourth Scout and is skilled in martial arts. She is one of the tallest scouts and has a knack for cooking despite being the same age as the rest of the Inner Scouts. Sailor Jupiter likes feminine hobbies like gardening, ikebana, and art, but those only develop later. On the other hand, she exhibits classic tomboy behavior, including roughhousing and picking fights, which explains why she comes off as overly fearsome.

Like Sailor Mercury, Makoto had trouble making friends before she met Usagi. Sailor Jupiter often keeps her toughness in check, except when she has to save or protect her friends from danger. She even beat a few boys for provoking Sailor Mercury. That said, it seems that she can never get over "the guy who dumped" her, at least in her own words.

5 Sailor Venus Was The First Sailor Scout Ever Created

Sailor Moon: Every Sailor Senshi's Canon Age, Height, & Birthday

Sailor Venus was the first Sailor Scout ever created and was initially mistaken for being Princess Serenity. Minako is the head of the Inner Scouts and, like the rest of her group, turns 16 by the end of the series. Sailor Venus is much like Usagi in the sense that they're both playful and goofy, but she can easily switch into battle mode when the situation demands it. As Usagi's lieutenant, Minako is one of the best leaders in the series.

Sailor Venus is loved by the fandom for her ability to maintain group cohesiveness, even when her friends fall in battle. Minako even refused to allow Sailor Moon to give up the Sailor Crystal, despite the potential consequences. Sailor Venus provides some hilarious comic relief in the form of randomly blending proverbs together. However, she's best known as the self-titled "Goddess of Love," a fitting title given her planetary epithet.

4 Sailor Neptune Is The Official Girlfriend Of Sailor Uranus

Sailor Neptune is a member of the Outer Scouts. Michiru starts the series at the age of 16 and turns 17 by the end of the Stars arc. She is a talented violinist and the girlfriend of Sailor Uranus, whom she is often seen with. Given her artistic brilliance, it's clear that she deserves her position at the prestigious Mugen Academy in Sankakusu, Tokyo. Michiru is extremely refined, graceful, and cultivated, although she's periodically given to fits of ice-cold fury.

Sailor Neptune doesn't allow her cultured demeanor to get in the way of taking care of her friends, though she hates the idea of people disparaging her. As a result, Michiru's perfectionism is frequently misread as pomposity. Sailor Neptune, along with Sailor Uranus, holds one of the talismans needed to help save the world, making both of them very important characters in the story.

3 Sailor Uranus Became A Race Car Driver At Her Young Age

Sailor Moon: Every Sailor Senshi's Canon Age, Height, & Birthday

Sailor Uranus is a flirtatious Scout who has a more hostile attitude than the rest of the cast, as is shown when the Scouts first meet. Being a major motocross racer, Sailor Uranus has already earned significant amounts of money despite being a first-year student. Haruka is loyal to her partner Michiru, although she does tend to flirt with Usagi from time to time.

Mangaka Naoko Takeuchi has gone on record stating that Sailor Uranus' masculinity is the reason behind her relationship with the relatively feminine Sailor Neptune. All things considered, however, Sailor Uranus does show unwavering devotion to Usagi once she learns her true identity. Interestingly, Haruka's character was one of the last Sailor Scouts to be developed, as the initial sketches represented her as feminine.

2 Sailor Saturn Is Possibly The Most Powerful Character

Sailor Moon: Every Sailor Senshi's Canon Age, Height, & Birthday

Sailor Saturn is the final Scout to be awakened and arguably the most powerful character in the universe. Hotaru is a peculiar character as she is reborn after being introduced at the age of 12, making her exact age a toss-up. Sailor Saturn is unflinchingly methodical and solution-oriented at first, but her rebirth transforms her into a considerably sunny individual.

She also has many different heights throughout the series, depending on what arc the Scouts are in. That said, her canon birthday is stated to be on January 6, making her a Capricorn. Due to her strange arc, Saturn appears to be much older mentally than she is physically. Hotaru is rather intelligent and has an exceptional memory, so much so that she can recall her past lives in great detail. On the other hand, Sailor Saturn is notoriously bad at navigating the outside world.

1 Sailor Pluto Is The Oldest Scout And The Guardian Of Time

Sailor Pluto is by far the oldest Sailor Scout and the guardian of time. Setsuna is stated to physically appear between the ages of 19 and 20 in the official canon. She mostly watched over the Space-Time Door, preventing her from abandoning her task for any reason. This is why she was rather isolated and forlorn in the beginning. However, Neo-Queen Serenity eventually permitted her to leave, allowing Sailor Pluto to become Setsuna.

Sailor Pluto is shown to be close with Chibiusa, whom she grew quite fond of through repeated visits from her. Although Setsuna studies physics at Tokyo's K.O. University, she actually wants to become a fashion designer. She later begins living with Hotaru, Haruka, and Michiru, unwittingly transforming the group into a loving found-family.

Sailor Moon: Every Sailor Senshi's Canon Age, Height, & Birthday