Monday, May 6, 2024

Every Naruto Filler Arc (& Which Episodes To Skip)

Naruto ranks among the longest Shonen anime ever made. With 220 episodes in the original series and Shippuden's 500, newcomer fans have a lot of catching up to do. Like many of the anime based on long-running Shonen manga series, Naruto has a lot of filler arcs. This is because the anime usually begins before the manga is complete, meaning the series often has to fill time until there’s more of the major plot written to move the story forward.

While some filler arcs can be fun additions to the mythos of the world, most fans agree that they’re mostly a waste of time, especially in a series like Naruto. There are around 90 episodes to wade through if one watches all the filler arcs as well, which often detract from the main storyline. Luckily, with a little help viewers can easily skip the unimportant filler sections and stay on track with the main plot.

Updated on May 6, 2024, by Ajay Aravind: As a classic shonen anime, Naruto has more filler than its peers, like One Piece. While some filler arcs are utterly ridiculous and veer far away from the main storyline, others are actually worth watching. As such, we've updated this article with some more relevant information on why viewers should skip or watch Naruto's filler.

17 The Land Of Tea Escort Mission Arc Compares Sasuke With Naruto

Episodes 102–106

While there are single Naruto filler episodes sprinkled here and there in the first 100 episodes, the Land of Tea Escort Mission is the first full filler arc. It is the only mission that Team 7 goes on between the end of the Chunin Exams and Sasuke’s eventual defection to the Village Hidden in the Sound. Naruto and Idate develop a minor animosity during this arc, but he eventually helps Idate win the race — even if Kyuroku complains about rule violations.

The Land of Tea Escort Mission isn’t a necessary arc to the story, mostly existing to fill space and to flesh out Sasuke’s burgeoning sense of inadequacy next to Naruto. That said, those looking for canon episodes can feel free to skip this first arc guilt-free. However, for fans who'd like to see Team 7 go on one last mission together, the Land of Tea Escort Mission is a decent Naruto filler arc.

Verdict: Watch

16 The Land Of Rice Fields Investigation Arc Mission Marks The End Of The Sasuke Retrieval Arc

Episodes 136–141

Every Naruto Filler Arc (& Which Episodes To Skip)

The Land of Rice Fields Investigation Mission takes place immediately after the Konoha Five returns, having failed to bring Sasuke with them. It marks the end of the Sasuke Retrieval arc, shifting focus from the main plot to filler from there on out. Sakura and Naruto try once again to rescue Sasuke from Orochimaru's clutches. They eventually succeed, but the story makes it clear that Orochimaru has no intentions of letting the perfect host escape.

While Episode 141 does wrap up the Land of Rice Fields Investigation Mission, it also features Sakura Haruno making a major decision about her future as a ninja and Naruto being offered the chance to train with Jiraiya. These events are actually a part of the manga canon, so the arc is somewhat tied to the main plot — making it one of the few Naruto filler arcs worth checking out.

Verdict: Watch

15 The Mizuki Tracking Mission Arc Sheds Light On Jiraiya's Recon Mission

Episodes 142–147

The Mizuki Tracking Mission mostly explains why Jiraiya, who had recently offered to take Naruto with him to train for three years, actually goes away for a while on a reconnaissance mission. Jiraiya's absence then gives Naruto a chance to participate in any number of filler missions in the meantime. In the Mizuki Tracking Mission, Naruto and Iruka have to combat Mizuki, who hasn’t been seen since Episode 1, and the Legendary Stupid Brothers, who have escaped from prison.

The brothers initially overwhelm Naruto, forcing Team 10 to intervene. Naruto embarks on an apparent side-quest that leads to Mizuki's lair, but the villain augments his powers by means of a performance-enhancing drug. While this Naruto filler arc brings back the series' very first foe, Mizuki's return is far from enjoyable. Despite Iruka and Naruto's inevitable victory, there's little to enjoy in this set of Naruto filler episodes.

Verdict: Skip

14 The Bikochu Search Mission Arc Is Humorous And Filled With Gags

Episodes 148–151

At the start of the Bikochu Search Mission, Team 8 comes up with an idea about how to track down Sasuke. Using Shino's knowledge of various bugs that are sometimes used by ninjas, they set out to try to find the bikochu beetle, a bug that can track anyone as long as the first scent it smells upon being born is that of the person they're looking for. Naruto obviously messes up by passing gas, ensuring that the newborn Bikochu would never find Sasuke.

While the Bikochu Search Mission is a humorous Naruto filler arc that ends with a fantastic gag, it also features many great moments for Team 8, including a new jutsu from Hinata that is never seen again in the series. It isn't a necessary arc to watch, but it's definitely enjoyable seeing Hinata and the rest of her team get some screen time.

Verdict: Skip

13 The Kurosuki Family Removal Mission Arc Ends Up Being A Dead End

Episodes 152-157

In the Kurosuki Family Removal Mission, Naruto joins Team Guy on a mission to help get rid of a gang that has been terrorizing a nearby village. It's played as a part of Naruto's attempts to find Sasuke. The leader of the gang used to be a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, a group that Kisame of the Akatsuki was also a member of. Naruto meets a new villain named Raiga, whose special genjutsu is traced to Ranmaru.

Only by creating a distance between Raiga and Ranmaru does Naruto ultimately manage to take Raiga down. However, as in all Naruto filler arcs, the Kurosuki Family Removal Mission ends up being a dead end. Despite this, it's filled with great curry-related humor and gags, and many fans consider it to be the best one of all the Naruto filler arcs.

Verdict: Watch

12 The Gosunkugi Capture Mission Arc Is One Of The Shortest Filler Arcs

Episodes 159–160

The Gosunkugi Capture Mission is one of the shortest Naruto filler arcs in the series, as it is only two episodes long. It features Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata as they try to capture a thief named Gosunkugi, who has stopped in Konoha. The trio of Hidden Leaf shinobi meets a bounty hunter named Sazanami who is working under an assumed name in an attempt to catch Gosunkugi himself.

By doing so, he hopes to clear himself of a crime that Gosunkugi committed. Sazanami doesn't trust Team Naruto in the beginning, but this story moves the heroes. In the end, Hinata, Naruto, and Kiba support Sazanami's endeavor by helping him catch Gosunkugi. Overall, the Gosunkugi Capture Mission is short and sweet, so it's easy to get through. However, that also makes this Naruto filler arc easy for fans to skip.

Verdict: Skip

11 The Cursed Warrior Extermination Mission Arc Leads To A Vast Conspiracy

Episodes 162–167

Every Naruto Filler Arc (& Which Episodes To Skip)

During the Cursed Warrior Extermination Mission, Naruto once again teams up with Neji and Tenten (this time without Guy and Lee) in order to investigate rumors of a warrior ghost in the nearby Land of Birds. They initially learn that the ghost's armor has nothing "living" inside it, leaving them confused. However, Naruto soon learns that the existence of the Cursed Warrior is far more complicated than it appears on the surface.

As a result, the story ends up being a vast conspiracy, with several twists and reveals regarding the ghost's identity. The Cursed Warrior Extermination Mission gives the spotlight over to the two often-overlooked members of Team Guy, allowing them some much-needed character growth. However, it's far from necessary to the plot, so fans can easily skip over this Naruto filler arc if they want.

Verdict: Skip

10 The Kaima Capture Mission Arc Features An Unlikely Group Of Characters

Episodes 169–173

Every Naruto Filler Arc (& Which Episodes To Skip)

As a result of the deaths caused by the Konoha Crush, the Hidden Leaf Village is lacking shinobi during the second half of the original series. This provides the perfect excuse to send a lot of genin and lower-level ninja on missions that might otherwise have been reserved for more experienced shinobi. The Kaima Capture Mission is a perfect example, with Naruto, Ino, and Shino teaming up with Anko as their mission leader.

The group is then attacked, but Naruto barely manages to escape drowning thanks to Isaribi, who turns out to be the titular sea monster they were after. The arc soon delves into her background, revealing a nightmarish series of events involving Orochimaru's experimentation. The Kaima Capture Mission is an interesting Naruto filler arc that features an unlikely group of characters, making for a nice change of pace.

Verdict: Watch

9 The Buried Gold Excavation Mission Arc Doesn't Make Much Sense

Episodes 175–176

Every Naruto Filler Arc (& Which Episodes To Skip)

The Buried Gold Excavation Mission brings Naruto, Hinata, and Kiba back together since they apparently have the lowest success rates in their missions, despite the fact that many of their missions seem to be successful overall. The three of them are assigned a mission they must complete together in order to prove their worth as shinobi or risk being sent back to the Ninja Academy.

As expected, Kiba and Naruto end up arguing over the best course to take, causing the group to briefly splinter. When they are separated, a group of ninja capture Hinata and Naruto, leaving them no choice but to work in sync. Since the Buried Gold Excavation Mission is a filler arc, Naruto and his companions obviously do not return to the Ninja Academy. The premise of this collection of Naruto filler episodes makes very little sense, so it's safe to say they can be skipped without hesitation.

Verdict: Skip

8 The Star Guard Mission Arc Attempts To Fuse With The Canon Storyline

Episodes 178–183

In the Star Guard Mission, the Naruto franchise attempts to tie in the non-canon story with the series' main plotline. A meteorite that emits a great deal of chakra is the target of several attempted thefts, and Team Guy is on a mission to Hoshigakure in order to help protect it. Naruto thinks that Orochimaru might be involved in the attempts to steal it and therefore insists on going with them. Naruto also develops a close friendship with Sumaru, whose abduction leaves the protagonist furious.

Eventually, however, they realize that the meteorite is far too dangerous to be used by ordinary people, which is why it's completely obliterated by the end of the arc. Of course, like many Naruto filler episodes, this lead takes them nowhere, and Naruto and the gang find themselves back at square one. Though the Star Guard Mission is a loose link to the show's canon material, there's no harm in skipping over it.

Verdict: Skip

7 The Peddlers Escort Mission Arc Offers Supporting Character Development

Episodes 187–191

Every Naruto Filler Arc (& Which Episodes To Skip)

The Peddlers Escort Mission is a rare opportunity to see a lot of different combinations of teams. It features the Konoha 11, as well as several other ninjas who might not otherwise get much screen time. It also includes many unlikely characters interacting, some of which are a first for the Naruto franchise. In this Naruto filler arc, Naruto teams up with Hinata and Choji to travel to the Land of Vegetables to act as an escort for a crew of merchants.

They soon discover that Shun isn't a merchant at all but rather Princess Haruna, who's traveling with her bodyguards. The heroes have a fair bit of struggle before inevitably saving the princess and even changing her vengeful attitude. With such an unlikely group joined together, the arc is full of many interesting dynamics that are refreshing to see. It gives a lot of character development to the supporting cast, which may make it worth checking out.

Verdict: Watch

6 The Third Great Beast Arc Offers More Insight Into Might Guy's Past

Episodes 195–196

Every Naruto Filler Arc (& Which Episodes To Skip)

In the Third Great Beast arc, Rock Lee is pitted against another student in order to see if Lee is doing better as a fighter or if he needs more time to recuperate. This leads to him almost getting reinjured at the hands of Yagura, a prodigy who is actually an imposter looking for revenge against Guy for the death of his father. As such, Tsunade orders Naruto, Neji, and Tenten to follow Might Guy.

The group of heroes faces off against a ninja gang armed with a Puppet Technique, and they would have likely lost if Lee hadn't appeared to save Guy at the last minute. This is the only one of the Naruto filler arcs to offer more insight into Guy's past, providing him more depth as a character all while showing the true strength of his bond with Lee. For that alone, it's well worth a watch, especially for fans of Rock Lee or Might Guy.

Verdict: Watch

5 The Konoha Plans Recapture Mission Arc Includes Many Underappreciated Characters

Episodes 197–201

During the Konoha Plans Recapture Mission, the Hidden Leaf Village is still in the process of being rebuilt after the devastation of the Konoha Crush. As a result, a number of construction workers are brought to the village in order to help with the project, including an old man named Genno who is a former shinobi with a brilliant reputation. However, it turns out that Genno could also be a terrorist who has come to the Hidden Leaf Village with the goal of destroying it.

Although Genno seemingly blows himself up while trying to escape, this was later revealed to be a red herring. In fact, the villain fakes his death in order to leave Konoha village completely open to attack. These Naruto filler episodes explore Konoha's attempts to rebuild and the danger that comes with it. Since it features many underappreciated characters, this arc may be worth watching for some.

Verdict: Watch

4 The Yakumo Kurama Rescue Mission Arc Allows Kurenai To Shine

Episodes 203–207

Every Naruto Filler Arc (& Which Episodes To Skip)

Like several Naruto filler arcs, the Yakumo Kurama Rescue Mission arc allows fans to spend more time with supporting characters who otherwise don’t get much time on-screen. In this arc's case, Kurenai takes center stage when Naruto begs her to reconsider and lead Team 8 once again. She reveals that one of her former students, wielding a dangerously powerful kekkei genkai, has returned.

In fact, Yakumo Kurama might actually be using her family's power to cause harm to Konoha because she believes that it's the cause of her parents' deaths. Kurenai, Guy, and Naruto have no choice but to put a stop to Yakumo's revenge before it's too late. Although several characters are seriously injured, the heroes ultimately convince Yakumo to reject her darkness and learn to control her power.

Verdict: Watch

3 The Gantetsu Escort Mission Arc Exemplifies A Major Naruto Theme

Episodes 209–212

Every Naruto Filler Arc (& Which Episodes To Skip)

The Gantetsu Escort Mission arc is a great example of one of the major themes of Naruto, which is that nobody is beyond redemption. Naruto, Lee, and Sakura go on a mission to act as escorts for a wanted criminal called Gantetsu, along with Todoroki and a group of other guards. For plot reasons, Naruto ends up separated from his teammates and traveling with Todoroki, who feels a lot of rage against Gantetsu.

However, in true Naruto fashion, he manages to help Todoroki let go of this anger as they begin to discover Gantetsu's true nature. Todoroki ends up rediscovering his presumed-dead little brother Akio, who was apparently rescued from Shinobazu by Gantetsu himself. All things considered, the Gantetsu Escort Mission is a pretty solid Naruto filler arc.

Verdict: Watch

2 The Menma Memory Search Mission Arc Is Surprisingly Emotional

Episodes 213–215

The Menma Memory Search Mission is the second to last arc in the original Naruto anime before the time jump puts the story in Shippuden territory. In this arc, Naruto, Neji, and Tenten try to help a young man named Menma who has seemingly lost his memory and doesn't know anything about who he is or where he’s from. However, Menma soon shows his special powers by using his ocarina to save a small baby.

Menma even returns the favor by performing various tasks in Konoha, quickly endearing himself to the villagers. The story is surprisingly emotional, especially near the end, making it one of the more serious Naruto filler arcs. Most Naruto filler episodes are humorous and lighthearted, so it's a nice change of pace as the end of the first series nears. That said, this arc can be skipped because it's essentially a pretty distraction.

Verdict: Skip

1 The Sunagakure Support Mission Arc Brings An End To The Original Series

Episodes 216–220

The Sunagakure Support Mission is the last arc before the time jump, where almost every member of the Konoha 11 — except for Team Guy's Tenten — goes to Sunagakure to aid Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro in a battle against a dangerous shinobi named Seimei. The team heads out under Shikamaru's command, ready to help in any way possible. By the end of the storyline, Jiraiya and Naruto commence the latter's training.

Considering Konoha's close ties with Sunagakure in Shippuden, this Naruto filler arc actually makes a lot of sense and helps solidify an early relationship between the two villages. It's an opportunity to see almost all the main characters together one more time before the time jump, and Episode 220 is actually the final episode of the original series, making it at least partially worth watching.

Verdict: Watch

Every Naruto Filler Arc (& Which Episodes To Skip)