Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Fate Of Every Espada In Bleach

In Bleach, the Espada are considered the strongest Arrancar in existence, and they all represented a different aspect of death. Like other Arrancar, the Espada were once Hollows, but they were granted Soul Reaper powers thanks to Aizen and the Hogyoku. The Espada played a major role in Bleach's story and for the most part, each member had a satisfying conclusion.

For many of the Espada, their fates were sealed as soon as they became enemies of the Soul Society. As a result, many of them were killed in battle during the Hueco Mundo and Fake Karakura Town arcs. Some of the Espada managed to survive the conflict, but their fates were not revealed until the Thousand-Year Blood War arc. In one case, an Espada made a surprise return during the Echoing Jaws of Hell manga arc.

12 Yammy Was Defeated By Kenpachi Zaraki and Byajyuya Kuchiki

Debut Episode: Episode 113: "Prelude to the Apocalypse, The Arrancar's Attack"

Yammy was the only Espada who could conserve spiritual energy and rage. This means that he was the only Espada who could change his number at will. In his normal state, Yammy's power placed him Tenth, but at full power, he became the Zero Espada.

Yammy wanted to help quell the invasion of Las Noches - which led to the release of his Resurreccion. He was able to overpower Renji, Chad, and Rukia, but the battle shifted when Byakuya Kuchiki and Kenpachi Zaraki arrived. Yammy's Resurreccion evolved because of his rage-empowerment, but they were still able to defeat him. In his final moments, Yammy looked at his pet and questioned why the small dog had followed him.

11 Aaroniero Was Defeated By Rukia Kuchiki

Debut Episode: Episode 138: "Second Move of Hueco Mundo! Hitsugaya vs Yammy"

Aaroniero was the last of the first-generation Espada, and he was the only member of the current Espada who had been a Gillian - the weakest Menos class. For this reason, he was ranked Ninth. He could absorb other Hollows and add their power to his.

He absorbed the Hollow that had fused with Kaien Shiba - the former Lieutenant of Squad 13. As a result, Aaroniero could assume Kaien's appearance, and use his memeories and Zanpakuto. Aaroniero specifically targeted Rukia because she was friends with Kaien, but he was ultimately killed by Rukia's San no mai, Shirafune technique.

10 Szayelaporro Is Now A Jailer of Hell

Debut Episode: Episode 145: "The Espada Gather! Aizen's Royal Assembly"

Szayelaporro was the Eighth Espada, and he is easily one of the darkest villains in Bleach. He was a sadistic scientist who enjoyed tormenting others through experimentation. He willingly ate his own subordinates to heal himself, and he really enjoyed destroying Renji and Uryu's internal organs.

Szayelaporro met his match when he faced Mayuri Kurotsuchi - the Captain of Squad 12. The Captain infected him with a superhuman drug that made everything seem slow, and this effect is the reason Szayelaporro sustained a fatal blow. Szayelaporro's soul gets sent to Hell, and he gains new abilities and a new form. He is now a Jailer of Hell - and he is the one who tells Ichigo that the Gates of Hell have finally opened.

9 Zommari Was Defeated By Byakuya

Debut Episode: Episode 145: "The Espada Gather! Aizen's Royal Assembly"

Zommari was the Seventh Espada, but he was also the group's fastest member. His speed was so great that he could produce afterimages that could physically injure his opponent. Even someone as fast as Byakuya had a bit of difficulty keeping up with him.

When using his Resurreccion, Zommari gained 50 eyes throughout his body, and each eye could produce a sun-shaped tattoo. He used these tattoos to take control of Byakuya's left arm and leg. He also took control of Rukia's entire body and used her against Byakuya. In the end, Zommari's Resurreccion could not overpower Byakuya's Bankai, and he died moments later from a quick slash.

8 Luppi Is Resurrected By Mayuri Kurotsuchi

Debut Episode: Episode 138: "Second Move of Hueco Mundo! Hitsugaya vs Yammy"

Luppi became the Sixth Espada after Grimmjow lost his arm, and he was the first Espada to use his Resurreccion in battle. He used it against Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya and Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto, and he managed to survive being encased in the ice created by Toshiro's Bankai.

When Grimmjow gets his arm back, he kills Luppi by impaling him with his restored arm. Mayuri Kurotsuchi later discovers Luppi's body in Hueco Mundo and brings it to the Soul Society. During the events of the Thousand-Year Blood War Arc. it is revealed that Luppi and other Arrancar have been Resurrected by Mayuri. Luppi is now forced to serve him, and he fought Giselle's zombie army - including a zombified Rangiku.

7 Grimmjow Kills An Elite Quincy

Debut Episode: Episode 116: "The Evil Eye, Aizen Again"

Grimmjow was the Sixth Espada, and he pummeled Ichigo during their first encounter. Their final fight took place in Hueco Mundo, and Grimmjow went all out after releasing his Resurreccion. In the end, Grimmjow lost to Ichigo's Hollow Mask empowered Bankai, but Ichigo did not kill him.

Grimmjow tries to challenge Ichigo again, but he is attacked by Nnoitra Gilga. Most Bleach fans assumed he was dead, but during the Thousand-Year Blood War Arc, it is revealed that he survived the attack. He is the one who ultimately killed Quilge Opie in Hueco Mundo, and he goes on to help kill Askin Nakk Le Vaar - one of Yhwach's Royal Guards.

6 Nnoitra Is Cut Down By Kenpachi Zaraki

Debut Episode: Episode 138: "Second Move of Hueco Mundo! Hitsugaya vs Yammy"

When Nnoitra first joined the Espada, he was ranked Eighth, but he eventually rose to the Fifth position. His Hierro was stronger than any other Arrancar's - including every past and present Espada. This meant that Nnoitra's body could withstand almost any melee attack.

He toyed with an injured Ichigo before Kenpachi arrived on the scene. Like Kenpachi, Nnoitra loved to fight, and the two had a very rough and bloody battle that ended with Nnoitra almost being cut in half. Nnoitra attempted to keep fighting, so Kenpachi obliged and cut him down. In the end, Nnoitra got the death he always wanted, and Nelliel was the last person he saw.

5 Ulquiorra Succumbs To His Injuries

Debut Episode: Episode 113: "Prelude to the Apocalypse, The Arrancar's Attack"

Ulquiorra was the Fourth Espada, and so far he is the only Espada who possessed a second Resurreccion - making him one of the strongest villains in Bleach. He was a cold and brooding figure who did not believe in human emotion. Ulquiorra always had a calm demeanor, but he was ruthless during battle.

Ulquiorra overwhelmed Ichigo when he released his Resurreccion Segunda Etapa, and he temporarily killed him. After hearing Orihime's voice, Ichigo woke up as a Vasto Lorde-type Hollow. Ulquiorra was outmatched by this form, and he sustained fatal injuries that he could not regenerate. Ulquiorra was able to save Ichigo from this form, but he turned to dust shortly afterwards. As he died, Ulquiorra reached out to Orihime, indicating that he learned to feel some type of emotion.

4 Nelliel Can Now Transform Into Her Adult Form At Will

Debut Episode: Episode 145: "The Espada Gather! Aizen's Royal Assembly"

When Ichigo first met Nelliel, she was a weak and emotional child, but it was later revealed that she was once the Third Espada. She sustained a severe head injury from Nnoitra, and it caused her spiritual power to leak out. This is what caused Nelliel to become a child. As an adult, Nelliel is a composed, logical, and sophisticated adult, but she still acts a bit childish around Ichigo.

During the Thousand-Year Blood War Arc, Kisuke Urahara invents a special armband that contains her spiritual energy. As a result, Nelliel can now transform into her adult form whenever she wants. After arriving at the Soul King's Palace, she helps to save her allies from Askin Nakk Le Vaar's Gift Bereich technique.

3 Harribel Became The De Facto Ruler Of Hueco Mundo

Debut Episode: Episode 138: "Second Move of Hueco Mundo! Hitsugaya vs Yammy"

Before she became the Third Espada, Tier Harribel was a Vasto Lorde Menos who already possessed a human-like appearance. She is very close to her Fraccion, and she gains the ability to create and control water when she releases her Resurreccion. During the war in fake Karakura Town, she was able to fight Toshiro Hitsugaya and two Visored at the same time.

Harribel was the only Arrancar who did not lose to the Soul Reapers, but Aizen still attacked her because he deemed her weak. Fortunately, Harribel survived the attack and returned to Hueco Mundo. As the strongest surviving Arrancar, she became Hueco Mundo's de facto ruler, but she was later defeated and imprisoned by Yhwach when the Quincies invaded.

2 Baraggan Was Defeated By His Own Ability

Debut Episode: Episode 145: "The Espada Gather! Aizen's Royal Assembly"

Baraggan was the self-proclaimed King of Hueco Mundo prior to joining Aizen's Arrancar army. He was the Second Espada, and his powers revolved around aging. Baraggan looked like a grim reaper when he released his Resurreccion, and everything around him would rapidly age until it turned to dust. His Respira technique released a purple miasma that caused anything it touched to instantly rot away.

During the battle in fake Karalura Town, he faced Sui-Feng and Hacchi. At some point, Hacchi's arm was infected by Baraggan's Respira, so he used Kido to place his disintegrating arm inside Baraggan's stomach. Once Hacchi removed the barrier, the Respira spread through Baraggan's body until he died.

1 Starkk Was Defeated By Shunsui Kyoraku

Debut Episode: Episode 138: "Second Move of Hueco Mundo! Hitsugaya vs Yammy"

Starkk was the First Espada, and he seemed to always have a human appearance. He spent most of his time alone because normal Hollows would die in the pressence of his spiritual energy. He was the only Espada who could split his soul, and he gained a pair of pistols when he activated his Resurreccion.

These pistols fired empowered Cero, and he could sacrifice them to create a pack of spirit wolves. Starkk fought Shunsui Kyoraku - the new Captain Commander of the Gotei 13 and Jushiro Ukitake. He also fought both Love Aikawa & Rojuru Otoribashi. After losing Lilynette, Starkk became more erratic, and Shunsui was eventually able to land a fatal slash. As he died, Starkk apologized to Aizen because he could not repay him for giving him a family like the Espada.

The Fate Of Every Espada In Bleach