Wednesday, May 8, 2024

10 Biggest Lessons Sasuke Taught Boruto in the Anime

The Boruto anime has been quite divisive. While the manga has evolved into a three-year time-jump known as Two Blue Vortex, the anime is on hiatus. It has many hoping it can polish up the animation, and balance the filler content of old. Quite a few fans think there has been too much filler.

However, this filler allowed Sasuke and Boruto to become closer. In fact, the underrated Boruto anime had a lot more substance to it than the manga due to those extra chapters added. And make no mistake, Naruto's son learned a ton of valuable lessons as he trained under Sasuke more in the animated forum. Here are some of the key takeaways the boy experienced.

10 Sasuke Taught Boruto That Being Hokage Is Important

Boruto Always Thought The Role Was a Nuisance

Boruto hated the idea of the Hokage because it kept Naruto away from home. As leader of the Hidden Leaf, Naruto spent a lot of time at the office. It was what the job entitled: paperwork, diplomacy, ambassadorship and such. Naruto needed to put in long hours to keep peace and unity with other nations. Boruto felt this job was a blight on his household.

Sasuke, though, taught Boruto to respect the role. Being Hokage was a tall order, so he wanted Boruto to stop making fun of his father, or defacing statues. Hokage Mountain was revered, so Sasuke indicated that Boruto needed to honor it. These warriors -- Naruto included -- were part of a great legacy that paved the way for the freedom Boruto enjoyed. This was Naruto's dream and a privilege only a chosen, elite few can partake in.

9 Sasuke Got Boruto to Trust Himself

Boruto Needed to Remove Self-Doubt

When Naruto caught Boruto cheating in the Chunin Exams, he yanked him out and scolded him. Boruto lacked confidence thereafter. Sasuke would take pity, show compassion and train him. He helped Boruto trust himself again.

This empathy allowed Boruto to level up, harness his power within and fight a series of Ōtsutsuki aliens. Sasuke got Boruto to believe in himself, which helped them kill Momoshiki and Kinshiki. At this point, Sasuke was clearly the better teacher for the kid than Naruto. He knew Boruto inside out and could sense which buttons he needed to push to elevate Boruto.

8 Sasuke Educated Boruto On Never Giving Up

Boruto Needed a Boost His Father Wouldn't Give

Naruto didn't think Boruto could cut it as a chunin. He actually gave up on Boruto for a bit, thinking he was a petulant child who relied too much on scientific ninja tools. This pessimism had Boruto thinking being a shinobi might not be for him. Sasuke, however, educated him on the value of perseverance and resilience. He showed Boruto that giving up wasn't an option.

Sasuke did this to Naruto and Konoha, and it led him down a bad road. It's only when he decided to resume the dream of peace in Konoha that he found the light. Sasuke believed in himself and found redemption. He taught Boruto everyone deserved a second chance. And that self-forgiveness was quite important.

7 Sasuke Confirmed Collateral Damage Wasn't the End of the World

Sasuke Taught Boruto About Moving Forward

When Momoshiki possessed Boruto and stabbed Sasuke's Rinnegan, he took away a major weapon from Konoha. Boruto felt guilty after regaining control of his body. But Sasuke wasn't angry. He reiterated that wars and brutal fights would lead to mass casualties or collateral damage.

This happened in the past, killing the likes of Asuma and Neji. Sasuke was just glad he remained alive and was able to fight another day. He could have shown Boruto the cold shoulder, but he affirmed that war does have a price. The key is to learn and move on, which had Boruto seeking doggedly to control Momoshiki within.

6 Sasuke Taught Boruto It Was Okay to Be Angry

Being Depressed Was Also Very Human

When Boruto felt Naruto ignored him or that he wouldn't live up to his father's potential, he ranged from angry to vulnerable to sad. Sasuke saw this spectrum of emotions and recognized the depression he had as a child. He spotted grief, mourning, and holes in Boruto's soul and heart. No matter what the emotion was, Sasuke didn't want Boruto to end up like Teenage Sasuke.

That rage and woe turned Sasuke into a villain. He had no one to talk to or process the culling of the Uchiha Clan. Well, Sasuke acted as Boruto's therapist when they trained, listened and educated him on why showing these emotions mattered. He'd help Boruto vent and clear his mind to learn more in this journey of self-discovery.

5 Sasuke Taught Boruto The Importance Of Disguises

Boruto Had to Learn The Art of Subtlety

Boruto loved charging head-first into battle in his coming-of-age story. He got this from Naruto. Sasuke had to rectify the issue, as he -- as an Uchiha Ranger -- believed in black ops more than anything. Sasuke taught Boruto how important disguises could be, especially when they had the Time Slip arc.

They hid their true identities in Past Konoha. Sasuke kept educating Boruto on why they had to be stealthy and in the shadows. It wasn't just about maintaining the timeline. Disguises allowed them to roam more and be efficient in the field. This lesson helped them find and destroy Urashiki.

4 Sasuke Revealed The Truth About Innovation

Boruto Needed Someone to Expand His Mind

With Naruto busy, Sasuke helped Boruto meld Lightning and Wind Release more. This allowed Boruto to upgrade his Rasengan into the Vanishing Rasengan. Sasuke understood a lot about the different nature forms and associated chakras. As a result, Boruto had the ideal teacher to show him how to innovate.

Sasuke may have even been better than Itachi when it came to adapting and improvizing. Sasuke's lightning storm and cutter (the Chidori) were some of the strongest moves around. Boruto would incorporate more of Sasuke's techniques, becoming a dynamic mix of Naruto and Sasuke. Boruto still managed to keep his power, proving Sasuke was a brilliant tactician.

3 Sasuke Proved Breaking Rules Wasn't That Bad

Sasuke Molded Boruto More Like Him

Naruto mostly played by the rules, from the Naruto Shippuden era to taking the Hokage's office. Sasuke never did. As an Uchiha Ranger, Sasuke roved and bent rules to garner data. This made him a super-spy and an epic black-ops agent. Boruto learned to do the same, even if it meant disobeying Naruto, his advisor Shikamaru, or Sasuke himself.

On the rare occasions Naruto broke rules, he redeemed villains like Sasuke with the Talk no Jutsu, or was able to take down tyrants like Kaguya. Sasuke often regaled Boruto of these stories and why going against the grain helped them stop villains like Toneri as well. Simply put: rules are meant to be broken, once they deliver results. Both Sasuke and Naruto understood when and where to cross lines, which Sasuke passed down to Boruto.

2 Sasuke Taught Boruto to Believe in Naruto

Boruto Gleaned Extra Inspiration From His Father

Boruto kept looking towards Sasuke as his muse. But while Sasuke didn't mind Boruto modeling his career after him, he made it clear Boruto had the gold standard at home. This was selfless of Sasuke. He helped his friend out with his son, became a beloved 'uncle' and repaid that debt to the young Naruto, who made it clear Sasuke had good in him. Thanks to Sasuke, Boruto worked more with his father, as well as people who regaled him about Naruto's past.

Boruto soon realized Naruto was a myth and a legend. This smoothed over their relationship, leading to Boruto wanting to train more with his father. Not just to improve professionally, but so they could spend more personal time together. Not everyone has a war hero like Naruto home, so Boruto wanted to improve their bond drastically.

1 Sasuke Reminded Boruto to Listen More

Boruto Exorcised His Stubborn, Tempestuous Self

Naruto couldn't stand that Boruto wouldn't listen when the anime began. Sasuke saw the same problems, but because he connected on a deeper level and saw a kindred spirit, Boruto heeded his words. Sasuke taught Boruto to listen more, not just to his family, but to his peers (old and young). Sasuke just wanted the boy to mature faster and cut the incessant need for attention.

Of course, Sasuke was the good cop to Naruto's bad cop, coming off less harsh. But Boruto was indeed very tunnel-visioned, obstinate and someone who barely listened. Thanks to Sasuke's words and backstory about being a rogue, traitor and terrorist, Boruto learned to listen better, not extrapolate and infer, and not to jump to conclusions. Great detectives and investigators did just this; listening helped them crack more cases. Boruto took this to heart and improved in the field. He became wiser mentally and stronger physically.

10 Biggest Lessons Sasuke Taught Boruto in the Anime