Friday, May 3, 2024

10 Dragon Ball Moments That Actually Live Up To The Hype

Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball is an iconic shonen anime that’s entertained audiences for four decades and continues to draw in new fans. Dragon Ball excels with its engaging characters, kinetic combat, and unbelievable transformations, but there’s also a deeply intricate craft to the franchise’s storytelling. Powerful heroes and vicious villains become superfluous without the right context and plotting.

There are many anime that introduce compelling ideas, only for them to drop the ball, lose their audience’s interest, and fail to follow through on what’s been promised. Dragon Ball is truly impressive when it comes to its compounded narrative and its ability to connect the dots between its ideas. The majority of Dragon Ball’s story arcs conclude on epic and inspirational notes, but there are particular sequences and showdowns that don’t just match the audience’s high expectations, but actually surpass them.

10 Goku’s Triumphant Return To Earth In Dragon Ball Z’s Saiyan Saga

Goku's Arrival Sets a New Status Quo

Dragon Ball Z is full of surprises during its early episodes and the series makes the bold decision to kill off its main character only five episodes into its run. Curiously, death is one of the best things that’s ever happened to Goku because of the formidable techniques that he learns under King Kai’s tutelage. Nappa and Vegeta land on Earth while Goku is still stuck in Other World and he races back from the afterlife as quickly as he can. There are unfortunately significant casualties during Goku’s absence, each of which creates greater tension over Goku’s return.

Goku’s arrival is even more triumphant than audiences anticipated. He quickly picks up the slack and immediately overwhelms Nappa, who previously seemed like an invincible enemy. Goku’s return sets a new status quo where the Saiyan’s strength reaches new heights. It shows audiences that he’ll always be there to defend his friends, family, and planet…even if he’s a little late.

9 Goku’s Showdown With Piccolo In 23rd World Tournament

Goku vs. Piccolo is Full of Incredible Emotional Weight

10 Dragon Ball Moments That Actually Live Up To The Hype

Martial arts tournaments are an ongoing tradition in Dragon Ball and this trend begins with the original series’ World Martial Arts Tournament. Goku engages in some of his most satisfying fights during the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd installments of this competition. Goku fares well in his first two tournaments, but he finally becomes the winner during the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. This is an extremely satisfying victory that becomes a smart way to conclude the original Dragon Ball.

However, this success means even more, since Goku’s final round fight is with Piccolo Jr., the vengeful offspring of Demon King Piccolo. Dragon Ball teases Piccolo’s simmering revenge during the anime’s final story arc and there’s genuine surprise and tension when Goku first encounters Piccolo during the tournament. There’s incredible emotion present in this clash and it’s a fight that manages to top the heights of Goku’s previous battle against Demon King Piccolo. It also sets Goku and Piccolo up for a fascinating character arc once Dragon Ball Z begins.

8 The Tournament Of Power’s Conclusion

Dragon Ball Super Sticks the Landing & Delivers a Satisfying Finish

10 Dragon Ball Moments That Actually Live Up To The Hype

Dragon Ball Super's Tournament of Power is a seismic event that's unlike anything that's previously been experienced in the franchise. Not only is it a multiversal battle royale for survival, but it's an event that lasts for 55 of Dragon Ball Super's 131 episodes. There were considerable expectations surrounding the tournament's ending and who would be the grand winner, which many fans thought would be difficult to meet.

Dragon Ball Super manages to stick the landing here as it pits a tag team effort between Goku, Vegeta, Android 17, and Frieza against Universe 11's Jiren. It's genuinely exciting to see Frieza truly work as an ally to Goku and Vegeta as they collectively surpass their limits. The final twist where Android 17 is the last one standing and the Tournament of Power's winner is a true surprise and hits much harder than another situation where Goku or Vegeta comes out on top. This satisfying finish is essential, considering that the Tournament of Power's conclusion doubles as the end of Dragon Ball Super's anime. A lackluster end to the Tournament of Power would run the risk of tarnishing the entire series.

7 Vegito’s Return In Dragon Ball Super Against Fused Zamasu

Vegito Blue is a Valiant Fighter & Uses a Spirit Sword

10 Dragon Ball Moments That Actually Live Up To The Hype

Fusion is a polarizing concept, albeit one that’s responsible for some extreme spectacles. Goku and Vegeta first fuse with the Potara Earrings to become Vegito during their battle against Super Buu. The seemingly permanent nature of Potara Earring fusions certainly made it seem as if this would be Vegito’s only appearance and that such a strategy wouldn’t again be possible. Dragon Ball Super throws a major curveball at audiences when Goku and Vegeta once again become Vegito during their fierce fight with Fused Zamasu.

Vegito’s return is thematically resonant here as he takes on another fused menace. Vegito’s Dragon Ball Super appearance is bigger and better than his time in Dragon Ball Z due to how he makes use of Super Saiyan Blue strength. Vegito Blue valiantly fights with his Spirit Sword and nearly decimates Fused Zamasu with an epic Final Kamehameha until their fusion wears off. It’s ultimately Future Trunks that ends Zamasu’s evil, but Vegito Blue provides essential help and his return is the battle’s climax.

6 Goku’s Epic Super Spirit Bomb Against Kid Buu

Goku Uses His Full Might to Rid the World of Evil

Goku’s Spirit Bomb has become one of the Saiyan’s most reliable tools when it comes to eliminating evil. This process has become somewhat formulaic, but Dragon Ball Z makes this spectacle stand out during Goku’s final fight against Kid Buu. What’s so special about this Spirit Bomb application is that Goku pushes the technique to new heights as it becomes a Super Spirit Bomb. Fusion, self-destruction, Super Saiyan 3 strength, and Ultimate Gohan all prove to be insufficient against Buu. However, Goku’s Super Spirit Bomb success becomes a cathartic accomplishment for the entire planet.

It’s extremely gratifying to get cameos from characters who haven’t been seen for years as everyone donates energy to Goku’s final gambit. It’s the perfect way to celebrate Goku’s last big Dragon Ball Z battle. This display of appreciation and trust in Goku is great, but the extra element where Vegeta uses a Dragon Ball wish to restore Goku’s strength so that he can finish Buu off really sells the sequence.

5 Vegeta & Goku Canonize Gogeta During Their Battle With Broly

Gogeta Blue vs. Broly is a Visually Epic Fight

10 Dragon Ball Moments That Actually Live Up To The Hype

Dragon Ball Super: Broly is a momentous feature film that officially brings Legendary Super Saiyan Broly into the series’ canon. However, the movie goes one step further and also canonizes Goku and Vegeta’s fusion dance union, Gogeta, who previously appeared in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn and Dragon Ball GT. Gogeta’s final act appearance is a sublime way to resolve this conflict and it’s incredibly entertaining to watch Gogeta Blue absolutely dominate the rampaging Broly.

Dragon Ball Super: Broly has lots of fun with this development, including several failed fusions before Goku and Vegeta finally master the synchronized procedure. Gogeta Blue versus Broly remains one of Dragon Ball Super’s best and most visually gorgeous battles, but it also sets the stage for future Gogeta appearances, too. The fused powerhouse has never been a more viable battle strategy.

4 Goku Becomes The First Saiyan During His Fight Against Frieza

Goku's Transformation Set the Stage for the Franchise

10 Dragon Ball Moments That Actually Live Up To The Hype

Surprising Super Saiyan transformations have become Dragon Ball’s norm, but they were merely a rumor before Goku became the first to achieve this milestone during his battle against Frieza. Goku’s fight against Frieza’s final form is one of Dragon Ball Z’s standout battles for many reasons. However, Goku’s Super Saiyan ascension elevates this fight into something greater that’s gone on to become a landmark moment in shonen storytelling.

Goku’s new strength and appearance is a lot to take in when it’s first witnessed. It even makes Goku look like an omnipotent God. Goku is furious over the deaths of Krillin and Vegeta, but he still shows Frieza mercy and offers him a chance at redemption while in this Super Saiyan state. This reinforces that Goku hasn’t spiritually changed, despite the colossal metamorphosis that he’s experienced, and he retains the heart of a hero.

3 Goku’s Clash With Majin Vegeta Is A Wrenching Rematch

Goku & Vegeta's Rivalry is One of Dragon Ball's Best Dynamics

10 Dragon Ball Moments That Actually Live Up To The Hype

Goku and Vegeta’s ongoing rivalry remains one of Dragon Ball’s most satisfying dynamics. The franchise has repeatedly tried to find ways to put these two back in combat, whether it’s Dragon Ball GT’s Baby Vegeta ambush or Dragon Ball Super’s Copy-Vegeta debacle. Majin Vegeta’s clash against Goku matches the intensity of their original battle, albeit with even greater emotion this time around. It’s truly scary when Vegeta succumbs to Babidi’s Majin influences and temporarily defects to the dark side.

This battle doesn’t needlessly pad itself out and every punch that Majin Vegeta delivers is rich in emotional catharsis. Vegeta vents years of pent-up frustration and hostility towards Goku, all of which reaches a terrifying breaking point. This fight becomes even better in retrospect once Vegeta learns that Goku was holding back his full power and that he could have transformed into a Super Saiyan 3 at any point.

2 Gohan Ascends To Super Saiyan 2 Status For The First Time

Gohan Finally Realizes His True Full Potential

10 Dragon Ball Moments That Actually Live Up To The Hype

Dragon Ball Z’s Cell Saga is frequently regarded as the anime’s apex and much of this has to do with how it finally allows Gohan to realize his potential, achieve greatness, and surpass his father. Dragon Ball, even now, has a running pattern where Goku defeats the major antagonist. The battle against Perfect Cell leans into this assumption, only to pull the rug out from under the audience as Goku perishes and Cell survives, stronger than ever.

Gohan gets to step into the spotlight with his inspirational Super Saiyan 2 transformation. Gohan exudes raw power, and he’s able to confidently match each of Cell’s moves and machiavellian machinations. Gohan’s ascension is just as satisfying as fans hoped that it would be and Goku’s death is easier to accept with the knowledge that Gohan is more than capable of defending the planet.

1 Gohan Beast Takes On Ultra Instinct Goku

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 103 Gave Readers an Epic Showdown

Gohan Beast’s debut in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero immediately fueled endless debates over how the powerful character ranks against Goku and Vegeta’s top transformations and who’s truly the series’ strongest character. It was unclear if these characters would ever properly test each other’s strength. However, the final chapters of Dragon Ball Super’s Super Hero Saga gloriously deliver on this front.

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 103, "A Legacy Toward the Future," gives audiences an extended showdown between Gohan Beast and True Ultra Instinct Goku that’s everything that they could have hoped for. Not only do Gohan and Goku trade blows, but Gohan Beast also gets to take on Broly before the fight turns into a Saiyan free-for-all. It’s a touching tribute to how far all these characters have come and a particularly fitting conclusion for Akira Toriyama’s run on the franchise.

10 Dragon Ball Moments That Actually Live Up To The Hype