Thursday, May 9, 2024

10 Unsolved Chainsaw Mysteries That Need Answers Before Part 2 Ends

One of the biggest shonen series of today, Tatsuki Fujimoto’s Chainsaw Man won over countless fans with its daring approach to storytelling. The series’ first installment, the Public Safety Saga, was a shocking yet endlessly captivating tale centered around Denji, an apathetic and impoverished teenager who makes a contract with his pet Devil Pochita and joins the Devil Hunters as the titular Chainsaw Man. Part 1 of CSM featured countless plot twists and unpredictable narrative developments, earning the manga a reputation as one of dark shonen’s most startling series.

However, Fujimoto was always known for subverting fans’ expectations. As such, the continuation of his hit series presented fans with even more unprecedented, mind-boggling developments. Chainsaw Man Part 2, also known as the Academy Saga, both expands on the series’ already mystery-dense world and introduces new layers of secrets fans are eager to see uncovered. And even if Chainsaw Man continues after concluding the still-unfolding tale of Asa Mitaka, the Academy Saga’s new heroine, some questions need to be answered before Part 2 ends.

10 The Identity of the Death Devil Is One of the Academy Saga’s Most Pressing Mysteries

10 Unsolved Chainsaw Mysteries That Need Answers Before Part 2 Ends

Originally hinted at in Part 1 as the most formidable of the Four Horsemen and firmly established in Part 2 as the saga’s alleged final antagonist, the Death Devil is, by far, the most enigmatic entity in all of Chainsaw Man. The Ultimate Terror, the Death Devil is prophesied to appear in July 1999, and, according to Fami, her eldest sister’s return will bring forth the apocalypse.

Fans have been speculating on the identity of the Death Devil ever since she was first mentioned, going as far as to theorize that she might hide among the series’ established cast. However, no concrete information about Death’s powers or character has been revealed so far, leaving fans to eagerly anticipate the unraveling of her mysteries.

9 Fans Still Wonder What Happened To Asa’s Arm

In her encounter with Yoshida, Asa loses her right arm, which the Devil Hunter chops off to prevent Asa from summoning a weapon. While far from the first CSM character to lose a limb, Asa is presented in a unique situation. As either a Fiend or a special kind of Hybrid, Asa should possess the ability to regrow limbs, similarly to Denji, by drinking blood and using Yoru’s regeneration powers.

However, Asa has been shown without an arm in every chapter following their fight with Yoshida. Whether Asa can’t regrow her arm due to some unknown restrictions on her powers or simply because she refuses to drink blood remains a mystery.

8 Fake Chainsaw Man’s Identity Confuses Fans

10 Unsolved Chainsaw Mysteries That Need Answers Before Part 2 Ends

Much of the Academy Saga revolves around the reputation of Chainsaw Man as a public figure and the various impostors his fame has spawned. However, the identity - or even the number - of the so-called Fake Chainsaw Man is unknown. At least one Fake Chainsaw Man works for the Chainsaw Man Church, yet Asa believes he is not the same as the copycat who saved her in the Falling Devil arc.

As such, it is also unlikely that the Chainsaw Man Church’s impersonator was the one to behead Yuko at the end of the Justice Devil arc. Incredibly strong and mysterious, Fake Chainsaw Man will, without a doubt, play a major role in the future of the Academy Saga.

7 Denji’s New Dream Is Still a Mystery Even for the Protagonist Himself

10 Unsolved Chainsaw Mysteries That Need Answers Before Part 2 Ends

Much of Denji’s development in Part 1 revolved around the actualization of his dream, one that he needs to fulfill as per his contract with Pochita. For the longest time, Denji’s dream has been to live a normal life. Yet, Part 2 posed an unexpected challenge to Denji’s conviction, revealing within the protagonist a lingering inner desire for chaos and destruction — a desire to remain Chainsaw Man.

Denji’s character arc is far from over, even if he now shares the title of the series’ main hero with Asa. As such, both Denji and the readers wonder what new dream Denji will be striving towards now that a yearning for normalcy has failed to satisfy him.

6 Some Key Characters from Part 1 Are Yet To Make Their Reappearance

CSM’s Public Safety Saga ended in an unprecedented tragedy, with most members of Part 1’s cast, including main heroes like Aki and Power, not making it to the end. However, Denji wasn’t the only beloved character from Part 1 to survive. The return of such familiar faces as Yoshida and Quanxi signals that other key players who managed to live through the Public Safety Saga’s bloody finale might still be around, even if their status remains a mystery.

The three characters fans are excited to see return the most are Kishibe, Reze, and Kobeni. In Kishibe and Reze’s cases, both of them should currently be affiliated with Public Safety, while Kobeni’s situation upon her resignation stands as the most uncertain.

5 Fami’s True Goal Can’t Be As Simple As She Claims

An incredibly mysterious character with still-unknown affiliations, the Famine Devil, or simply Fami, was one of the most exciting additions to Part2’s new cast. Initially assumed to be a villain, Fami swiftly proved herself to be much more complex than someone who could simply stick to one side. Similarly to Makima before her, Fami appears to be working towards a personal goal and willing to sacrifice anyone in the pursuit of her objectives.

According to the Devil herself, Fami wants to stop her elder sister, Death, from destroying humanity along with its delicious cuisine. However, few believe that Fami’s real goal can be so plain and altruistic. As such, fans are anticipating when the Famine Devil will reveal what she is actually seeking by manipulating the War Devil and Chainsaw Man.

4 The Nature of Pochita’s Erasure Powers Are Still Unknown

Despite being the catalyst for Denji’s transformation into Chainsaw Man, the original Chainsaw Devil, Pochita, has always been one of the series’ most enigmatic characters. Among the Devils, Denji’s little friend is feared as the Hero of Hell, the terrifying Chainsaw Devil who possesses the ability to erase other Devils, along with the fears they represent, from existence.

However, how Pochita gained such a formidable power or what triggered him to use it in the past is still unknown. Denji himself can’t erase Devils by consuming them. Hated by some and worshiped by others, Pochita is said to be second in power only to the Primordial Devils, which makes fans eager to know more about the origins of his unique abilities.

3 There’s Still a Lot Fans Wonder About Nayuta — Including Her Current Status

The manga’s most recent chapters raised many questions about one of Part 2’s most important characters — the reincarnation of the Control Devil, Nayuta. Most crucially, both fans and Denji himself are currently concerned with Nayuta’s survival. In chapter 155, Nayuta gets separated from Denji and faces a violent mob on her own, the enraged civilians attacking her with the intent to kill.

Yet, whether Nayuta escaped the attackers is not the only worrying mystery about Makima’s reincarnation revealed in the new chapters. Nayuta’s seeming lack of empathy for humans and violent tendencies call into question just how much of the former Control Devil still remains within her and what her inhuman nature would mean for her and Denji’s relationship.

2 The Fire Devil’s Introduction Raised Many New Questions

10 Unsolved Chainsaw Mysteries That Need Answers Before Part 2 Ends

Out of all the antagonists introduced in the Academy Saga, the Fire Devil feels the most intentionally mystified. One major plot twist about this fear has already been revealed: the Fire Devil was the one posing as the Justice Devil in Part 2’s first arc, and its actual affiliations lie with the Famine Devil. However, this revelation led to fans having even more questions about the enigmatic villain.

It’s still unknown why the Fire Devil works with Fami, how a being associated with the fear of fires can have the ability to transform people into fake Chainsaw Men, and why the Devil doesn’t ask for anything when forming a contract. Hopefully, more information about the Fire Devil will be provided when it reveals itself without posing as someone else.

1 The Notorious Prophecy Might Be Part 2’s Ultimate Climactic Event

10 Unsolved Chainsaw Mysteries That Need Answers Before Part 2 Ends

The current big threat looming over the narrative of CSM is the fulfillment of Nostradamus’ apocalyptic prophecy, one that promises that in July 1999, the Death Devil will descend onto Earth and bring forth the fall of humanity. The prophecy originates from the real world, taken directly from the vague writings of the famed 16th-century French astrologer.

Countless mysteries surround this foretold event, yet the characters most knowledgeable about the prophecy, namely Fami, are sure that the apocalypse is fated to happen. At this point in the manga, the descent of the Death Devil is shaping up to be Part 2’s climax. However, fans hope that more information about the prophecy will come to light before the apocalypse actually begins.

10 Unsolved Chainsaw Mysteries That Need Answers Before Part 2 Ends