Sunday, May 12, 2024

10 Bleach Villains Who Deserved Redemption

Bleach is a hit shonen anime with a massive cast of characters, some of which are much more sympathetic and lovable than others. Anime fans can always root for protagonists like Ichigo Kurosaki, and they've even warmed up to some redeemed antagonists like Captain Byakuya Kuchiki. In fact, the series features a variety of villains whom fans might have forgiven in the long run if those characters got a well-deserved chance at redemption.

To keep the series' large cast of characters managable, the Bleach anime made a habit of killing off or writing out most of its villains, so it's hard not wonder how the story could have played out if the more redeemable villains actually got a chance to atone for their past wrongs. While no one expects the likes of Aaroniero Arruruerie or Bambietta Basterbine to repent for their villainy, there's a strong case to be made for redeeming other villains who have a kernel of goodness in them. In fact, a few of those villains took their first steps toward redemption in the canon story, and they deserve another chance to finish the job.

10 Coyote Starrk Only Wanted Friends of His Own

10 Bleach Villains Who Deserved Redemption

Most of the Espadas were despicable villains defined by their cruelty and self-interest, but there were a few exceptions, including the strongest Espada of them all, Coyote Starrk. In his Hollow days, he roamed the desolate desert of Hueco Mundo to find friends, but his aura crushed anyone who got too close, perpetuating his isolation. In desperation, Coyote Starrk split into two beings to give himself some company.

As an Arrancar under Aizen's command, Starrk kept wishing for friends, and he had no real interest in fighting despite his overwhelming power. He only reluctantly re-kidnapped Orihime under orders, and then he tried to avoid fighting the Soul Reapers entirely. Starrk simply never said or did anything particularly terrible in Bleach, and his dying regret was that he didn't have more friends. It goes without saying, but he is one of the most sympathetic villains in Bleach and had serious potential for redemption.

9 Lilynette Gingerbuck Never Actually Did Anything Wrong

10 Bleach Villains Who Deserved Redemption

Lilynette Gingerbuck is no ordinary Arrancar in Bleach. She is actually Coyote Starrk's other half, and contains his released form, Los Lobos. Lilynette's and Starrk's zanpakuto are ordinary weapons after all. Lilynette also had next to no combat power when fighting Ukitake, even if she tried her best.

Lilynette may have been a bratty Arrancar, but she wasn't a bully or a monster like Loly Aivirrne or Menoly Mallia were in practice. Instead, Lilynette was the embodiment of Starrk's agonizing loneliness, and if given the chance, Lilynette would have redeemed herself by pursuing a life of peace and friendship with Starrk and other Hollows. Unfortunately, neither Lilynette or Starrk were ever given the chance.

8 Jugram Haschwalth Could Have Grown Up to be a Real Hero

It's true that Jugram Haschwalth took part in the successful initial Soul Society invasion and cut down some Soul Reapers, but he is still more redeemable than noxious Sternritter like Driscoll Berci and Giselle Gewelle. When it comes down to it, Jugram was simply loyal to his king and acted out of duty, not out of malice or self-interest.

Jugram was once an innocent archer in medieval Europe and had the potential to grow up to be a proper hero, only to end up as Yhwach's right-hand man instead. It's evident from his backstory and merciful actions toward Uryu Ishida that Jugram was born with the sentimental heart of a hero, so he could have been a lovable Quincy hero like Uryu was if given the chance.

7 Dordoni Died for Ichigo Kurosaki's Sake

10 Bleach Villains Who Deserved Redemption

The three Privaron Espadas were superfluous villains in the Hueco Mundo story arc, but at least they were halfway likable antagonists who weren't nearly as wicked as Sosuke Aizen and the current Espadas. Dordoni was the Privaron Espada who crossed blades with Ichigo, and while he tried to fight dirty, it was clear he wasn't a truly terrible person.

Dordoni was impressed by Ichigo's power, and even held off the Exequias so Ichigo and Nel could proceed further into Las Noches. Later on, Dordoni returned as a zombie in the Thousand-Year Blood War arc, as flashy and showy as ever. While Dordoni's personal arc didn't go very far, there was a chance for his redemption, given his friendly attitude toward Ichigo after their fight – no matter Dordoni's intent to defeat Ichigo somehow.

6 Charlotte Chuhlhourne Had Serious Respect For Yumichika

10 Bleach Villains Who Deserved Redemption

Charlotte Chuhlhourne was one of the most amusing Arrancars to appear in the replica of Karakura Town, standing in total contrast to his terrifying boss, Baraggan Luisenbairn. Charlotte was a vain and aggressive Arrancar who valued his perfectly styled hair, and he bitterly clashed with Yumichika on whether ugliness was on the inside or outside.

Charlotte lost fair and square when Yumichika showed off his true shikai, but wasn't bitter or angry at all. He praised Yumichika for being "quite a guy" and accepted his defeat without any complaint, later returning as one of Mayuri Kurotsuchi's four Arrancar zombies. Charlotte wasn't exactly a hero to be fair, but he still had some respect for his enemies anad didn't hold a grudge, so redemption would have been possible for him under the right circumstances.

5 Gin Ichimaru Died a Hero, Not a Traitor

Not unlike Itachi Uchiha in the Naruto anime, Gin Ichimaru is actually an anti-villain character – an antagonist who later revealed he was never evil in the first place. In the fondly-remembered Soul Society story arc, Gin betrayed the Soul Reapers along with Sosuke Aizen, but Gin had another scheme in mind.

When the time was finally right, Gin turned on Aizen and tried to take him down, only to fail and get cut down. Gin's childhood friend Rangiku Matsumoto rushed over to see him, and thus Gin died happy, having his old friend aroud. That could have been his first step toward redemption. If Gin had survived, he might have fully restored his heroism as a Soul Reaper Captain, but his death sealed any chance of that happening.

4 Grimmjow Jeagerjaques Fought Ichigo With Honor

10 Bleach Villains Who Deserved Redemption

In a subtle way, the fallen Espada Grimmjow Jaegerjaques slightly redeemed himself in the Thousand-Year Blood War story arc, returning via a garganta to support Ichigo's team. Grimmjow never forgot his shonen-style rivalry with Ichigo, but he still managed to behave himself and fought the Sternritter alongside Bleach's heroes – an impressive feat, all things considered.

It's worth noting that Grimmjow did some pretty rough things in Bleach, such as beating up Loly and Menoly, and he even fought his fellow Espadas Luppi and Ulquiorra. That said, Grimmjow still has more honor than the other Espadas, given his wish to fight Ichigo on fair terms and his rescue of Orihime in Las Noches. In most other anime, there's no question that a character like Gimmjow absolutely would have redeemed himself.

3 Tier Harribel Only Wanted to Protect Her Fellow Hollows

The 3rd Espada, Tier Harribel was the most redeemable Espada alongside Coyote Starrk. Neither had any serious malicious intent, though they still had a duty to Sosuke Aizen and thus traded blows with the Soul Reapers. Harribel also embodied sacrifice, as shown when she held off Yhwach to let her fellow Arrancars escape. That was a noble gesture that most Arrancars wouldn't even think to do.

Most of all, Harribel was like a protective big sister for her three fracciones, and not just a boss. Her three fracciones looked up to her and addressed her with great respect and fondness, which are very rare things in Hueco Mundo. If Aizen had never come along, Harribel could have lived in peace as one of Hueco Mundo's most benevolent Hollows and may have even become a hero of that land.

2 Cyan Sung-Sun Fought For Harribel With Honor and Dignity

10 Bleach Villains Who Deserved Redemption

Cyan Sung-Sun was one of Harribel's fracciones, and had the coolest temper among them. While Apacci and Mila Rose often argued or acted rashly in battle, Sung-Sun was a patient, agreeable Arrancar who valued teamwork and wisdom over sheer aggression above all else. She fought the Soul Reapers as duty demanded, but there was nothing malicious about her actions – she was only doing what she had to do.

Notably, Sung-Sun also supported Ichigo's team when Quilge Opie's army arrived in Hueco Mundo early in the Thousand-Year Blood War story arc. She used her shell-like powers to protect herself and her new allies while fighting the Quincy army, a kind gesture that Ichigo couldn't realistically expect from most other Arrancars, least of Loly and Menoly.

1 Kaname Tosen Regretted His Bad Decisions

10 Bleach Villains Who Deserved Redemption

Kaname Tosen was the other Captain who betrayed the Soul Society to support Sosuke Aizen, and unlike his ally Gin, Tosen didn't secretly scheme to take Aizen down. Kaname Tosen took his duty seriously as the Arrancars' general, and he even resembed a Hollow himself when he assumed a form called Grillar Grillo.

Tosen fought his former friends Sajin Komamura and Shuhei Hisagi, only to lose the fight. As he lay on the ground dying, he was immensely touched when Sajin spoke of their friendship and bond, allowing Tosen to show a hint of redemption and goodwill toward his former ally. If Tosen had survived, he probably would have become a hero once again by Sajin's side – but fate had other plans in store.

10 Bleach Villains Who Deserved Redemption