Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Best Itachi Uchiha Quotes In Naruto and Naruto Shippuden

Naruto's Itachi Uchiha was a child prodigy, turned rogue ninja, turned villain, turned hero across the hundreds of episodes of Naruto and Shippuden. While his skills were unparalleled, his many titles summed up everything but who he really was – a man who loved his brother more than anything. Born to the infamous Uchiha Clan, Itachi was surrounded by violent and corrupted minds. Like his best friend Shisui Uchiha, Itachi was a pacifist and wished to avoid war if possible. When the Uchiha Clan planned a coup to take over the Leaf Village, Itachi sided with the Leaf Village and executed his entire clan – except for his younger brother Sasuke.

The Third Hokage and the village elders not only knew about Itachi's devastating plan, but they also supported it. However, they decided it would be better if they operated as if they had no knowledge of the event and branded Itachi a murderer. Itachi spent the rest of his life protecting his brother the best way he could, he kept him at arm's length and provided him with the motivation he needed to grow. While Itachi's methods may have been unfavorable, he worked tirelessly to do what he felt was right.

Updated On April 18, 2024 by Jenny Melzer: Itachi Uchiha was the sole purpose for his brother Sasuke's quest for vengeance for hundreds of episodes before the truth about his vile actions finally came out. Along the way, even viewers were led to believe Itachi was little more than a power-hungry, cold hearted monster who slaughtered his entire clan and mercilessly tortured his younger brother. Some of the best Shippuden episodes saw Itachi's unexpected redemption, as the truth emerged, and the once-loathsome character became a beloved fan favorite for his martyrdom. This list of Itachi's best quotes has been updated to include further analysis on each scenario, as well as to meet with CBR's most current standards for formatting.

10 "You Will Become A Rival To Measure My Vessel Against."

Naruto Shippuden: Episode 135, "The Longest Moment"

The Best Itachi Uchiha Quotes In Naruto and Naruto Shippuden

Before fans knew the truth, this quote was part of one of the most heartbreaking and bone chilling moments in the series. After Sasuke finds his entire village slaughtered, he encounters his brother and is in complete disbelief. While Sasuke tries to wrap his head around what is happening, Itachi tells him that the only reason he lets him live is because he will awaken his Mangekyo Sharigan by killing his closest friend.

He then tells him that if he wishes to kill him, he should resent and hate him and survive in obscurity. Itachi convinces his brother that he only sees him as a tool to test his strength against one day because they both have a unique ability. He plants a seed of hatred that defines the man Sasuke becomes across a significant portion of the series.

9 "It's A Fact That Ninja Go Through Life Being Hated."

Naruto Shippuden: Episode 135, "The Longest Moment"

The Best Itachi Uchiha Quotes In Naruto and Naruto Shippuden

Itachi is put under a lot of pressure throughout his life. This pressure became especially heavy when the Uchiha Clan prepared to launch their coup against Konoha. The village leaders wanted to know if Itachi made a decision, while his father made it clear that he served as the Clan's "pipeline to the Village nerve center" – meaning Itachi was the key to their plan.

All of his obligations and conflicting titles keep Itachi from spending time with Sasuke. In one of their rare moments alone together, Itachi asserted that his brother probably hated him. Before a shocked Sasuke could respond, Itachi imparted some wisdom which obviously reflected his position at the time. It's as though he was setting his brother up for the inevitable betrayal to come, practically telling him in that moment it was okay to hate him.

8 "Sorry, Sasuke... This Is The Last Time."

Naruto Shippuden: Episode 139, "The End"

As a child, Sasuke constantly wanted to spend time with his older brother, whom he idolized completely. Itachi was a child prodigy, and Sasuke wanted nothing more than to be trained by the brother he loved and respected. Unfortunately for Sasuke, Itachi was always too busy. Whenever Sasuke asked to spend time with him, Itachi would respond by poking him on the forehead and telling him "some other time."

While it seemed like Itachi didn't care to spend time with Sasuke, fans later learned that Itachi distanced himself from Sasuke to protect him. In order to keep his brother from the burden he carried, Itachi sacrificed precious time with the person he loved most in the world. During their final confrontation, Sasuke braced himself as he waited for Itachi to end his life, only for the latter to withdraw his hand and offer a blood-drenched smile filled with love and sincerity. In one of the most heart wrenching moments, he taps Sasuke's forehead with a bloody finger before collapsing in death. He put him off again and again, and his death would be the last time he let his little brother down.

7 "You Are Weak Because You Don't Have Enough Hate."

Naruto: Episode 84, "Roar, Chidori! Brother vs. Brother!"

Sasuke and Itachi come face to face for the first time after the Uchiha Masscre when Sasuke figures out his older brother is after Naruto. Sasuke throws out several rage filled attacks, but is ultimately severely beaten by Itachi. Not only does Itachi mercilessly beat his younger brother, but he also puts him in a Genjutsu that forces him to relive his clan's murder on repeat.

Once Itachi puts Sasuke in a devastated state, he tells him he doesn't have enough hatred to defeat him. While this looks like wicked treatment to Naruto, Kisame, and Jiraiya, in actuality Itachi is trying to motivate his brother the only way he can. Fostering Sasuke's hatred is the only way to prepare him and make him stronger, so he can face what's to come.

6 "I Have Given You Some Of My Powers."

Naruto Shippuden: Episode 152, "Sombre News"

The Best Itachi Uchiha Quotes In Naruto and Naruto Shippuden

Before learning about Jiraiya's death from Tsunade, Naruto reflected on an earlier conversation he had inside Itachi's Genjutsu from Episode 126, "Twilight." Naruto hid this confrontation from everyone else, and not even viewers caught a glimpse at their full conversation until this reflection. At the time, Itachi forced one of his crows down Naruto's throat. He tells him that he's giving him some of his power, but hopes that he doesn't have to use it. This bizarre act doesn't make sense until the beginning of the Fourth Shinobi War. After Kabuto used the Reanimation Jutsu, Itachi and several other powerful deceased ninja were forced to fight against their comrades.

The crow inside Naruto contained Shisui's eye. Itachi summoned the crow and used Shisui's mind control dojutsu, Kotoamatsukami, to free himself from Kabuto's control. Itachi's original intent was for Naruto to use the technique if he was unable to convince Sasuke to abandon his quest for vengeance, and though that never came to pass, Itachi's foresight actually turned the tide and bought him some time to stop Kabuto.

5 "One's Reality Might Be Another's Illusion."

Naruto Shippuden: Episode 136, "The Light and Dark of the Mangekyo Sharingan"

The Best Itachi Uchiha Quotes In Naruto and Naruto Shippuden

When Itachi and Sasuke's long awaited battle finally begins, Itachi plagues Sasuke with unwanted conversation. Sasuke is eager to dispatch every powerful jutsu he has learned, as he finally feels strong enough to kill the man he hated for most of his life. Initially, Sasuke's attacks don't have any effect, and Itachi uses his Genjutsu to create several illusions. While the tension between them builds, Sasuke asks Itachi about another person who possesses the Sharingan.

As Itachi sits in his chair unaffected by the sword Sasuke lunged into his chest, he tells him it is Madara Uchiha. Sasuke becomes enraged believing his brother is mocking him – to his knowledge Madara Uchiha is dead. Itachi responds by summarizing the pain Sasuke held onto for years. Sasuke survives by holding onto what he'd been led to know as truth.

4 "It's Best Not To Be Optimistic."

Naruto: Episode 82, "Eye to Eye: Sharingan vs. Sharingan"

The Best Itachi Uchiha Quotes In Naruto and Naruto Shippuden

Itachi and Kisame become locked in a heated battle upon their arrival to Konoha. Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, and Guy take on the two Akatsuki members in an attempt to subdue them. Kakashi battles Itachi alone and underestimates his Genjutsu. Kakashi believes that his Sharingan makes him less vulnerable to Itachi's attacks, and he's wrong.

Kakashi is subjected to gruesome torture while trapped inside Itachi's Genjutsu. After being repeatedly stabbed while strapped to a cross, Kakashi tries to convince himself that none of his pain is real. Itachi immediately interrupts his thought, telling him his efforts are pointless. Not only is his pain real, but just one second had elapsed during his 72-hour sentence. This moment shows the extent of Itachi's incredible power.

3 "Don't Try To Shoulder Everything Alone."

Naruto Shippuden: Episode 299, "The Acknowledged One"

The Best Itachi Uchiha Quotes In Naruto and Naruto Shippuden

Before leaving Naruto to find Kabuto and break his Reanimation Jutsu, Itachi warns Naruto. Naruto is used to shouldering his burdens alone. As he grew and obtained power that surpassed his father Minato and his sensei Jiraiya, he instinctively took on villainous threats alone, like his fight with Pain. When Naruto races to enter the battlefield during the Fourth Shinobi War, he maintains his belief that he will be the one to end it.

Recognizing this, Itachi explains to Naruto that placing increased pressure on himself will result in him becoming someone like Madara Uchiha. He has friends and allies, all of them very capable. Relying on one another, instead of taking on the full burden alone, will make their forces stronger, but first Naruto has to recognize that he doesn't have to take it all on alone.

2 "Becoming Hokage Doesn't Mean People Will Acknowledge You."

Naruto Shippuden: Episode 299, "The Acknowledged One"

Naruto spent the entirety of the series professing his plans to become the Hokage someday. Some deeply respected his declaration, while others downright laughed, and given his nature and personality, it was to be expected. Announcing this to Itachi, the elder Uchiha brother shared a few wise words about what it truly means to be acknowledged as a leader. It's one thing to say it, but something else entirely when others recognize it.

When Naruto rejects Sasuke's assertion that he will become the next Hokage, he reflects back on Itachi's wisdom. One isn't acknowledged after reaching a position of power, they reach that position after they've earned the respect of the people around them. Naruto was quick to pass on the wisdom Itachi shared, letting Sasuke know that his brother understood that one can only lead if the people around them trust them to do so.

1 "I Will Love You Always."

Naruto Shippuden: Episode 339, "I Will Always Love You."

The Best Itachi Uchiha Quotes In Naruto and Naruto Shippuden

Sasuke's hateful quest for vengeance against his older brother defined him as a person during some of the most critical years of his life, and learning the truth about Itachi's deeds only served to make him angrier. Not with Itachi, per se, but with everyone who set his brother up to be a martyr. The level of hatred he felt for Itachi for all those years had to go somewhere, and though forgiveness rarely comes easy, it isn't always necessary. Itachi knows this, and it changes nothing about the way he feels for his younger brother.

Once Itachi forces Kabuto to release the Reanimation Jutsu, he only haD a few moments left with his younger brother before his soul disappears. He wanted to let Sasuke know the truth. Though he admitted to doing everything Madara and Obito described, he regretted distancing himself from Sasuke and confessed that if only he had trusted him, things might have been very different. Despite his mistakes, and the horrible things he did, there was one invariable truth – Itachi always has, and always will, love Sasuke. Even if Sasuke never forgives him for the things he's done, that will never change.

The Best Itachi Uchiha Quotes In Naruto and Naruto Shippuden