Tuesday, May 21, 2024

10 Best Glow Ups from Naruto to Naruto Shippuden

As the Naruto franchise evolved, it transitioned from being a property based on crude jokes and levity to something more serious and political. This stunned fans who didn't anticipate the sudden shift; one that honestly made the property better. It helped differentiate it a lot from contemporaries in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The anime, in particular, had a different edge from the manga, dividing Naruto's career into two blocks.

First came the popular Naruto series where he was a kid honing his craft. It ended with Sasuke leaving Konoha to become a terrorist. Secondly, Naruto Shippuden dealt with Naruto losing his prankster side and training up as a leader in his teenage years. However, Naruto wasn't the only person to get a glow up. Here is a list of heroes and villains who drastically improved, with major upgrades that even overshadowed Naruto's growth.

10 Lady Tsunade Became a Fearsome Leader

Tsunade Finally Accepted Her Senju Heritage

Lady Tsunade took on the Hokage role after Orochimaru killed Sarutobi Hiruzen (the Third Hokage). The Shippuden era saw her push more into the battlefield, though. She was more assertive in office, stood up to Naruto's immaturity, and worked with Jiraiya to find out more about the Akatsuki. But she knew she had to make a bigger step with the threats looming.

She wasn't the drunk gambler of old, or someone who took office just because her grandfather was Senju Hashirama (the First Hokage and founder of Konoha). Tsunade accepted the Hidden Leaf's Will of Fire was in her blood. She became much more authoritative, fighting on the frontlines, and getting even Uchiha Madara to admit she was worthy of the mantle. This was the warrior that many of her fans waited to see; one her grandfather would have been proud of.

9 Might Guy Transformed Into a Massive Weapon

Guy Unleashed Destructive Power

Might Guy's protégé, Rock Lee, showed how powerful taijutsu could be in the Chunin Exams. But Might Guy didn't come into play that much. He talked more on the sidelines and kept joking he was better than Kakashi. It felt like fluff and comedic relief more than anything.

The Shippuden era, though, had Guy unleashing more of his power when he joined the alliance. He eventually fought Madara, wounding the godlike tyrant. Guy did so by unlocking all Eight Gates, granting him enormous chakra and turning him into a superhuman weapon. It capped off a Shippuden change that showed he could walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Guy didn't win, but a battered Madara showed immense respect. It left Guy in a wheelchair for life. But, to this day, fans see Guy's arc and that brawl as one of Naruto's finest, aging like wine, too.

8 Uchiha Itachi Shifted From Mythical Status

Itachi Finally Illustrated His Real Strength

Pre-Shippuden, Itachi was the Akatsuki operative who Sasuke wanted dead for slaughtering the Uchiha clan. Itachi bullied his little brother around a couple of times, warning him to get better. Come Shippuden, fans learned more about Itachi's role, how he was actually undercover, why he killed his treasonous clan, and how he merely wanted Sasuke to become a hero.

Shippuden added depth and dimension to Itachi. Even after he died, he was resurrected by Kabuto, only to end up working with Naruto. Fans saw a more humane side of Itachi. This led to many doubling down on why he was the best hero in the franchise. He was torn by duty, with Shippuden illuminating the tough choices and sacrifices he had to make. In the end, he proved his real strength wasn't his Sharingan, his genjutsu techniques or raw physical power: it was his heart.

7 Yakushi Kabuto Finally Became a True Villain

Kabuto Stepped Out Of Orochimaru's Shadow

The Naruto era had Kabuto playing second-fiddle to Orochimaru. He helped the villain with various scientific experiments, centered around capturing Sasuke. But come Shippuden, Kabuto went into next gear. He was already separated from Orochimaru.

But Shippuden made him his own person. Kabuto changed his look, attitude and overall demeanor. He even became a snake ninja himself. Kabuto resurrected Itachi, the Hokages and other key instruments of destruction, not realizing he was being manipulated by Kaguya's minions. That said, even Naruto realized that Kabuto might have to die if the shinobi world was to be saved. Thankfully, Kabuto flipped sides and redeemed himself.

6 Orochimaru Stepped Up His Sinister Shenanigans

The Prime Snake Ninja Went After Itachi

The Naruto era had Orochimaru attacking Konoha, killing Hiruzen (his former mentor) and placing a Cursed Seal on Sasuke. However, he felt derivative and generic. Shippuden shook things up by having him hunting Itachi. It led to a brutal scuffle in the Akatsuki ranks.

Orochimaru then formed his own terrorist cell and motivated Sasuke to become a bigger monster if he wanted to change the world. This made Orochimaru a villain of principle and philosophy. This kind of symbol was something Naruto would struggle to break, especially as it corrupted Sasuke's mind and thirst for power, order and control even more. Orochimaru turned into a nasty father, akin to Emperor Palpatine warping Darth Vader. He would atone as well, but his glow up is why folks are skeptical of him in the Boruto story.

5 Sarutobi Konohamaru Morphed Into a Budding Warrior

Naruto's Protégé Learned More About Purpose

Konohamaru was the little tyke who kept challenging Naruto. He was Naruto's younger 'brother' and the grandson of Hiruzen. He hated how his life was defined by loss, as he also endured Uncle Asuma's death against the Akatsuki. But he was so feisty and didn't really grasp what was transpiring around him.

Shippuden had Naruto educating him more about destiny, honor and the code of the Hokage. It's what Konohamaru wanted to become down the line. There were more sentimental moments, including endearing training scenes that saw Konohamaru become wiser. In time, he mastered the Rasengan and used it against Pain and the Akatsuki. This informed Konohamaru's identity and ideals, which now has him as an integral senior shinobi in the Boruto era.

4 Hyūga Neji Became More Heroic

Neji's Evolution Changed Naruto For the Best

Neji was a rival who Naruto beat during the Chunin Exam. Shippuden capitalized on Neji's potential, scrubbing his arrogant side and having him look after Naruto more. Neji also became closer to Hinata (his cousin) and helped spark the romance between her and Naruto.

Sadly, Neji died fighting the Ten Tails. This unlocked a new side of Naruto in the field, as he realized how high the stakes were. When Naruto grew older and became Hokage, he credited Neji's wiser side as a major catalyst in his development. That's why Boruto was glad to meet Neji in the Time Slip arc and understand this Shippuden legend on his mother's side a bit more.

3 Haruno Sakura Unlocked More Power Inside

Sakura Broke the Fan Clichés and Stigmas

Sakura was more or less a backup to Naruto and Sasuke in Team 7. The Shippuden stories, however, had her unleashing more of her power and strength once she became Tsunade's apprentice. Sakura harnessed more of her chakra skills, her talents as a medical ninja, and kept the alliance powered up in the Kaguya fights.

She even got to break Akatsuki members like Sasori and had a key hand in stopping the Rabbit Princess. Without her, Sasuke and Naruto would have died in battle. It was a clever U-turn from creator, Masashi Kishimoto, and his creative team after severely underplaying her talents as a kunoichi. It might not have fixed the franchise's feminist problems fully, but it was a welcome progression.

2 Nara Shikamaru Found the Fighter Within

Shikamaru Lost His Lazy Side At the Best Time

The Naruto era had Shikamaru as a lazy, spoiled brat who didn't like being a soldier. The Shippuden era switched this up. Once he lost his teacher, Asuma, Shikamaru became Naruto's right-hand man. He knew the gravity of the situation, so he worked to shut down the Akatsuki.

Shikamaru became more of a leader; someone Naruto relied on for strategy. Even when he and Ino lost their fathers in the war, Shikamaru rallied everyone. Fans saw a mental fortitude not even Shikamaru knew he had. This is why he eventually became Naruto's advisor and a Hokage in the Boruto: Two Blue Vortex era. It's all due to the baptism of fire that Shippuden turned into.

1 Sasuke Achieved His Full Form

The Uchiha Warrior Upgraded Into a God

Now, many would say Sasuke didn't get a glow up. But he actually did. In the Naruto era, he was just a surly teen, harnessing his innate tools due to his DNA. These included the Chidori, his Sharingan, etc. But to fight Naruto (who had Kurama inside him) and Kaguya's minions, Sasuke needed to upgrade into a godlike mode -- one not even Itachi evolved into. If not, he would remain one-dimensional and lacking layers.

Sasuke used Orochimaru's science, the sacred Uchiha tablets, and in time, his Rinnegan, to become a powerful villain. He became the Second Coming of Madara, which reflected in his clothing, his sword, him founding his Taka squad, and how he manipulated Naruto. In short, the boy of few words became a man spewing scary speeches. Luckily, Naruto stopped him. If that didn't occur, Sasuke would have done what Kaguya wanted and enslaved the world. Sasuke's change made him feel fresh, nuanced, and come off as someone who could beat Naruto.

10 Best Glow Ups from Naruto to Naruto Shippuden