Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Sailor Moon: Zodiac Signs Of The Sailor Scouts (& Tuxedo Mask)

In the world of Sailor Moon, celestial bodies hold immense power. It's the planets (and the Moon) that give the heroes their abilities. That's not unlike astrology, in which different signs have different traits – and different ruling planets – associated with them. In fact, Sailor Moon creator Naoko Takeuchi spent a lot of time thoroughly planning out Sailor Moon's world to account for those ruling planets.

In addition to including favorite foods and blood types associated with her characters in the manga, she also included their birthdays and zodiac signs. Most of the Sailor Scouts have a birthday that lines up with their planet's associated astrological sign. A few Sailor Moon zodiac signs, however, don't quite match up.

Updated on May 6th, 2024 by Chelsea Steele: Sailor Moon is a beloved classic anime series that still draws in fans today. Every character has a surprising amount of history and information available for them, making for a richer cast audiences love watching. Fans especially enjoy comparing the zodiac signs of the characters to see how well they match up to their personalities. Some of the Scouts fit their signs perfectly, while others couldn't be more different. We've updated this list to meet CBR's current publication standards, offering more info on each Sailor Scout and the zodiac sign they were born under.

10 Sailor Mercury Accurately Represents Virgo

Intelligence And Organization Are Sailor Mercury's Most Obvious Virgo Traits

With Mercury as its ruling planet, it comes as no shock that Ami Mizuno's zodiac sign is Virgo. Unsurprisingly, her personality fits this sign almost perfectly. Virgos are the brainiacs of the astrological world. They're resourceful, analytical, and can often be described as a walking encyclopedia. Praised as the smartest of the Scouts, this fits Ami to a tee.

Virgos also have a reputation for making lists and keeping their friends organized — whether they like it or not. Throughout the series, Ami is always the one most concerned with school and grades and makes sure to keep everyone on track. She's always got a plan and is the first to lend a helping hand to any of the other girls. That said, Ami is practically the complete embodiment of the Virgo sign. The only aspect that doesn't quite match her character is that Virgo's element is earth, while hers is water.

9 Sailor Venus Does Libra Justice

With Planet Venus Ruling Over Libra, Sailor Venus' Sunsign Makes Perfect Sense

Libra is represented by the scales, much like the symbolic Lady Justice herself. Thus, it's fitting that Sailor Venus, who is the Sailor Scout of Love and Justice, is a Libra. Born on October 22, she lands at the very end of Libra season. Much like Geminis, Libras are social butterflies. Charming and outgoing, they tend to make friends and dissolve conflicts easily. Minako fits these traits perfectly. In fact, her strongest personality point is her fun-loving and sociable attitude.

Unsurprisingly, Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, so it makes a perfect match for Minako. Her Libra traits also come in handy as the official leader of the Inner Scouts. Her skills as a mediator make her the one to go to when problems within the group arise, and she often resolves conflicts between the girls, both on the battlefield and in their civilian lives.

8 Sailor Mars Nicely Symbolizes Aries' Energy

Anime's Sailor Mars Fits The Profile Nicely, But Her Manga Counterpart Doesn't Fit

Ruled by the planet Mars and represented by the element of fire, there's no better zodiac sign for Sailor Mars herself than Aries. Those born under Aries are bold, powerful, and creative, all of which perfectly describe Rei Hino. Aries are confident, passionate, and short-tempered. They tend to love being the center of attention. These traits match very well with Rei as she's depicted in the '90s anime adaptation. However, they don't quite fit her manga counterpart.

Nevertheless, Rei still embodies her zodiac sign very well, even in the manga. She's brilliant and innovative, often thinking outside the box when up against a tough enemy. On top of this, her spirituality gives her a much more open mind than the other girls, and she uses this to aid her friends in times of trouble.

7 Sailor Jupiter Doesn't Quite Match Sagittarius

Pisces Would Have Been A Better Astrological Fit For Sailor Jupiter

With her birthday on December 5, Sailor Jupiter lands right in the middle of Sagittarius season. Those born under the sign tend to be knowledge and truth seekers, always pushing themselves toward lofty goals. Some Sailor Moon zodiac signs don't quite match their character, however, and Makoto isn't exactly Sagittarius material. Those born under the Sagittarius sign are often considered blunt and impulsive, both of which couldn't be further from Makoto. However, Sagittarius are also described as friendly and inviting, which does fit her quite well.

Interestingly, when astrology was first born, Jupiter was the ruling planet of two signs: Sagittarius and Pisces. Pisces are often considered romantic dreamers, and their kindness and compassion are some of their best traits. Despite Makoto's tough exterior, she's actually the sweetest of the Inner Scouts, as well as a hopeless romantic. That being said, Pisces may have been a better fit for her in the long run.

6 Sailor Saturn Encapsulates Capricorn's Dedication

Sailor Saturn's Dedication And Willingness To Act Make Her A Perfect Capricorn

Born on January 6, Hotaru Tomoe — also known as Sailor Saturn — falls under the Capricorn sign. Ruled by the planet Saturn, Capricorn aligns well with Hotaru. Capricorns are known for their dedication and diligence, as well as their tendency to take initiative. While the audience doesn't spend as much time with Hotaru as the other Sailor Scouts, she certainly seems to fit the bill.

Hotaru's extremely dedicated to the people she cares about, even willing to sacrifice herself to save Chibiusa's soul. When Sailor Saturn awakens, she takes initiative immediately, ready to end any conflict herself — which is part of what makes this Sailor Scout so dangerous. Despite her young age, Hotaru is incredibly responsible and wise beyond her years, a trait that perfectly encapsulates the Capricorn sign.

5 Sailor Uranus Expresses Aquarian Rebellion & Loyalty

Aquarian Unconventionality And Self-Reliance Describe Sailor Uranus Well

With her birthdate just a few weeks after Hotaru's, Haruka Tenou's birthday falls on January 27, making her an Aquarius. Sailor Uranus doesn't fall under the category of Sailor Scouts who symbolize ancient ruling planets in astrology. That's because Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto weren't known to be planetary objects to ancient astronomers. As such, Haruka doesn't completely match up to her sign, though she does embody a few key traits.

Aquarians tend to be the most unconventional zodiac signs. That's not unlike Sailor Uranus, who uses a sword in battle despite having her magical powers. Aquarians develop revolutionary ideas and tend to be incredibly independent, which describes Haruka quite well. Those born under Aquarius are strong and self-reliant, yet very loyal at the same time. Despite her unorthodox methods, Sailor Uranus is undoubtedly a loyal member of the team, ready to throw down her life in order to protect Sailor Moon and the others.

4 Sailor Neptune Is An Accurate Representation Of Pisces

Pisces' Sense For Danger Combined How Deeply They Feels Things Represent Sailor Neptune Perfectly

With Sailor Neptune celebrating her birthday on March 6, Michiru Kaiou is the water sign Pisces. It's fitting that Neptune, named after the god of the ocean, and Michiru, with her love for swimming, would fall under this sign. Dreamy, romantic, and very in-tune with their emotions, Pisces are incredibly passionate and thoughtful. Michiru may come off as cold or even snobby at first glance, but she actually fits these characteristics perfectly. She's kind and patient, and though her character is often shrouded in mystery, she's shown to feel things very deeply.

Pisces are often considered the most spiritual of zodiac signs, open to the possibilities of the unknown. That fits with Michiru's prophetic dreams and ability to feel when danger is coming to the Sailor Scouts. She also shares the creativity of Pisces with her love of music and art. Overall, she's a shining example of a Pisces, her calm and loving demeanor bringing much-needed balance to the team.

3 Sailor Pluto Matches Scorpio's Strong Loyalty & Tendency To Keep Secrets

Intuitive And Supportive Are Two More Traits That Link Sailor Pluto To Her Scorpio Sunsign

Born early in the season, Sailor Pluto falls under the Scorpio sign. One of the most complex zodiac signs, Scorpios are considered ambitious, intuitive, and even a bit obsessive. At a glance, Setsuna appears to be nothing like a classic Scorpio. However, she does embody much of the sign's spirit the more one analyzes her. In her civilian form, Setsuna is a bright and successful young woman, whose hard-working nature definitely gives off ambition.

She undoubtedly has strong intuition as well, and she's often a pillar of support for the younger Scouts as a result. In addition, Scorpios are incredibly loyal and willing to take a secret to the grave if necessary. Pluto has shown some of the greatest loyalty of any of the Scouts in this regard, especially considering her position as the guardian of the space-time doorway.

2 Tuxedo Mask Captures Leo's Magnanimity

Leos Are As Enigmatic As They Are Stubborn, Which Describes Tuxedo Mask Accurately

If Tuxedo Mask were a Sailor Scout, he'd be associated with Earth. There isn't a zodiac symbol ruled by Earth, but there is one ruled by its sun: Leo. With his birthday on August 3, Tuxedo Mask is definitely a Leo in every sense. Leos are often the life of the party with their charming personalities, which could explain why many characters develop a crush on Mamoru in the series as a whole.

Generous, confident, and stubborn, Leos will fight to the very end for those they love. They're generous and strong, not to mention natural-born leaders. Mamoru embodies this well, often going to great lengths to aid Usagi and the others. Though he starts out rather aloof and distant, mostly working on his own, Mamoru becomes a vital ally to Sailor Moon and the other Scouts, and he puts himself at risk on a regular basis to protect them.

1 Sailor Moon & Sailor Chibi Moon Represent Cancer's Thoughtfulness

Usagi And Chibiusa Are Both Emotionally Sensitive And Deeply Passionate, As Cancer Should Be

Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon are unique among their teammates. Chibiusa is Usagi's daughter from the future and they share a June 30 birthday, making them both Cancers — the astrological sign ruled by the Moon. Cancers, like the crab that symbolizes them, can produce a hard exterior when they feel threatened, but they have a soft center. Usagi and Chibiusa feel things deeply and are the best friends anyone can ask for. Loyal and willing to provide love and forgiveness first, it's no wonder their friends look to them to lead.

One of the most emotional signs, Cancers are very sensitive and passionate. Usagi and Chibiusa both display some incredibly powerful emotions throughout the series, and even though their personalities often butt heads, they're more alike than they realize in this way. Cancers often have the weight of the world on their shoulders as they try to take on everyone's problems, a trait that perfectly fits this mother-daughter duo.

Sailor Moon: Zodiac Signs Of The Sailor Scouts (& Tuxedo Mask)