Sunday, May 5, 2024

Who Is Tights In Dragon Ball Super?

Dragon Ball Super has helped the late Akira Toriyama’s legendary Dragon Ball franchise evolve in rewarding ways when it comes to totemic transformations, the return of old friends and foes alike, and an expansive multiverse of endless possibilities; the series even manages to recreate the comedic charm from the original Dragon Ball. That being said, one of the most exciting ways that Dragon Ball Super has helped develop the franchise is through the introduction of new characters.

Even the most casual of Dragon Ball fans know who Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Krillin are, but Dragon Ball wouldn’t be where it is today without the entire rich mosaic of individuals that protect the planet. Tights is a Dragon Ball character who’s been around for over a decade, but she’s an extremely obscure figure who hasn’t left a major footprint on the franchise. The small role that Tights has played in the past doesn’t mean that she’s a Dragon Ball character who should be ignored or that she won’t be important to the series’ future.

Who Is Tights In Dragon Ball Super?

Tights Is Bulma’s Older Sister

Tights is certainly an unusual name for a character, but it’s a title that makes a lot more sense when her family is taken into consideration. Dragon Ball loves to indulge in name-based puns that group characters through similar items. Tights is a member of the Brief family, all of whom have underwear-based names, such as Bulma (Bloomers), Trunks, Bikini, and Bulla (Bra). Tights is Bulma’s older sister, who’s somewhere between 13 to 15 years her senior. This context is provided when a five-year-old Bulma is encountered during Tights’ original adventures with Jaco. As far as Tights’ history is concerned, she’s originally from West City like the rest of the Brief family. However, the reason that she’s so rarely seen alongside Bulma is that she now resides on Omori’s Island, with her friends Katayude and Omori, the latter of whom was on Dr. Brief’s radar regarding his impressive space-time research.

During Tights’ youth, she had a brief stint as a double for An Azuki, a pop idol, during a potentially dangerous rocket stunt that could have endangered the celebrity’s life. Tights takes on this gig for its generous payout, even though the Brief family doesn’t seem to be struggling financially. Tights’ life is quite pedestrian until she encounters Jaco the Galactic Patrolman during what appears to be his inaugural mission to Earth. Jaco is sent to Earth to investigate a mysterious alien landing – which actually turns out to be Goku’s Saiyan Pod – before he gets distracted by a series of Earthly issues. Jaco intervenes and saves Tights when she’s attacked by a group of muggers in East City. Tights, charmed by this unusual individual, follows Jaco and Omori back to their island so that she can blackmail Jaco’s alien secret. Jaco, begrudgingly, allows Tights to stick around, and he’s pressured into taking her to several planets during the Galactic Patrolman’s otherworldly adventures.

When Does Tights Make Her First Appearance?

Tights First Appears In The Jaco The Galactic Patrolman Prequel Manga

Tights is considered to be part of Dragon Ball Super’s cast, but the character actually makes her first appearance in Akira Toriyama’s 12-chapter sci-fi gag manga (which includes a bonus Dragon Ball Minus chapter), Jaco the Galactic Patrolman. Tights’ first appearance is in Chapter 5, “The Galactic Patrolman’s Enforcement,” but she then becomes a main character in Jaco’s hectic journeys. What’s so interesting about Jaco the Galactic Patrolman is that it was initially released as a standalone series and there were no obvious connections to the Dragon Ball universe. This was still years before Dragon Ball Super’s release, where Jaco would crossover and become a regular character. However, as Jaco the Galactic Patrolman continues, it gradually reveals that it’s in fact a prequel to Dragon Ball set 11 years before the series’ first episode. Some astute readers were able to connect these dots before Bulma shows up in Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, but it still makes for an exciting twist that brings some appreciated sci-fi flair into the Dragon Ball universe. Not only is Jaco now a consistent character in Dragon Ball Super, but his Galactic Patrol organization has also played a major role in the ongoing narrative. Dragon Ball Super’s Moro Arc specifically focuses on a dangerous jailbreak in the Galactic Patrol Prison, which leads to Goku and Vegeta temporarily joining the team.

Tights’ role in Dragon Ball Super has been much more ancillary than her Galactic Patrolman adventures. Her first official Dragon Ball appearance occurs in Dragon Ball Super Episode 29, “Combat Matches Are a Go! The Captain Is Someone Stronger Than Goku." This appearance is right during the start of Dragon Ball Super's Universe 6 Saga where Universes 7 and 6 face off in the Tournament of Destroyers. Bulma gets in touch with Tights to see if she can reach Jaco for permission to use his spaceship for Super Dragon Ball retrieval purposes. Tights shows up a few more times during Super's Future Trunks Saga, Universe Survival Saga, and the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga. Tights' appearances are usually limited to interactions with Bulma and Jaco, but it's still nice that the series has made the effort to include her and not just keep her limited to Dragon Ball's spin-off prequel. Tarble, Vegeta's brother, hasn't received nearly as kind treatment, for instance.

Is Tights Also A Brilliant Scientist?

Tights Is An Acclaimed Science Fiction Adventure Writer

Bulma may not contribute much on the battlefield, but she’s repeatedly proven herself to be one of Dragon Ball’s smartest characters. Bulma’s research and innovation are responsible for many fundamental technological breakthroughs like the Dragon Radar, Trunks time machine, a Blutz Wave Generator, and the Androids’ Shut Down Remote. This science-savvy appears to run in the family since Dr. Brief is also quite gifted in this regard. It wouldn’t be difficult to imagine Tights as an even more revolutionary scientist, especially since she’s Dr. Brief’s firstborn who he might have pushed in this direction. Jaco the Galactic Patrolman establishes that Tights is quite brilliant and even graduates university at the young age of 16. However, Tights isn’t drawn to science and technological advancements like her sister and father; Tights is instead more interested in pursuing other creative endeavors, like writing science fiction adventure novels. Tights pens “Chako the Space Policeman,” which is inspired by her galactic adventures with Jaco.

The book doesn’t become a best-seller, but it’s still a craft that gives Tights immense joy, and it’s what she wants to pursue in life. Her family’s wealth and affluence likely make this passion possible. Tights mentions that she was made fun of by her peers at university, and it’s possible that this experience soured her from putting her science skills to use. Rough experiences at a young age can define individuals for their entire life, and it’s easy to see why the freedom that Tights experiences with Jaco in space speaks to her more than anything else. In addition to Tights’ passion for writing – and naps – she’s also quite taken by motorcycles. If Tights were to ever head into a more science or tech-based field, then one that’s related to automobiles and motorcycles would likely be the best way to inspire her. This could even lead to a collaboration between Tights and her sister where she develops the core vehicle and Bulma adds more scientific flair – or even weapons – to Tights’ design so that it’s more powerful.

Is Tights In Any Other Dragon Ball Media?

Tights Is In Dragon Ball Fusions & Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission

A great way for fringe Dragon Ball characters to become more popular with audiences is for them to appear in supplemental side stories and media, even if they’re not explicitly canon. Heavy representation elsewhere only increases demand for a character, and it becomes that much easier for them to appear in Dragon Ball Super’s anime, manga, or the next feature film. Tights remains an overlooked individual, but she hasn’t been completely ignored outside of Dragon Ball Super and Jaco the Galactic Patrolman. The Dragon Ball Fusions video game includes a satisfying Sub-Event quest that revolves around Tights titled “The Novelista.” Tights is a non-playable character who can be found in Satan City. Curiously, the version of Tights that appears in the game’s Timespace Rift is actually her younger self from shortly after her adventures with Jaco in Age 739, rather than her Dragon Ball Super-aged self (which is the case with Bulma).

Tights’ quest involves her working together with her future nephew, Kid Trunks, as he helps her develop ideas for her science fiction writing through the exploration of Timespace Holes. Tights is determined to be a great sci-fi author because she knows from Jaco that her future self accomplishes this goal. The main event that they witness is Pilaf’s wish on the Black Star Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball GT, which transforms Goku into a kid. It’s a relatively entertaining Sub-Event that makes smart use of Tights’ character and her established backstory. Completion of Tights’ “The Novelista” Sub-Event means that Tights’ Clothes can be purchased from Bulla’s Clothing Shop in Satan City as a fun bonus. Similarly, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 also includes Tights’ purple hat as a Raid Quest completion reward. Tights herself doesn’t play a role in Xenoverse 2, but artwork of her, alongside Bulma, is included in the TP Medal Shop.

Outside of video games, Tights also receives a brief cameo in Toyotarou’s Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission manga, despite how its Age 889 setting doesn’t mesh with Tights’ timeline. Tights silently appears at the end of Chapter 11, "The Battle to Determine the Strongest Hero." It’s a fairly inconsequential appearance, but Toyotaro’s inclusion of the character could bode well for her future in Dragon Ball Super’s manga. In fact, it wouldn’t be a bad idea for Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO to add Tights to its staggering roster of 164 characters. Sparking! ZERO prides itself on its diverse and original character roster, and it could become the first Dragon Ball game that includes Tights as a playable character.

What’s Ahead In Tights’ Future?

Tights May Experience More Galactic Adventures Or A Domestic Life

The entire Dragon Ball franchise is in a bit of a mysterious holding pattern while the manga regroups following Toriyama’s tragic passing. There’s no guarantee that more of Tights is in the cards, but Dragon Ball has several options it could turn to if it chooses to do more with her. Tights has always worked well as a foil to Jaco, so more galactic adventures with him would be the most logical trajectory for her character. Tights could even get involved in the Galactic Patrol, which could lead to a Jaco the Galactic Patrolman sequel manga that celebrates her independent story arc rather than her having to share the spotlight with others as a supporting player in Dragon Ball. That being said, Tights still has a lot of potential as a rogue Dragon Ball character, and she could play an important role at Capsule Corp now that Dr. Hedo and Gamma 2 have joined the organization. Tights could be their liaison whenever Bulma is occupied with her own matters.

Tights previously offered to throw Bulma a celebratory party for Bulla’s birth. It wouldn’t feel unnatural for her to spend more time with her niece and play an active role on that front. She could even push Bulla to become a writer if this is a field that the child begins to show an interest in. Alternatively, Tights could have her own daughter who becomes playmates with Bulla as Dragon Ball Super leans more into more of an extended Brief family dynamic. The ultimate turn of events would be if Tights got together with Yamcha, which would force Vegeta to spend time with him as an awkward in-law. Dragon Ball Super has only scratched Tights’ surface and a deeper exploration of who she is and what she wants is a great way to mix things up.

Who Is Tights In Dragon Ball Super?