Monday, May 20, 2024

10 Best Naruto Redemption Arcs, Ranked

Over the decades in the Naruto franchise, there have been many sinister villains who loved causing trouble. However, some heroes had dark arcs as well in their formative journeys. These stories saw them at their lowest. Thankfully, they rose above and made amends.

Many enthusiasts did feel like atonement became clichéd in this property. But it's a very human theme. Garnering absolution speaks to the aspirations of some of these warriors have. It's why these redemption songs, no matter what, will always be among the best parts of the franchise. With that in mind, here are the most endearing redemption arcs in the Naruto-Verse.

10 Gaara of the Sand Found the Light

The Jinchūriki Was Groomed By Hatred

Gaara was a very sympathetic figure. He had a rough upbringing. He was conditioned by his estate, Sunagakure, to wage war on Konoha. To make it worse, he was made a vessel for Shukaku, the One-Tailed Beast. Gaara let this rage fester. It boiled over in an alliance that saw his father work with Orochimaru to attack the Hidden Leaf. This assault killed the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Gaara gave into his bloodlust and tested himself against Naruto. He lost, with Naruto not opting to kill him. After this kind act, Gaara and his village learned that war wasn't the solution. They became allies, partnering up for the war against Kaguya. Gaara eventually became the Kazekage, someone Konoha could trust, and the brother Naruto always wanted. In fact, when the other Kages doubted Konoha, Gaara stood up for the region. His sister, Temari, married Shikamaru and moved there too. Gaara is essentially Konoha's family and the rock Naruto often leans on in dire times.

9 Nagato Rebuked the Rage Within

The Akatsuki Leader Revived Konoha

Nagato was one of the young shinobi Jiraiya trained. When Jiraiya left him, Konan and Yahiko, they formed the Akatsuki to spread peace, justice, and protection. The rigors and pressures of the realm got to them. They made many enemies who wanted to ensure they wouldn't hurt the business of terrorism and mercenaries. Yahiko's death pushed Nagato over the edge. Nagato became a terrorist, using the group to try to enslave the realm and create order.

This war led to Jiraiya's death and the Pain drones destroying Konoha. Thankfully, Naruto used his Talk No Jutsu to convince Nagato to forget the tragic past and use his Rinnegan to resurrect Konoha's citizens. It was a quick redemption, but nuanced, to say the least. Nagato sacrificed his life to undo the genocide, reminding Naruto how valuable second chances can be in this harsh world. In his last moments, Nagato remembered the dream he had and how happy he was learning from Jiraiya.

8 Konan Cut Ties With Chaos

The Akatsuki General Tried to Kill Tobi

Konan decided to honor the memories of Yahiko and Nagato by going after the person who manipulated the Akatsuki from the shadows, Tobi. Konan tried to kill him, letting him know that she wanted to wipe the red from her ledger, too. She was tired of the constant fighting. Plus, Naruto's unflinching optimism rubbed off on her.

Her redemption was short and ended on a morose note. Tobi killed her, but her actions left a lasting impression on him. She planted seeds that no one should be anyone's pawn. Naruto showed her and Nagato the light. And ironically, Tobi would remember this when the time came for him to redeem himself. It made Konan even more important to the franchise than meets the eye.

7 Lady Tsunade Was Lost Beyond Repair

Senju Hashirama's Granddaughter Became a Hero

Now, Tsunade wasn't a villain, but she was a hero who threw her career away. She lost loved ones in various wars, so she decided to ignore the legacy of her grandfather, the First Hokage. She became a louse, forgetting all that Hashirama passed down. She became obsessed with drinking and gambling. To her, the lurid life offered more pleasure and less pain. But once Hiruzen died, Tsunade was sought out to replace him. She didn't want the job, but she soon realized she had to become the Fifth Hokage for the greater good.

Tsunade ended her deleterious habits, cleaned up her act, took the role seriously, and helped improve Sakura for battle. Tsunade fought alongside Naruto's coalition, too. Without her medical prowess and high chakra count, the alliance would have fallen. Thanks to Tsunade finally believing in herself, the coalition got a major boost in the war against Kaguya's minions. Hers was a tale about love, belief, and the power of the heart and soul within. To this day, Naruto often jokes about her moving from being a sourpuss to the best "granny" he could have asked for.

6 Yakushi Kabuto Found a Greater Purpose

Kabuto Became an Important Teacher

Kabuto loved mimicking Orochimaru's experiments. He became a snake ninja, too. Sadly, he was manipulated by Kaguya's minions, resurrecting elite soldiers for Madara's army. In time, Kabuto saw the error of his ways and helped the likes of Sasuke out. Without Kabuto, the war wouldn't have been won. Kabuto needed to repent even more to complete his new mission.

He started an orphanage and took in at-risk kids like himself. He didn't want the disillusioned youth falling into crime like he did. Kabuto even began looking after the Uchiha Shin clones. Naruto trusts him in the Boruto era, because he knows Kabuto is genuine about this sentimental higher calling. It helps with his karma, as he caused so much sheer destruction and collateral damage. But Kabuto was always misguided. Now, he can be what he never had: a parent and endearing mentor for Konoha's new ninjas. As well as all lost souls wandering into the village.

5 Orochimaru Learned to Believe In Hope

The Snake Ninja Is Now an Inspirational Scientist

Orochimaru made so many errors after breaking off from the legendary Sannin trio that included Jiraiya and Tsunade. Apart from murdering his teacher, Hiruzen, Orochimaru joined the Akatsuki. He also almost killed Sasuke on a couple of occasions after trying to harness his power. But come the Kaguya drama, Orochimaru stepped up like Kabuto.

He selflessly offered his services to the alliance. Once the battle was over, Naruto offered him mercy and a chance to use his science to do good. Orochimaru has been advancing his work, especially in medicine, to create a safer, progressive era. He even fathered Mitsuki, reassuring Naruto that he wants to see Konoha flourish and prosper into something better and hopeful. Its evolution is his priority now.

4 Kakashi Accepted His Position As a Father

The Hatake Warrior Never Thought He'd Love Again

Kakashi became bitter when his father, Sakumo, killed himself. Konoha mistreated the man, so Kakashi became soulless. He worked as an assassin in the ANBU and kept objectifying people. It's why he hated Obito, only to kick over dominoes that would culminate in Rin's death and Obito turning into the evil Tobi. Not even his mentor, Minato (Naruto's father), could take the darkness from Kakashi thereafter.

Luckily, Kakashi would scrub all this agony after Minato's death and realize Konoha needed him to be at his best. Kakashi grew and ended up becoming a father-figure to Team 7. It was ironic, as he didn't have his father for all the big moments in his life. Nonetheless, he assiduously looked after Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura. Not to mention, he became Might Guy's best friend and a jovial Hokage after succeeding Tsunade. It was a complete U-turn, as Kakashi understood love was the best fuel for a shinobi. He went from shirking responsibility to embracing his position as the ultimate caretaker.

3 Itachi Went a Long Way to Heal Sasuke

He Helped Restore the Fire of the Uchiha Clan

Itachi became an anti-hero when he slaughtered the Uchiha clan, including his own parents. They wanted to launch a coup, so Itachi committed the act, went on the run, and took the blame so Hiruzen wouldn't be accused of genocide. It was all PR. Itachi later joined the Akatsuki as an undercover agent and oversaw a lot of deaths. His intentions were great, and his heart was pure, but while he tried to protect Sasuke, he incurred his younger brother's wrath.

Itachi kept beating Sasuke up, but he atoned later on. He was just leveling Sasuke up so the teenager could restart the Uchiha Clan and turn it into something heroic. After Itachi died, he was also resurrected and helped Naruto's alliance win the war. Itachi got closure on a personal level, while ensuring he helped achieve the vision his mentor, Hiruzen, wanted: that of unity. Sasuke learned a lot about sacrifice from Itachi in this drawn-out journey. He realized what family meant, which is why he had Sarada with Sakura. Without Itachi's lessons, he'd never have grasped this concept.

2 Uchiha Obito Lost the Tobi Poison

Obito Became An Unofficial Hokage

Obito was like Naruto: a bright-eyed youngster who wanted to become a Hokage. However, Rin's death broke him and sent him down a corrupt path. He became Tobi, an understudy to Madara. Little did they both know that Kaguya's Zetsu was using them as pawns, so she could enslave the world. Once Naruto convinced Obito to lose the Tobi persona, he really went above and beyond.

Obito protected Kakashi and Naruto's crew, eventually sacrificing his life against the Rabbit Princess. He garnered forgiveness from Minato, who — as the Fourth Hokage — was happy seeing Obito doing everything a Hokage would do. Obito's change of heart helped keep Kakashi and Naruto going. Both eventually became Hokage themselves, using Obito as a cautionary yet exemplary tale of bouncing back from the abyss.

1 Uchiha Sasuke Transformed Into a Paragon of Virtue

Sasuke Became the Beacon Naruto Knew He'd Be

Sasuke wanted to punish Itachi and Konoha for playing judge, jury and executioner against his clan. He put aside his differences, helped stop Kaguya, but then tried to kill Naruto and enslave the planet. Thankfully, Naruto beat him into submission, knocking common sense in. Sasuke decided to be the hero Itachi wanted. He burned to learn, though. Itachi put him through the mental wringer and emotional fire to understand ethics, morals and how to be objective as a savior.

Sasuke eventually became a Ranger, married Sakura, and had Sarada. He mentored Boruto and partnered in arcs such as the Time Slip. Sasuke kept saving the world alongside Naruto from the many Ōtsutsuki aliens that would land. He turned into a gentle giant, which is why, as ruthless as he can be, fans want him to be revived in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex. He deserves a happy ending, reunited with his family after knowing loneliness, loss and pain all his life.

10 Best Naruto Redemption Arcs, Ranked